In the research institute of the big snake pill, hearing Yusuke’s question, the big snake pill was still fiddling with those bottles and jars that Yusuke couldn’t understand what it was, and responded with a sneer:

“Indeed, it is impossible to let Teacher Ape Fei abdicate early, in that case, wouldn’t it be good to kill him directly?”

Yusuke grinned.

Wow~ That’s a great idea.

“Senior Orochimaru is really a filial disciple, then… Do you do it? ”

In the original work, Orochimaru did plan to kill the ape flying sun.

But at present, although the ape flying sun chop has entered the regression period from its peak due to aging, it is not something that the big snake pill can assassinate.

Yusuke himself did not dare to guarantee that he could complete the assassination without being detected by any of the dark parts of the protective ape flying sun.

Killing a shadow publicly and assassinating a shadow are completely different in difficulty.

Although Yusuke doesn’t care what others think of him.

But that also has to have a degree, at least not to become a street rat like the future Tuanzang.

Before gaining the power that can be invincible to this world.

If only he publicly killed the ape flying sun to grab the position of Hokage.

Then the road after that is not easy to follow.

“Hehe, kidding, if Sarutobi-sensei stays in Konoha all the time, no one can assassinate him.”

The big snake pill put down the measuring cup in his hand, turned his head and smiled: “But if it is a time of war, there are too many opportunities.”

“Provoke the third Ninja World War in advance?”

Yusuke instantly understood what Orochimaru meant.

According to the timeline of the original book, there are at least a few years before the Third Ninja World War.

“As long as a war is launched, then even if the assassination is not successful, you can force the ape flying teacher to abdicate through the means of war, and there are many ways.”

The big snake pill was extremely confident.

Originally from the Nine Tails incident, the position of the Hokage of the Sarutobi Sun was already precarious, and now it just needed a fuse.

And now, the most effective trigger is undoubtedly war.

“The most effective way to provoke a war is nothing more than civil strife in other countries, causing other countries to covet.”

Yusuke shrugged and smiled, “The most effective way is nothing more than to kill a few big people from other countries.” ”

The Third Ninja World War was originally caused by the mysterious disappearance of the three generations of Kazekage.

With this precedent ahead, then the best way to provoke a war is to kill a shadow.

“Wind Shadow, Earth Shadow, Water Shadow, Thunder Shadow.”

Yusuke read out the targets one by one, and then raised his eyes slightly: “Which one to target?”

“Don’t worry, as long as it can cause civil strife in other countries, it is enough, and it is not necessarily necessary to kill the shadow.”

Orochimaru grinned, “I’ve already sent someone to start collecting intelligence, there’s no need to rush, Yusuke-kun, you just need to wait for my good news.”

“Senior Orochimaru is actually willing to cooperate with me, can you tell me what your purpose is?”

Yusuke asked with his hands around Tsuki Hun, looking rather interested.

The original Great Snake Pill wanted to kill Ape Flying Sun Chopper, claiming that it was just a whim, and many people thought that it was because when he was running for the fourth generation of Hokage, Ape Flying Sun Chopper chose Bofeng Shui Men instead of him, thus resenting Ape Flying Sun Chopper.

But now it seems that Orochimaru is also not very concerned about the position of the fourth generation of Hokage.

“Recently, my research has hit a bottleneck…”

The big snake pill supported his hands on the experimental table, and added a point of unwillingness in his tone, “The white mouse, a toy-level test product, is no longer enough, and it takes real life to break through this bottleneck.” ”

Speaking of this, the big snake pill added like a snake, and then said:

“This matter, people like Sarutobi will not agree.”

“That is, you want to find a Hokage who can agree to you doing this kind of thing? Worthy of you. ”

When Yusuke heard this, he smiled knowingly.

“Yusuke-kun won’t stop me, will he?”

The big snake pill couldn’t help but raise a sneer on his face.

“For the future development of the world, some small sacrifices are necessary.”

Yusuke said awe-inspiringly.

“Hehe, I’m glad that Konoha has someone like Yusuke-kun.”

Orochimaru nodded in satisfaction.

At present, he has no hatred for his mentor Ape Flying Sun, but he has no feelings to speak of.

Or in the eyes of today’s big snake pill, he will gain eternal life, and he doesn’t need to care about such a thing as “feelings”.



On the other side of Konoha Village, inside the Hokage’s office.

“Watergate, I heard that you have been very close to Jiu Xinnai recently.”

Ape Fei Ri smiled and looked at the wave feng shui gate kneeling in front of him on one knee.

“Uh… Be. ”

Bofeng Shuimen said a little embarrassed.

“Jiu Xinnai’s hometown and family have perished, you have to treat her well, you know?”

Sarutobi instructed.

Bo Feng Shuimen’s face immediately straightened and he focused his head.

“But there’s one more thing I hope you understand.”

Ape Fei Ri’s expression gradually became solemn, “Jiu Xinnai has another layer of identity. ”

“The Nine Tails… Human pillar force? ”

The wave feng shui gate bites slightly.

“Although the previous human pillar force transfer ceremony failed, it does not mean that the village gave up the Nine Tails, on the contrary, Konoha must take the Nine Tails back.”

Ape Fei Ri stared at Bofeng Shuimen, “So you understand?” It was a sure thing that Kushina would become Konoha’s ultimate weapon. ”

“Yes, I understand, Naruto-sama.”

Hearing Bo Fengshuimen’s answer, Ape Fei Richo nodded in satisfaction.

Because of Onoki’s death, Konoha and Iwain have formed a deep feud in the sea of blood, and the accounts of the previous second-generation Hokage and the second-generation Thunder Shadow have not yet been settled, and Yunyin is watching again.

Under such circumstances, the ape flying sun slash must retrieve the Nine Tails as soon as possible in order to achieve the purpose of deterring the enemy country.

PS: It is basically determined that it will be on the shelves at noon tomorrow, and when the time comes, kneel and beg everyone for a wave of first ordering, it is really important, it is related to life and death.

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