Wakamaru stared at it without blinking.


The water dragon dissipated, revealing a hideous figure with a white skeleton.

Hyuga Hyuga in a bone armor.

Get up straight.

He was unscathed.

If you really want to hide, Hyuga can also avoid it.

But doing this is to create a momentary psychological flaw for the opponent.


Wakamaru's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

He could not understand.

Why did Hyuga Xiao's body suddenly appear the ability of bones? !

"You...that is?!"

"Bone Vein·Dance of Iron Thread Flower!"

Hyuga, who grasped the psychological weakness of his opponent at this moment, began to sprint.

The right hand stretched out to the back.

A long bone was extracted from the spine of the armor behind him.

A year's time.

Let Hyuga Xiao's bones and veins ability more and more diligently.


The original armor is a third-rate DIY.

So... now, it's a meticulously crafted professional figure.

Even the spine structure behind the armor is added together to assist in the force.

And now... Hyuga pulled out this spine.

Throwing it like a whip and a sword blade, slammed it at Wakamaru fiercely.

A mirage?

Red eye?

How do you dodge a wide range of strikes? !


Like a rope, Hyuga Yu tied Wakamaru's upper body with bone veins.

Wakamaru still wants to struggle, Jieyin.

But the moment he raised his arm...

The "cold current fluctuations", like absolute zero, passed into his body along the bone whip that exuded the chill.

Click! Click! Click!

Frost climbed onto Wakamaru's body.

His eyes were full of red light.


Hyuga, who had tied the target, had already closed his eyes.

No longer rely on your own sense of sight.

"Bing Dun!"


I don't know when, Hyuga had a bone blade in his hands.

Ice crystals like snowflakes and frost spill out from the bone blade.

Hyuga Hyuga who inherited Sakumo Hagaki's short-sword swordsmanship.

With the peculiar "Ice Dun·Chakra Flow", it was cut out with a single blow, cutting off the heaven and the earth!

Wakamaru's body was instantly cut in half.

Because of Bing Dun.

The blood flower was solidified without blasting.


Hiuga-Ya, with his back to Wakamaru, recruited.

The bone blade, bone whip, and bone armor shrank and disappeared instantly as if they had been recovered.

And through the contact between the bone blade and the bone whip, Hyuga, who had already absorbed Wakamaru's power, quickly disappeared in the mist.

Until this time.

Wakamaru's upper body was flowing diagonally, and it was divided into two halves.

As the saying goes...

Kill one person in ten steps and never stay for a thousand miles. Hello.

[Daohua degree...32%! 】

End of this chapter

On the way back to the village.

The complexion of Hyuga Nissaka seemed unsightly.

As for him, Hyuga Xiao has understood after more than a year of getting along with him.

Hyuga is not good at hiding things.

All the joy, anger, sorrow and joy are almost in the face and eyes.

To say something bad, may be weak in spirit and weak will.

To put it nicely, you can get along with him without worrying about being scammed.

Because even if he wants to cheat someone, his face will show up in advance, so he can easily beware.

In terms of threat.

The level of Hyuga Nissaka is similar to that of Hyuga Natsura.

Hyuga Xiao thinks so.

Compared to his elder brother who is very deep in the city, it is really... much easier to deal with.

So, what is the reason for Hyuga's sullenness?

The ninja of the black **** clan was killed by himself a few times.

The mastermind, Wakamaru, also died and couldn't die again.

The crisis of the Hyuga clan's blinding eyes is lifted, and everyone is happy, and there is nothing else to worry about.


That must have something to do with "Hai".

Although Hai is a child who is not a few years older than himself.

But Hyuga Xiao did not despise him.

Because Hyuga had said to himself before, this "Hai" is not an ordinary Anbe.

But currently I don't have much information...

Thinking so.

Hyuga Xiao sank her consciousness into the evolution map of "God Soul Fate".

The new star point is naturally "red eye."

Before leaving, Hyuga Xiao looked in the mirror next to the water pool, but fortunately, there was no strange mutation.

If both eyes turn red, wouldn't it be weird?

You don't need to cover it up, and Hyuga will come to your door.

However, there is no mutation in the "passive" state, which does not mean that there is an abnormal state when it cannot be used actively.

Just like the bones and veins.

Some are sad and some are happy.

Hyuga Xiao is very happy.

Because this newly acquired star point is exactly the same as that of Wakamaru...

"Shield white eyes."

With this "red eye" ability, Hyuga Xiao can hide herself in front of the people of the Hyuga clan.

Cooperate with Professor Dashemaru's concealment technique to change his chakra breath and fluctuations.

When necessary, supplemented by the ability of the fire attribute star point to absorb body surface heat, it can be perfectly disguised as someone else.

Because of this.

The flaw lies in "perspective."

Even if the whole body is wrapped, put on a mask.

The eyes of the Hyuga clan... can still "see through" the mask and see the face of the pretender.

Red eye... is the solution to the above problems.


There are flaws in everything.

This method of disguise, Hyuga Xiao thought with her toes, and she knew the fatal flaw.

That is......

If you are too close to the clan, you will be sensed.

The past year and a half.

Hyuga Xiao and Hyuga Mo did not perform D-level, C-level, and B-level missions many times.

In these hundreds of missions.

Hyuga Xiao tried many times, intentionally or unintentionally.

What to try?


The story of the female ninja of Yanyin Village·Redstone has been buried in the heart of Hyuga Xiao.

She said that if the Hyuga clan is separated, if it is too far away from the clan, the clan will lose the feeling of the bird in the cage.


She also just speculated.

After all, at that time, Axia was taken abducted, even if she was cursed to death by the Zong family on the way, she had nothing to lose.

If it happens to be successful, that is a good thing.

This statement.

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