Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 828: guess

Hearing the question from the white-haired ninja, Tsunade who suddenly stopped walking was frowning slightly, looking at the tower in front of him with a ugly face, and groaned.

"According to the previous arrangement of Watergate, there should be a shadow ninja nearby here, but it is also from the road. Did we find a shadow ninja on our way?"

Hearing her words, not only the face of Qing also grimace, even the ninjas of the Kobe Police Force who followed them also frowned!

"Tsunade ... you mean ... are you really in trouble over the tower !?"

"The old man didn't say much about this before ..."

Zi Lai also scratched his head, his face mumbled slightly.

In this regard, Tsunade slowly stepped forward, staring at the tower in the distance like a torch, then frowned, suddenly turned his head, and looked at Zilai very seriously, and said in a deep voice.

"Since I'm here, I'll ask you again, wasn't the piece of paper I kept really damaged?"

Tsunade stared at it so straightly that he could not shrink from his shoulders when he heard her, but instead of avoiding it, he looked helplessly at Tsunade and said with a very positive voice.

"You've asked me more than ten times along the way, but this thing really has nothing to do with me!"

Speaking of this, he had a curious look in his eyes, wondering.

"But I really want to know what kind of piece of paper it really is, and it makes you care so much ... Is it ..."

A look of excitement and silly expression suddenly appeared on his face, pretending to be sexual.

"Is it the love letter I wrote for you !?"

In response, Tsunade could not help frowning, and punched his forehead with a black line on his forehead.

"You idiot!"

After hitting the tap, Tsunade's pretty face appeared a little confused, his eyes full of anxiety and looked at the tower in the distance, secretly in his heart.

Is it really you ...

Without hesitating, she and Zilai quickly rushed towards the tower with a group of wooden leaf ninjas!


At the same time, he was rushing towards Tall Tower with Tsunabe.

A tall figure in a dark kimono is slowly appearing in the forest in front of Muye Village.

Long black hair, pale skin like patients, lilac eyeshadow, the figure appearing here is a large snake ball that has disappeared for a long time.

I saw him standing on a tall tree trunk in the forest, his hands dangled from his side, and a pair of red snake pupils looking at the wooden leaves village with complex emotions.

"I didn't expect it ... in the end I came back in this identity ..."

"Three generations, what kind of mood would you be when you see me again ... hehe ..."

"And ... if you know the current situation of Xuye Palace at this time, I am afraid that you will not be surprised even if you die ..."

Speaking of this, a complex smile flashed through his snake pupils, slowly converging.

Taking a step forward, his last words turned into a murmur and drifted into the wind.

"I have been qualified for eternal life ... is it more successful than you think ..."

With his words falling, his back slowly disappeared into the forest.


Fighting around the tower has become increasingly fierce.

Outside, whether it is Shuo Mao and Jun Malu, or Kakashi, Kai, Jilangfang, etc. who are fighting together, their every move has attracted the attention of Wuying and Xu Ye Palace.

Their battle fell in the eyes of Wuying. In Wuying's minds, they would only be amazed by their strength and guess whether these guys are also members of Xiyagong!

However, another group of members of the Xuye Palace who watched the battle between the two sides narrowed their eyes one by one and carefully felt the power in the body of Jun Malu, Jilangfang and Ondo Maru!

Observing the extent of their evolution, this is their most important purpose here.

As for the other filmmakers, or other ninjas, they are just forcing Jun Malu and others to complete the evolutionary conditions.

Only in the face of such desperation can it be possible to force the contents of their bodies out, which is the result that Lan Ran and others want to see.

And located inside the high tower.

It is not enough for a group of wooden leaf ninjas to face all kinds of monsters that were originally summoned by Duoyou. At this time, they still have to face a bunch of rock ninjas who do not know where they came from, which makes them very stressed.


With a scream, I saw another shadowy ninja died in the attack of Yanniu!

Seeing this scene, both Dou and Ibixie were dull, and there was a cold flash in the eyes of Dou.

"What the **** is going on ... the weakness of these guys is ... it's impossible to kill!"

While talking, I saw that he quickly flashed in front of a Konoha ninja who almost died with Yan Ren, and his palm became a sword, quickly blocking the opponent's desperate attack!

However, as before, his attack fell on the opponent's body and did not exert any effect.

This made his face sink, and he quickly brought the ninja back to the safe area.

Hearing his words, Ibizi could not help frowning, and hesitated for a long while before slowly sinking.

"How do I feel like this is the legendary forbidden technique ... the dirty earth reincarnation ...!"

In response to this, the pupils could not help but shrink slightly, quickly wondering.

"Bad soil rebirth !?"

Hearing this, I saw him continue.

"Are you talking about the forbidden technique left by the second-generation adult Naruto !?"

Hearing the words, Ibiki nodded and sank.

"You're right, that ninjutsu ... their every move almost matches the characteristics of that ninjutsu ..."


Speaking of this time, even Senenyi Bixi's complexion, which has always been called strong and fortitude, has changed slightly.

"In the information I know, Lan Ran seems to have mastered this ninjutsu!"

The moment his words fell, his face suddenly turned white, and he looked at him with a bit of horror and shouted in horror.

"You mean this ninjutsu blue dye is also in control !?"

In this regard, Ibizi could not help but nodded heavily, slowly channeled.

"These are recorded in the information about the blue dye, which I also remember more clearly ..."

"During the Second Battle of Iwate Invasion, Lan Ran at the time used this technique ..."

Hearing Ibizi's explanation, he could not help but look at him with a pale face, a deep worry hidden in his eyes, and a trembling voice hidden in his voice.

"Do you think that this time the real thing Lan Ran was involved behind the scenes ... could it be Osumaru !?"

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