"Okay, stop crying!"

Yanagyu patted the head of Tohsaka Sakura, who was crying silently beside him, and stepped forward to help Tohsaka Rin, who was kneeling on the ground.

"Although your father is dead, I am still your godfather!"

"Don't worry! I'll take good care of you and your mother!"

Yagyu patted his chest to assure, making the Tohsaka sisters blushed.

The news of Tomisaka Tokiomi's death soon reached the ears of Tosaka Aoi and Matou Kariya.

Compared to Aoi Tohsaka, who was heartbroken, Matou Kariya was excited.

"Haha! Tokiomi, you loser!"

"You were killed by your own disciples and servants, you are a joke of the Holy Grail War!"

Matou Kariya laughed wildly, vomited blood and died.

His body has long been unable to hold ten.

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Chapter 136 Are you still going to give her to me?

Inside a luxurious villa, Emiya Kiritsugu and his secretary discussed the next move.

Although the masters of them have reached an intention to cooperate, they have not yet determined the specific actions to be taken next.

Liu Sheng's strength should not be underestimated, it is not something that they can defeat together.

In addition to cooperating with each other, they must make a careful plan to knock Yagyu out of the game.

King Arthur and Emiya Kiritsugu's wife sat next to each other and ate affectionately.

Their relationship has always been very good, and the pure flowers are growing well.

Suddenly, Emiya Kiritsugu's wife, Irisviel's complexion changed, and an abnormal red appeared on her skin.

This phenomenon, immediately.

It attracted the attention of King Arthur and others.

King Arthur asked with concern: "Irisviel, you "one eighty"

What's wrong"

Irisviel frowned and said, "The little Holy Grail in my body has two more souls of heroic spirits, the King of Heroes and Hassan."

"Both of them were killed!"

Emiya Kiritsugu was taken aback and asked in disbelief, "Aren't you joking?"

The King of Heroes is the strongest among all the fighters except Yagyu, and is an important bargaining chip for them to join forces against Yagyu.

And although Hassan lacks frontal combat power, his assassination methods are top-notch, and he is also the main force against Yagyu.

Now that both of them are dead, doesn't that mean that the chance of defeating Yagyu has become smaller? Just when Emiya Kiritsugu was in a complicated mood, Irisviel's face changed again, and she exclaimed: "No Well, the soul of the mage heroic spirit has also come."

The mage in this Holy Grail War is a perverted murderer. After taking care of the hero king and others, a laser 80 meters away directly sent him and his master out of this world.

There were seven 7 Heroic Spirits in a Holy Grail War, and Yagyu directly killed four 44.

Moreover, the King of Conquerors and King of Heroes are both powerful, and their deaths have left small holes in the barriers of the world.

The magic power from outside the world flowed in and poured into the Great Holy Grail.

Where the Great Holy Grail was buried, the ancient altar began to glow, and the words carved on it began to glow.

The Great Holy Grail is coming! Yagyu stood in front of the altar and smiled at the coming Great Sage.

His main body is here to welcome the coming of the Great Holy Grail, and several of his clones have already done the rest.

In a villa, Liu Yu's clone easily beat the Lancers.

Even though his Master used three 3 Command Spells to strengthen him, he was still easily beheaded by Yanagyu.

However, seeing the Lancers being killed, the Lancers' Master was very calm, and there was even a hint of joy in his eyes.

But his fiancee was suddenly excited.

It looks like the lover has been killed.

The reason why there is such a complicated level is because the Lancer has a black mole of love on his face.

This black mole has a natural attraction to women, and even during the time when he was summoned, his master's fiancee always tried every means to hook him up, which made him very distressed.

"Unexpectedly, this is a Holy Grail battle won by mankind!"

Before the lancer left, he looked at him with emotion.

The Holy Grail War was supposed to be a battlefield for Heroic Spirits, but I didn't expect it to be counterattacked.

The fifth Servant was sent to the Little Holy Grail, the Little Holy Grail

The cup exploded instantly.

The Great Grail seems to have identified Yagyu as the winner, and King Arthur and Lancelot are also on the verge of dissipating.

However, at this time, Liu Sheng's clone appeared beside them.

Liu Sheng's clone just waved his hand gently, and the power from Beng Yu and Death God stabilized their bodies that were about to collapse.

"Liu Sheng, what do you want to do?"

King Arthur stared at Liu Sheng vigilantly, thinking about protecting Irisviel even at this time.

"Don't get excited, I'm here to save her."

Yanagyu said calmly, then turned his eyes to Emiya Kiritsugu, "Emiya Kiritsugu, how about making a deal with you?"

Emiya Kiritsugu was wary: "What do you want to do with me?"

Liu Sheng said indifferently: "Give me your wife, and give you the chance to make a wish from the Holy Grail."

King Arthur was furious on the spot and shouted angrily: "Liu Sheng, don't deceive people too much!"

Yanagyu turned a deaf ear, and turned his eyes to Emiya Kiritsugu, who was on the side. Emiya Kiritsugu's complexion changed, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Whatever you say."

Liu Sheng said indifferently: "Of course!"

Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly became discouraged and said weakly: "Okay, I promise you!"

King Arthur looked at Emiya Kiritsugu in disbelief, "You're not joking"

Irisviel's face was complicated, but she didn't say much.

Looking at King Arthur's angry look, Irisviel lightly smiled to comfort her.

"I am the little Holy Grail made by my family. After the Holy Grail War is over, I will die."

Liu Sheng smiled and said: "Really, if I tell you, I have special means to make you survive?"

"Emiya Kiritsugu! If that's the case, are you going to give her to me?"

Emiya Kiritsugu was silent for a long time, and nodded lightly.

Liu Sheng smacked his lips, worthy of being a heroic guard of the imperial palace.

Anyone can give up and sacrifice in order to realize the great dream of world peace.

It's a pity that such people are too dangerous, in order to protect the safety of Irisviel and Illya, Yagyu had to take them over.

"as you wish!"

Yanagyu spoke calmly, reached out and grabbed Irisviel's soul, and the huge Reiatsu directly transformed her into a god of death.

And Ellie without a soul 1.

0 Sifei's body turned into a little holy grail.

Liu Sheng said to Duo Mao Wang: "There is someone who wants to see you, you go and see him!"

With a big wave of Liu Yu's hand, a huge force enveloped the Dumb King and sent her to Lancelot.


Seeing the appearance of the Dumb Hair King, Lancelot got excited and knelt down without hesitation.

"Wang, I've been waiting all these years."

"Wait for a chance and let me accept your punishment."

"I finally saw you today, and I implore you to give me the punishment I deserve."

Lancelot knelt on the ground and said sincerely.

Because of his affairs with the queen, Great Britain was destroyed.

The reason why Lancelot wanted to participate in the Holy Grail War was that he wanted to be killed by King Dumb.

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Chapter 137 Everything is over!

After the Duo Mao Wang and Lancelot met, the two sides launched a cordial and friendly exchange.

Lancelot: "You killed me!"

Dumb King: "I can't kill you!"

Lancelot: "I am atonement!"

Dumb King: "It's not your fault!"

Lancelot: "Please, King!"

Dumb King: "No, no, no!"

Liu Sheng's clone in the distance couldn't stand it anymore, so he communicated directly with his own body and used a Command Spell.

Controlled by the magic power of the Command Spell, Lancelot rushed towards the Dumb King without saying a word, and launched an attack with a sharp sword in his hand.

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