Koharu gritted his teeth and said, “Yusuke, as a member of Konoha, you don’t think about Konoha’s future and try to release the Nine Tails, what is your intention?”

Yo, buckle your hat?

Hearing this old woman’s words, Yusuke was funny in his heart, do you think Laozi is a glass heart like Kiki Shuomao?

Yusuke said that when he worked in his previous life, what demon and monster-level keyboard man had not seen?

You are not eligible to enter the Zuan District.

“Misunderstanding, didn’t I want to give this opportunity to the lords of the Elder Group? After all, after you ascended to the position of this elder, you haven’t made any merits, have you? Isn’t this a great opportunity~”

Yusuke said strangely.

Turning to sleep Koharu, Mito Menyan and others are simply going to explode, isn’t this referring to Sang scolding Huai, saying that he and others have not made any merit, occupying the pit and not?

Under politics, Yusuke said that he is not good at it, if you want to spray offline, Laozi Zuan is still afraid of you?


At this time, the nine-tailed man who was like the size of a mountain above everyone’s head snorted coldly, turned and walked towards the Konoha gate.

Apparently, the Ninetails agreed with Yusuke’s proposal and chose to leave.

Although with its strength, it does not cut the ape flying sun at all, Shimura Danzo and the like put it in his eyes.

However, it also noticed that not far away, Tsunade, who used the art of slugs to treat the wounded in the village, was the one who inherited the bloodline between the Senju pillars.

Coupled with this knife-wielding kid in front of him, if this group of people unites with each other, it will indeed become troublesome.

I have been locked up in the body of Uzumaki Mito for nearly thirty years, and now I have finally come out, if I am locked up again, won’t I be planted at home?

Thinking of this, the Nine Tails finally chose to compromise and turned away.

Anyway, this revenge can be counted as retribution.

Seeing that the Nine-Tails were about to leave, the faces of Ape Flying Sun Chopper and the others changed.

Now the Second Shinobi War is not completely over, the village has been destroyed like this, and so many people have died.

If even the Nine Tails, which was the ultimate weapon, were lost, it would be impossible to imagine what the situation would become.

“Haaa~ Sandaime-sama is going to chase after it, I was too tired from fighting with the Nine Tails just now, junior, I’ll go for a supper first.”

Yusuke yawned and walked towards his house.

I don’t know if I was blasted into slag by the tailed beast jade.

“Sunchop! Do you just do nothing? ”

Seeing Yusuke’s fading back, Danzo scolded angrily.

How serious the loss of the Nine Tails was, he couldn’t have been stupid and couldn’t have known it.

What made Tuanzo even more angry was that Yusuke, a nobody, who was just an unknown pawn a day ago, dared to openly contradict himself!

“…… What needs to be done now is to rectify the village and recharge its strength so that it can be prepared for other countries.

The capture of the Nine Tails can be saved for the future. ”

After thinking silently for a moment, Sarutobi decided.

Now Konoha has lost two-thirds of its land, an army of more than fifteen hundred ninjas.

It is almost certain that it will no longer be able to live up to the title of “The No. 1 Village in the Ninja World”.

Yusuke, who inherited the power of the White Fang, openly refused to capture the Nine-Tails, and Sarutobi did not dare to send people to carry out the Nine-Tails capture operation casually.

First, Konoha lost too many ninjas this time, and if you want to capture the Nine Tails, you need at least two shadow-level ninjas plus 500 ninjas.

This chip, now Konoha can no longer afford to give.

Even if Uzumaki Jiu Shinai becomes a new human pillar force, it is impossible to put it into use immediately.

Pay for one’s whistle.

Second, even if someone is sent to catch it, it may not be able to catch it, that is the Nine Tails.

In today’s world, Senjukuma and Uchiha Madara are dead, even if it is Senjuma, I don’t dare to say that I will definitely win the Nine Tails.

What if you don’t catch it, and at this time, other countries launch an aggressive war against the Fire Nation?

It will only lose the lady and break the army.

Therefore, Sarutobi chose to temporarily abandon the capture of the Nine Tails.

As an old partner who had lived with Sarutobi Hinata for nearly half a century, Koharu and Mito Monita naturally immediately understood the meaning of Sarutobi Hinata and nodded in agreement.

Shimura Danzo was silent, and also saw the grim situation facing Konoha today.

But Danzo silently remembered Yusuke in his heart.

Find a chance, this field must be recovered.

“Everyone, start the reconstruction of Konoha.”

Sarutobi turned and shouted to the remaining Konoha ninjas.


The remaining thousands of Konoha ninjas raised their arms and shouted, and cheers resounded in the sky.

There is nothing happier than surviving.



After knowing that the Nine Tails had left the village, the civilians who had been transferred to the outside of the village by other ninjas in the village also returned to the village one after another.

But most of their houses have been destroyed by the Nine Tails.

Until it is rebuilt, only office space such as the human ninja school, training ground, and garrison building can be vacated for these homeless villagers.

“Luckily, Dad, our home is still there.”

Looking at the relatively intact house in front of her, the little loli of Sunset Red turned her head and said to Sunset Zhenhong.


Sunset Zhenhong nodded, then let out a long sigh, looked at the devastated villages around him, and said in a complicated tone: “I wonder if Konoha can survive this calamity…”

“By the way, Dad, I heard that the big brother drove away the Nine Tails two days ago, is it true?”

Sunset Red suddenly remembered the rumors she had heard on her way back to Konoha.

“Huh? yes, yes…”

Sunset Zhenhong recalled the picture of Yusuke fighting the Nine Tails, and couldn’t help but get goosebumps, that kid, actually so strong, it’s just like his friend Kiki Shuomao reincarnated!

But what shocked Sunset Zhenhong even more was that he actually dared to openly confront Shimura Danzo, whose status was second only to Hokage.

“Yo~Sister Red and Uncle Zhenhong, how are you~”

At this moment, a voice that Sunset True Red did not want to hear sounded.

PS: 10 changes on the first day, plus more completed.

In the future, please support and invest more things, the more things, the faster the speed.

The author must have done his best to write this book well.

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