Liu Sheng looked at the lancer in front of him and said calmly.


"I thought you were here to fight because you were righteous.

Unexpectedly, this is just because of your arrogant personality."

The Lancer looked at Yagyu angrily, as if Yagyu had betrayed his trust.

"Old la la la!"

"It seems that you are very confident in your own strength!"

"In that case, why don't we make a bet?"

"If I can win a fight later, how about you be my son?"

Liu Sheng leaned on his naginata and laughed, with a white beard looking like he was born again.

"Suffer to death!"

The Lancer felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, and rushed towards Liu Sheng with a move, and stabbed him in the eyebrows with a rude shot.

Spear of Demon Breaker:! The Spear of Demon Breaker of Lancers: Very powerful, it can ignore magic defense, and it is a powerful Noble Phantasm for offense.

However, with a move of Liu Yu's palm and a slight wave of the Naginata sword in his hand, the attack of the Demon-Breaking Spear was easily repelled by the domineering sword that covered the weapon.

"What a terrifying power!"

The lancer took a few steps back in horror, the strength displayed by Liu Yu made him feel a little desperate.

"It seems that you are indeed qualified to be arrogant!"

A blond and blue-eyed girl appeared, it was the dumb hair king that Lancelot had always wanted to find - Artoria.

King Arthur wanted to achieve the final victory through tactics according to the system of Emiya Kiritsugu and others.

However, the appearance of Yagyu disrupted the arrangement of Emiya Kiritsugu, and Yagyu also made King Arthur very excited.

King Arthur was originally a king of knights, and Yanagyu's above-mentioned behavior of declaring war made her a little unbearable.

In Artoria's point of view, Yagyu declared war openly and aboveboard, and she was still a little inappropriate.

Emiya Kiritsugu also noticed this, so he brought Ya over to check the situation.

And Emiya Kiritsugu himself, along with his assistant and lover, waited in the dark for a cold shot.

"Two is not enough, I want to hit ten ten!"

"Young King Arthur, how about losing to me as a daughter"

Yagyu laughed and said to Arturia unceremoniously.

"The dignity of the king cannot be provoked!"

Artoria shouted with a serious face, holding the Sword of Oath of Victory in her hand.

"Haha! Well said, this king wants to teach this arrogant guy a lesson!"

The heroic voice sounded, and the King of Conqueror drove his Shenwei wheel: rushing towards this side.

Shenwei Wheel: It is the Noble Phantasm of the King of Conqueror. Thunder flashes on the horse-drawn carriage powered by the bull, and it rushes unstoppably towards Yagyu.

Liu Sheng laughed and shouted with disdain: "Just a bullock cart, I'm a man who can block a battleship with one hand!"

As soon as the words fell, Liu Sheng suddenly stretched out a palm and pushed it towards the Shenwei Wheel.

A terrifying force erupted in his hands, and immediately stopped the Mercedes-Benz chariot.

Afterwards, Liu Sheng roared, and the King of Conqueror's Divine Wheel: It was directly blown away.

"So much power"

The King of Conqueror said with a horrified expression, he knew very well his Kamuy Wheel: how powerful it was. He could block the Kamuy Wheel with the power of one hand: and repel it, how terrifying the power of Yagyu was "There are only three people who don't, It's four 0s!"

"Hassan, are you hiding and refusing to come?"

Liu Sheng cast his eyes in one direction, but didn't care too much.

Hassan is an assassin, and this thing basically doesn't show up.

"You are the one...the one who took the initiative to provoke this king"

"Shit, how dare you be so arrogant"

On a street lamp not far away, the insolent figure of the King of Heroes appeared.

"King of Heroes, how rude!"

"How about being my son"

"I can educate you well."

Liu Sheng glanced at the King of Heroes and laughed arrogantly.

"Be your son"

The King of Heroes' face turned red in an instant: he had never been so humiliated before.

A barrier like water waves appeared behind him, the treasure of the king!

Overwhelming magical weapons were launched from the water-like barrier, and each weapon had terrifying destructive power.


Liu Sheng's hand suddenly clenched a fist, and a white halo appeared on his fist.

Air shock! Yagyu punched at 1.

On the air in front of him, the power of the shaking fruit shattered the air, and the air in front of him shattered like a mirror.

And this broken mirror forms a unique barrier, emitting a powerful vibrational force.

The King's Treasure of the King of Heroes was not even close to Liu Sheng, and was directly shaken back by this powerful shaking force.

"Wacky ability, say your name"

The face of the King of Heroes became: a lot more solemn, and he said with a cold snort.

"I am One Piece Whitebeard, Edward.

Liu Sheng!"

"How about you being my son and daughter"

"Otherwise, I, Liu Sheng, will kill everyone sitting here."

"Of course, if you don't want to, you can join hands to defeat me."

Liu Sheng laughed and his voice was heroic. reminds you: There are three things in reading to collect, it is recommended to remember to save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu[*].com Aikanshu[*].com, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 132 The Last King's Army

"A name One Piece has never heard of."


It seems that the popularity of the name Yagyu is not high."

The Heroic Spirits on the opposite side were very surprised, the Servants in the Holy Grail War should be very famous.

"King, that's not a heroic spirit."

"He came here a year before the Holy Grail War, don't be fooled by him."

Tohsaka Tohsaka, who knew the situation here through the Hero King, told the Hero King without hesitation.

"You are not a heroic spirit"

The King of Heroes was shocked, the monster-like man in front of him was not a heroic spirit, "Isn't it strange that only you can achieve this level."

"There are talented people in the country, and my white beard will kill everyone present today."

Yagyu spoke unceremoniously, without denying his identity.

The lancer said excitedly: "I didn't expect that there are such strong people in this era."

"Come on! Even if you are a human, I will not show mercy."

Liu Sheng held the Naginata and laughed boldly: "You don't need to be merciful, use all your fighting power to please me!"

The King of Heroes stared at Liu Sheng angrily, he should be the one to say such arrogant words.

"Miscellaneous, let you know the price of angering this king."

The King of Heroes roared angrily, and the fluctuation of the king's treasure appeared behind him again, and powerful Noble Phantasms emerged from it.

The overwhelming Noble Phantasm hit Liusheng like raindrops, and Liusheng was a shock without saying a word.

The lancers attacked Yagyu in one move, and attacked Yagyu from behind Yagyu.

"Good come!"

Liu Sheng's backhand is a knife, a powerful swordsmanship.

The strength burst out and easily suppressed the Lancers.

"What a strong martial arts!"

The lancer was shocked, Liu Yu's martial arts far surpassed him.

"I come!"

King Arthur couldn't care too much, the sword of oath victory in his hand suddenly burst into a powerful brilliance.

King Arthur's vowed sword of victory, has the strongest single attack skill among all heroic spirits.

King Arthur made this move without hesitation, trying to break Liu Sheng's defense.

Because in her understanding, although the shock skill used by Liusheng is a combination of offense and defense, it belongs to a group skill.

The attack range of the group skill is relatively large, but it also disperses its attack power, and the attack power at a specific point must be weakened a lot.

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