As soon as the words fell, Yusuke threw the three Flying Thunder God between his fingers together.

The three generations of Kazekage, who saw this move for the first time, subconsciously frowned, a little confused about what Yusuke wanted to do with this sparse and ordinary move.

Magnetic dun controlled the iron sand, as if it were raining black raindrops, easily knocking the three flying three prongs into the air.

Two flew out to the left and right, and one flew above the head of the three generations of wind shadows.

Instantly, in the eyes of those around him who couldn’t believe it.

Yusuke disappeared in an instant, appeared above the head of the three generations of Kazekage, and caught the three-pronged kunai in mid-air.


The face of the three generations of Wind Shadow suddenly changed.

When he looked up, Yusuke had already thrown the three-pronged kunai towards him again.

“Can you instantly transfer to the Bitter Void Position?!”

In less than a second, the three generations of Wind Shadow figured out the principle of Flying Thunder God.

Quickly control the iron sand to gather above his head, forming a rectangular protective wall, keeping Ku Wu out.

Sure enough, when the three forks of Kumu were inserted into the iron sand, Yusuke instantly flashed next to Ku Wu.

“That was… Grandpa Tsuma’s Flying Thunder God!? ”

Tsunade also saw the principle of this move, and immediately, she found that Yusuke’s flying thunder god was different from her second grandfather’s.

Yusuke, who had just stepped on the iron sand, pulled out the three-pronged kunai before he could blink an eye and disappeared again.

The three generations of Wind Shadow, who were still preparing to attack, were stunned again.

Where did it go?

Too fast!

Phew! Phew!

The sound of lightning thunderbolts sounded on the right.

Turning his head to look, Yusuke suddenly teleported to another three-pronged kunai who had just been shot by iron sand, and his body was already wrapped in electric light.

It’s like the starting style of Thunder’s breath.

Swoosh – boom!!

The moment Yusuke jumped, there was a roaring explosion from the position where he was standing.

The whole person rushed straight like a thunder dragon.

“Sand iron rain!!”

The three generations of wind shadows changed their gestures, turning the iron sand into countless raindrops.

Because of the relationship of the flying thunder god, Yusuke is too close to him.

There is simply no time to seal the seal to use more advanced attack ninjutsu.

However, the torrential rain formed by those iron sands was like real raindrops, hitting the thunder dragon, and it was impossible to slow down the opponent’s speed at all.


The thunder dragon swept past the three generations of wind shadows.

The thunder light gradually disappeared, revealing the figure of Yusuke in a knife-pulling pose.

And the head above the neck of the three generations of wind shadows was cut and flew off the neck.

“Is the third generation of Wind Shadow dead?!”

The surrounding Konoha ninjas were momentarily ecstatic.

But Tsunade does frown secretly, it won’t be that simple, right?

Rustle –

Sure enough, before the head landed, the bodies of the three generations of wind shadows turned into iron sand and dissipated.

“Iron sand doppelganger? When?! ”

A Konoha ninja exclaimed.

“In the beginning.”

At this time, the Buddha-figures of the three generations of Thunder Shadow emerged from the iron sand, manipulated the iron sand under Yusuke’s feet, wrapped his feet up, and sneered:

“At the beginning of the battle, I myself have been hiding in the iron sand, and those who have fought with you until now are doppelgangers.”

“Be careful!!”

Tsunade exclaimed, and quickly rushed up.

“That teleportation ability is really troublesome, in that case, let’s scrap your feet first.”

The third generation of Kazekage controls the iron sand, intending to let the iron sand enter Yusuke’s flesh and skin and destroy it from the inside of the body.

In this way, even if Yusuke escapes with the Flying Thunder God, the iron sand can still remain on him.

His Iron Sand Technique attack range is not as good as My Ai Luo, but his single attack power is above it.

“You think I only have one move to fly the Thunder God?”

Hearing the words of the third generation of Kazekage, Yusuke couldn’t help but smile and take a breath.

Phew – boom!!

Thunder light appeared regularly around the body, and in the next second after the thunder light, a flame with a form consciousness like the earth life fused with thunder and lightning.

The two most aggressive attributes, fused to fill Yusuke’s side.

This is what only one who has mastered the perfect morphological change and the change of nature can do.

“Breath of Thunder Fire Thunder God!”

Like a missile, Yusuke burst into flames under his feet, rushing towards the three generations of wind shadows in the mid-air iron sand.

Whether it’s speed or power, it’s a step up from before!

As for the name that Thunder Breath used directly from “Ghost Slayer Blade”, he was too lazy to think of a name himself.

Under such circumstances, the three generations of wind shadows did not dare to attack at all, because the other party had already rushed in front of him in the blink of an eye.

His attack speed must not be as fast as his opponent, and before he scraps Yusuke’s two feet, his head will really be cut off first this time!

“Magnetic Iron Sand Wall!!”

Three generations of wind shadows with two palms together.

The White Fang Blade, which erupted with lightning and fire, slashed at the black wall and was stopped for a while.


Yusuke snorted and suddenly increased his strength.

The point where the tip of the knife meets the iron sand, and the fire bursts out again.

“This, how is this possible!?”

The Sand Ninja below shouted in disbelief.

Under the chopping of thunder and fire, the iron and sand wall was actually cut?!

“I’m not just a magnet!”

Behind the cut, the faces of the three generations of wind shadows appeared, sealed with one hand.

“Wind Escape Fierce Wind Cut!”

“Thunder Breath God Speed!”

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