Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 826: Steelhide Evolver

Hearing Jilangfang's words, Kai's face could not help but look slightly ugly.

However, he was shocked in his heart.

The guy in front of him had just completely withstood his attack, but it turned out to be nothing ... What kind of monster is he! ?

At this time, through the several large holes ruptured above the high tower, you can clearly see the situation in the field.

I saw a mess inside the high tower at this time, and there were gravel pits everywhere.

Whether on a broken wall or on a broken and damaged platform, there are wooden leaves of ninjas fighting fiercely with a group of mummy-like monsters!

Of course, this scene will not miss the eyes of the public. When they noticed the terrible situation inside the tower, they all sank, after all, there were also many candidates from the remaining four ninja villages in this tower!

Everyone thinks that their outstanding young generation may encounter in it, the faces are ugly.

Obviously, this attack on Konoha was definitely premeditated!

Otherwise, the strength of Koba will not be destroyed to such an extent by the enemy.

Just then.


Kakashi, who had been staring at Shuo Mao and Jun Malu, flashed to Kay's side, and stood side by side with him.

With blood on his face, Kay's complexion stared at Jirofang in front of him, but he glanced at him faintly, and when he saw the injury on Kay, Kakashi was even more surprised than he could not help but be shocked. Exclaimed.

"Kay, how could you hurt that much !?"

When he heard what he said, Kay didn't dare to take it lightly.

"Naturally caused by this guy ... Kakashi ... I'm afraid we are really in serious trouble this time ..."

After hearing Kay's words, Kakashi was a little dreadful, and when Kay raised his **** fist softly, there was a heavy, deep voice in his eyes.

"It's just horrible just the strength this guy has shown ..."

"This guy almost didn't fight back from start to finish, but even so ... I can't hurt him ..."

Upon hearing his words, Kakashi could not help shrinking her pupils and looked at Jilangfang unbelievably.

For Kakashi's gaze, Jilangfang naturally did not care, but slowly withdrew his gaze toward the sky, grinning at the corner of his mouth, and smiling coldly.

"What's wrong ... have you called for help this time !?"

"You know, even a person is useless to deal with a guy like you ..."

Speaking of this, he slightly raised his fist, and pulled out a grin that was quite different from the original Jilangfang, his voice was slightly hoarse.

"Because ... I'm not that waste!"

With his voice falling, I saw Jilangfang flex his legs slightly, and his body disappeared from the spot instantly!


The next moment, he saw his figure suddenly appear in front of the two of them, and a violent breaking sound sounded in front of Kakashi and others.

Faced with the sudden outbreak of Jilangfang, Kakashi and Kai had already been on guard, and their bodies pulled back instantly.

However, when they retreated, the two eyes looked at each other slightly, and while the old force of Jilangfang was not withdrawn, they quickly attacked Jilangfang from left to right!

Kakashi holds no hands and has a slightly bowed shape, stepping forward and piercing straight to Jilangfang's left neck!

Kai twisted his waist in midair and kicked Jilangfang's temple fiercely.


"Oh!" "Bang--"

Suddenly, a loud noise sounded at the three of them.

I saw Jilangfang's fist hit the ground fiercely without a hit, the fist broke directly into the ground, and the whole person squatted like a sumo!

On both sides of his side, Kay's complexion rose slightly, and his feet did kick over Jilangfang's temples, but he just kicked his neck slightly!

As for Kakashi, her eyes were widened, her face was pale, and she couldn't believe looking at the bitterness that had broken down, her face pale!

Time seems to be still, just then!

Jilangfang was a corner of his mouth, and the eyes that had become red-yellow in his eyes glanced at the two men with a malicious look, and said huskyly.

"I'm right ... there's not much difference between one more and one less, eh!"

The moment his words fell, even if Kakashi and Kai were very ugly, they both quickly pulled away and kept a safe distance from Jilangfang.

After avoiding him, Kakashi could not help moving his lips, his voice a little startled.

"How can I ... can't break the defense of this guy's body at all !?"

In response, Kai's face was bitter and husky.

"Don't I say it before ... this is what I worry about ..."

"This guy's strength is not as simple as his appearance looks, even if he has not launched any effective attacks from beginning to end, but this near invincible terrible defense is enough for us to suffer!

Speaking of this time, Kai's eyes glanced a bit worriedly at the tower and Jun Malu fighting Shuo Mao.

"And ... there seems to be more than one guy like this ... even Senior Shuo Mao hasn't been able yet ..."

He didn't finish his words, but Kakashi was silent and his face was ugly.

The fighting that erupted between the three naturally fell into the eyes of a caring person.

Whether it is the five shadows on the top of the tower or the silver and other people in the sky, the eyes are staring at the battle below.

After seeing Jilangfang fighting one enemy and two without falling into the wind, Yin's mouth could not help but twitch slightly, chuckling.

"It seems that not only Jun Maru has evolved alone ... even Jiroufang has evolved a more powerful force ..."

He glanced slightly at the dense teeth and laughed softly.

"That guy's ability also seems to be developing in the direction of steel skin ~ ~ I don't know how it will compare to you ..?"

Hearing this, Ya Mi smirked and touched his bald head, his voice filled with excitement.

"This kind of thing ... don't you understand after taking a moment to compare ..."

"Hey, I'm eager to compete with this guy now ..."

In response, Silver smiled softly and whispered.

"This kind of thing is better to wait for the end of the battle here, it is better to go to the test after you get the permission of Captain Blue Dye ... otherwise, I don't think Captain Blue Dye will easily let you go without permission. . "

Hearing Yin's words, although Ya Mi's face was full of excitement, it seemed that something had come to mind, and she quickly converged.

He is not stupid. If he violates the order of Lord Lan Ran, he will definitely not be optimistic in the end, and he will never do this kind of thing!

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