Early this morning, Sarutobi and the Third Generation Kazekage announced that the alliance agreement between Konoha and Sunahide had been completed, and the people of the village broke out in loud cheers again.

The damage caused by the Nine Tails incident was like a knife chosen above the heads of all the people of Konoha.

Now that they have the ally of Sha Yin, they can also feel a lot more at ease.

Sarutobi immediately announced that he would have a funeral ceremony for all those who died in the Second Ninja World War.

It pulls the ecstatic villagers back to a sad reality.



“Give me money.”

And just this morning, looking at Tsunade’s hand reaching out to him, Yusuke even wondered if he had been hit by the dust of the defeated, and asked with a black line on his face:

“What about the 10 million you gave yesterday?”

Tsunade pinned his pretty face to the other fat with some embarrassment, and Nu said, “Then, how is that little money enough?” It’s all over in no time. ”


Hearing Tsunade’s words, Yusuke really couldn’t hold back, and cursed in his heart.

10 million you lost in one night?

Although you know that you have a BUFF that you must lose every bet, this is also too exaggerated, right?

You know, even if it is an S-level task, the reward is only one million taels.

In other words, Tsunade lost his pay for ten S-class missions in one night.

And her own deposit is about 100 million, which is barely enough for her to play for ten days?

Thinking of this, Yusuke found that he could no longer continue to get used to this loser girl, and said with a cold face:

“Come here!”

Being drunk by Yusuke like this, Tsunade’s stubborn temper also came up, “What are you fierce!?” ”

“I have to let you learn what is called the way of women today!”

Yusuke immediately revived Fuzuna, looking at Tsunade’s pink little mouthful, under Tsunade’s reluctance, he still forcefully experienced the taste of a princess.



Two hours later, Tsunade held a toothbrush and didn’t know how many times he rinsed his mouth, staring at Yusuke resentfully.

However, Yusuke slapped her on the mercilessly, “Do you dare to defeat the family!?” ”


Tsunade snorted coldly.

The next second, he suddenly felt a chill underneath, and immediately frightened and begged for mercy again and again, “Alas! Don’t dare! You, don’t come! ”

Yesterday she could still walk, but now she really can’t.

This dead scumbag!

“Grounded for you for a month! Dare to go to the casino again and see how I clean you up. ”

After another fuss over Tsunade, Yusuke walked out of the house refreshed.

Staring at the other’s back, Tsunade took a sip in disbelief.

Che, won’t I go out while you’re away?

Seeing that Yusuke’s figure completely disappeared within the realization, Tsunade immediately prepared to sneak away.

But as soon as he took a step, a tingling sensation followed.

Well, I really can’t get out in a short time ….



Quickly waking up from the storm with Tsunade, Yusuke plans to go to the training ground to test the magnetic escape he has just mastered.

Although he longed for a corrupt and extravagant life like Draco, he didn’t exactly want to become that kind of person.

If it really becomes like that, it will not be far from death.

On the way, Yusuke suddenly heard a quarrel not far away.

He didn’t bother to care about this kind of gossip, but one of the voices made Yusuke feel very familiar, and out of curiosity, he walked up to see what was going on.

On the side of the street, two adult ninjas and a child who looked to be no more than 7 years old were engaged in a heated argument.

And that child was none other than Kakashi Kiki.

“Abominable! Kakashi, what do you kid say!? ”

“Dare to insult a dead companion!”

The two adult ninjas glared angrily at Kakashi.

And the eyes of the pair of dead fish above Kakashi’s mask were full of thick disdain, and said coldly:

“If I want to say it a few times, I can’t go to any funeral, when a person dies, it is his own lack of strength, there is time to do this kind of thing, it is better to hurry up and cultivate, lest I die like that.”

“Abominable! Don’t think you can do whatever you want at a young age! Today I have to teach you a lesson! ”

One of them was furious, twisting Kakashi’s collar with his left hand, and gesturing with his right hand to hit him.



At this moment, two voices sounded at the same time.

The three people who were arguing turned their heads to see that it was Yusuke, and… Wave Feng Shuimen!

At this time, Bofeng Shuimen was dressed in an ordinary Konoha vest, without wearing a dark costume and mask.

“Yu, Yusuke-sama!”

The two Konoha ninjas were frightened.

Kakashi frowned, but bowed politely anyway.

And Bofeng Shuimen also saluted slightly, and then came up and asked seriously: “What happened?” Private fights are strictly forbidden inside Konoha, don’t you know? ”

“This, this is all because this kid is too much!”

“That’s right! Even if the usual tasks do not pay attention to the team, now they actually insult their dead companions! ”

The two adult ninjas said indignantly.

“I’m just telling the truth.”

Kakashi replied coldly.

Soon, Yusuke and Bofeng Shuimen knew the cause and effect of the whole thing——

The leader of the reconnaissance unit to which Kakashi belonged had been killed in the previous day’s mission.

Therefore, the team members proposed that everyone attend the funeral of their captain together.

The rest of the team agreed, but Kakashi rejected the offer very facelessly.

And mercilessly claim that he died in the mission, that is the reason why he is too weak, mourning or something, it is simply a waste of time.

The two sides quarreled over this incident.

“Kakashi, everyone is Konoha’s companion, you really go too far to say that.”

After understanding the cause and effect of the matter, Bofeng Shuimon frowned and said to Kakashi.

“…… Well, I was wrong, I went to the funeral. ”

Kakashi responded coldly.

But obviously he was not convinced, but he didn’t dare to refute Bofeng Shuimen.

Although he has not yet received the nickname “Yellow Flash”, the current wave feng shui gate is already a little famous in Konoha.

“You really have a sense of righteousness, Watergate.”

Yusuke walked up at this time, hooked the neck of the wave feng shui gate and smiled.

“Where, where, everyone is Konoha’s companion, we should care about each other…”

Bofeng Shuimen said with a smile.

Kakashi was afraid of him, and he was afraid of Yusuke.

“But you say, you think so much about Konoha’s companions, will they think the same about you?”

Yusuke asked with a conspiratorial look.

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