Iwain has reached a position less than 200 miles from Konoha Village, what is the concept?

If it is the speed of Shinobu’s feet, in less than a day and night, you can run to Konoha Village.

That is to say, it has reached the doorstep!

Under such circumstances, the ape flying sun chop could not sit still.

Immediately ordered Jiraiya, who was stationed in the northeast, to lead a hundred or so elite troops composed of shinobi to the northwest battlefield to take over the position of Yusuke’s commander-in-chief.

At this time, in the military camp led by Yusuke, Uchiha Fugaku, Hinata Hiashi and others were also flustered.

Although the main reason lies in Yusuke’s strategy of fighting while legs, now that the enemy has hit the doorstep, there is no way back.

If Iwain was really allowed to break through this last line of defense, then all of them would become ancient sinners in Konoha.

“Yusuke-sama, you can’t retreat anymore! Now that it is less than 200 miles from Konoha, if you retreat


The next words Hinata Hiashi did not say in the open, but everyone understood what he wanted to say later.


At this time, an intelligence ninja rushed into the tent and delivered a small scroll to Yusuke, “This is the latest battle pass from Konoha. ”

Yusuke opened it, threw the scroll into the campfire a few seconds later, and scoffed, “Why can’t Naruto-sama hold on, and decided to transfer Jiraiya-sama, one of the three Shinobi, from the northeastern battlefield to take my place.”

Of course….

Everyone thought in their hearts.

After all, you have been beaten to the door by Iwain, and if they are Hokage, he will have to change people.

“You say, if the people of Yanyin knew that they would also bring reinforcements over, how would they react?”

Yusuke asked everyone with a smile.

As soon as this question came out, Hinata Hinata, Uchiha Fugaku and the others in the main account fell silent for a short time.

After a long while, Uchiha Fugaku took the lead in speaking: “I’m afraid… I will try my best to attack before Jiraiya-sama arrives. ”

“The idea under is the same as that of the Fugaku patriarch.”

Hinata Hiashi said, “Now that Iwain has attacked a position very close to the village, if they know that Jiraiya-sama is coming to reinforce, they also know that the battle will become more difficult to fight.”

“In this way, they will definitely find a way to break through our defenses before Lord Jiraiya arrives.”

Hinata Hinata said again.

“What does Yusuke-sama mean is that we must keep the secret that Jiraiya-sama is coming to reinforce us until reinforcements arrive?”

Uchiha Fugaku turned to Yusuke and asked.

Yusuke skimmed.

Although this Uchiha Fugaku is not an idiot, his thinking is really conservative and too intimidating.

No wonder it ended so badly in the future.

“Just kidding,”

Yusuke’s horn rose slightly, and in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, he spoke: “Not only do we not keep secrets, we also want to leak secrets.”

Under everyone’s stunned gaze, Yusuke pointed to the map behind him and said:

“Didn’t you say that too? Once they know that they are coming to reinforce, they will definitely find ways to decide the winner in a short time. ”

Yusuke nodded at the position where Iwain was now stationed inside the Fire Nation, and said with a smile: “In this way, they will definitely transfer most of their troops to the front line for attack, and Ohnogi who remains in the rear…”

Speaking of this, Yusuke smiled even more, pointing to the location behind the Iwain camp, “How many troops can be left next to that old immortal?” ”

For a while, the faces of everyone in the camp changed drastically, and they instantly understood Yusuke’s thoughts.

“Even if they were attacked by Iwain, after all, they are not familiar with the geography inside the Fire Nation, if at this time, a small army comes around them and stabs Onoki’s old immortal eye, do you think they will have time to react?”

Yusuke couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Hinata Hiashi was completely dumbfounded, and asked in disbelief, “Yusuke-sama, you, is that why you keep retreating for this reason?”

Everyone gasped.

It turns out that the reason why Yusuke keeps retreating is to pull Iwain into Konoha, where they are not familiar with the terrain, and then find the last chance to kill with one blow!

Such audacity and scheming are simply terrifying.

“Uchiha Fugaku!”

Yusuke suddenly shouted.

“Hinata Hinata.”

Yusuke said.


The patriarch of the Hyuga family stepped forward and responded.

“Immediately let your subordinates leak the information, so that Yanyin can know in the shortest possible time.”


Hinata walked out of the tent quickly and went down to prepare.


Uchiha Fugaku stood up and said.

“Now the remaining men and horses in the camp are for you to use, you just need to do everything possible to block Yan Yin’s next all-out onslaught.”


Uchiha Fugaku nodded in reply.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t stop it, you have the responsibility on your back.”

Yusuke suddenly smiled.

Uchiha Fugaku almost fell and retreated with a black line on his face.

“Hinata Hinata.”

Yusuke finally shouted.


Hinata nodded in response.

“Pick out the ten strongest people in your Hyuga clan.”

Between Yusuke’s words, a raging killing intent was faintly released, “Accompany me to the back road of Iwain, to the first level of Onoki!” ”

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