Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 823: 5 Shadows Gathering (2)

With the water gate's voice falling, I saw that the magic seal in his hand had also been completed, and Shen cried in a low voice.

"Seal method. Four golden chains!"

"嗖!" "嗖!" "嗖!" "嗖"

As he drank, the next moment, four golden chains of Chakras condensed from his side and floated behind him.

But at this moment, four different heights have also appeared on the field.

"Naruto! I think you have to explain to the old man what happened this time!"

When the four figures just appeared beside Watergate, Lei Ying, who was among the four, was the first to speak.

As soon as he landed, he looked sharply at the watergate. After he finished speaking, without any hesitation, quickly turned his eyes to Ichimaru above the sky, his dark face, his brows frowned, Shen said.

"Is this also a member of Xuye Palace !?"

Hearing Lei Ying's words, the water was calm and calm.

"Yes, be careful. The knife in this guy's hand can be retracted at will. It's very fast and hard to catch!"

Speaking of which, he glanced at the four people who came and said slowly.

"As for your request, I think we can wait until the matter here is resolved!"

Hearing Watergate's words, the other four shadows including Lei Ying only frowned slightly, but didn't say much, Qi Qi acquiesced to the result.

At this time, the small earth figure on the side was dignified, his eyes stared at Shimaru Yin in the air, slowly.

"Naruto is right ... I don't think it's time for us to take it lightly now ..."

Speaking of which, he glanced at the crowd with a serious look and his voice was heavy.

"I think you should all feel it, the strength of the Xie Ye Palace ..."

"Whether it was the other guy who attacked us before or this guy in front of them ... their strength is not inferior to us ..."

"The thought of the old man hiding such a behemoth at this time in the Ninja Realm, the old man felt anxious ..."

Hearing Ohno's words, the rest of the shadows were a little gaze.

Especially Shuiying Zhaomeiming, as a young film, when she led a group of Wu Ren to face the guy named Tooth Secret, she already felt the terrible power from the other side!

The water gate on the side was also dignified and slowly sinking.

"This is also the main purpose of my holding of the Five Shadows Talks ... the confrontation between Ninja and Xie Ye Palace has reached an imminent level!"

Everyone heard what he said.

At this moment, in the air, Ichimaru glanced at the people below, without the slightest expression of worry on his face, but instead a look of interest.

I saw him watching the shadows talking in a low voice, his eyes slowly projected on Watergate, and laughed softly.

"So ... Bao Fengshui Gate ... is this the helper you've been waiting for ?!"

Hearing his words, the water gate below had not yet opened, and Onoki on the side was staring sharply towards the silver, slowly speaking.

"If the old man remembers correctly, you are the kid who once escaped from the battle of the rock with the help of Lan Ran!"

Hearing this, Yin raised his lips and smiled softly.

"Ama, earth shadow has a good memory ..."

"That's right ... I did leave the battlefield first ..."

In this regard, Onoki could not help but tighten his eyes, staring at him sternly.

"Now that you have survived, why wait until now to reveal your identity in Ninja !?"

"Don't you know ..."

Speaking of this, Ohno's eyes became sharper and sharper, and his voice was cold and low.

"Every guy like you who has a relationship with Lan Ran, no matter what the price is, will the five big Ninja villages spare no effort to destroy you all!"

After hearing this, under the gaze of the shadows, I saw the corner of the silver mouth rising slightly from the sky, evoking a great arc, as if I had heard a joke, gently covering my stomach and bending over Chuckle.

"Hahaha ..."

"I'm so sorry ... I couldn't bear it because I heard so much fun ..."

I saw a relaxed smile on Yin's face. Speaking of this, he slowly raised his head, his narrow eyes glanced down at the ugly shadows and smiled lightly.

"Did you say ... that the result of your spare no effort is to let the virtual night palace grow to where it is today?"

"I'm really sorry ... maybe from a different angle, so our perception is very different ..."

"But ... if Tuying can see what the virtual night palace looks like now, you must know how ridiculous the words you are saying now ... haha ​​..."

After speaking, I saw him patted his palm gently under the cold gaze of everyone, his mouth slightly raised, and smiled lightly.

"I know that no matter how splendid the words are, it is better to act directly and simply ... so ... please welcome your opponents ..."

"In this case, you may be able to reflect on your ridiculous behavior from it ..."

With the silver laughter sounding slowly in the sky, everyone including the water gate is inexplicable.

Suddenly, the space trembled slightly.

Under Watergate's perception, he frowned keenly, and said a deep voice to the rest.

"Be careful, I feel traces of space fluctuations!"

After hearing what he said, the rest of the shadows had no time to frown. The next moment, their pupils suddenly shrank, staring at the position beside Yin!

"唰!" "唰!" "唰!" "唰!"

With a slight buzz, I saw the figure in the black and white uniforms suddenly appearing on the field beside the silver body originally standing in the air.

At the top of the high tower ~ ~ Wuying looked at the figures that impressed them one by one, his face sank, and his eyes were full of anger with gritted teeth.

"Yami. Rialgo!"

Zhao Meiming's white fists clenched tightly, and her eyes were as if burning a substantial flame, staring at the burly tall figure in the sky!

Most of the Wu Ren troops she brought were broken in the hands of Tooth Secret, and she had a strong hatred for the sudden emergence of the member of the Xu Ye Palace!

Hearing Zhao Meiming's wrath, Silver's eyes couldn't help narrowing slightly, glanced gently at the teeth aside, and chuckled.

"It looks like you did a good job before ..."

In this regard, Yami only touched the bright bald head, a ruthless cruel smile was drawn from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of violent looks towards Zhao Meiming, cruel.

"The downside is that I couldn't kill this woman ... but it doesn't matter ... I will twist her head by myself this time!"

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