Naruto Shikigami Aizen

Vol 4 Chapter 844: Do it

The raging smoke and dust raged around like an overwhelming tsunami, and the violent air waves slammed the crowd present.

But everyone widened their eyes and didn't dare to miss the slightest.

The Watergate and others who were originally on the field looked at each other, regardless of the still collapsed ground, and immediately flashed around the golden tower.

I saw Shuimen bit his finger violently, and red blood was flowing between his hands, and the seal was quickly printed!

The side of the side also waited for others to do so. Everyone stood around the golden tower, facing the violent smoke and dust, and quickly ignored the image.

When the blood in the hands gradually turned red and turned into a golden tower bone that melted into the surroundings, the water gate's eyes condensed and they sang immediately.

"Seal. The Quartet's Golden Town!"

With his words fall.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", "Boom"

I saw on top of the towering golden tower that the original shining gold seemed to melt, quickly turned into dense golden chains, and fell straight towards the bottom covered by smoke!

Not only the water gates and others on the field widened their eyes, looking forward to the next scene, even the other Ninja villages on the side were holding their breath, and did not dare to miss any scene.

The dense golden chain was not dim even in the thick smoke, and fell straight down.


A dull bang resounded slowly in the smoke of Wu Ya. Hearing this movement, all the people present were all frozen, and they didn't even dare to make a slight sound when they breathed.

Except for the sound of hellish darkness under the tower, there was silence on the field, and everyone was looking forward to the outcome of this battle.

Just then.


A loud sound from below made everyone's heart lifted, and they were ready to stand guard.

Just as everyone was on alert, in the mess of smoke.


Along with the smoke breaking through a large hole, I saw a figure burning with red flames suddenly jumping out of it!

He stood on the ground in the distance, his chest full of gluten tendons undulating, panting heavily, his white eyes staring at the bottom of the giant pit.

After everyone saw his appearance clearly, he couldn't help expressing a smile of joy, and exclaimed quickly.

"Dai senior!"

Watergate also did not hesitate, and quickly flickered to Dai who escaped from it. The joy on his face slowly converged, and he asked a little bit shyly.

"Senior Dai ... Blue dye ... Is Blue dye successfully sealed by us ...?"

At this time, Zi Ye, Tsunade and others, as well as everyone with some injuries on his body, arrived at his side, waiting for Dai's answer with concern.

In this regard, I saw Dai panting heavily, his pale pupil staring at the messy bottom.

After a short while, he was slowly uncertain.

"Or ... maybe ..."

"I can't be sure ..."

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, at this time!

From the dark surface where they were watching, there was a smoky, sodden depth of the ground, and a very quiet voice came out slowly.

"It turns out ... is this your dependence ...?"

At the moment when this very low-sounding voice fell, everyone on the field was battered and pale.

Everyone, including Watergate, turned their heads violently, staring ugly into the smoke and dust below.

"Dang 啷 Dang 啷"

Suddenly, a loud and loud sound came from under the dark smoke.

At this time, it was more like the sound of a chain emanating from hell, so that everyone was densely covered with cold sweat on his forehead, and turned around to look at the water gate.

Tu Ying Ohno's face was dignified, and he slowly groaned.

"Naruto ... is this seal strong enough !?"

Hearing his words, Watergate shook his head slightly and whispered softly.

"I don't know ... after all ... until now we haven't really probed the bottom line of Lan Ran's power!"

While he was talking, Dai was walking forward slowly, and Watergate saw that he couldn't help dissuading him.

I saw him slowly sinking while walking.

"Let me see ... no matter what ... we all have to face, don't we!"

Hearing his words, the crowd looked stunned, but they did not stop his actions anymore.

Dai didn't hesitate, his legs were slightly bent, the red chakra on his body soared again, and returned to the deep pit under the ground again!

He shook his fist vigorously, and the strong force quickly dispelled the smoke and dust that originally permeated the place.

After the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, the dark and deep ground, before the eyes of Dai was a surprisingly huge golden object!

It wasn't until Dai looked closely that he discovered that this huge object in the ground was actually a collection of chains derived from the high tower above.

And what really made him look tense was bound by countless golden chains ... not so much as the blue dye that squeezed his activity space like a coffin!

Seeing the arrival of Dai, even though his body was constrained to death, Lan Ran's face did not show a trace of annoyance, but he smiled calmly ~ ~ Why ... Still unsure at this time ... wear it? "

After hearing what he said, Dai couldn't help but look at him with a stern expression on his face, slowly sinking into his voice.

"If it's you ... under no circumstances should you be careless ..."

Speaking of this, I saw he suddenly looked up, the white pupil stared at Lan Ran's pair of purple eyes, which were also very strange.

"Even now, I don't think you'll really catch it!"

"and so...."

I saw Dai staring at Lan Ran, she said.

"I will completely solve you ... at the last moment of this life !!!"

Hearing this, Lan Ran slightly raised the corner of his mouth, looking at him indifferently in his eyes, and asked in a very calm voice.

"Just to protect this village, it's really worth it to open Bamen and completely give up your future ..."

In this regard, Dai nodded heavily.

Seeing this, Lan Ran only slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and looked at him calmly, smiling slowly.

"If that's the case ... let's do it ..."

"After all ... this time is your only chance ..."

"Without anybody's obstruction, without the help of Jinghua Shuiyue, I am the only one who faces you all ... so ... let's do it ..."

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