A simple failure like Kizaru makes everyone

I feel like I'm hallucinating.

Fortunately, some clever navy responded in time, jumped into the sea with a plop, and fished out the kiwi.

Otherwise, Kizaru may be the first admiral ever to be drowned.

"It's so powerful"

Kizaru muttered to himself in disbelief, he swore that he didn't release water just now.

Liu Sheng, relying on his true strength, came to him at a speed that he couldn't react to, and punched him away.

"Kizuna, do you want to continue?"

Liu Sheng looked at Kizaru indifferently, and asked in a relaxed tone.


Kizaru ordered the retreat without hesitation, he had already determined that Yagyu was not something he could deal with.

"It's not that easy to go!"

"Do you want to come and leave when you want to call me?"

Liu Sheng looked at Kisaragi and the others who wanted to retreat below with a playful face, and rushed towards Kisaragi and others with a movement of his body.

"Fire escape - arrogant fire extinguished!"

Liu Yu's hands formed a fire escape seal, and he opened his mouth to spurt endless flames, and the huge sea of ​​flames rushed towards the warship where Kiabou was located.

"Defend now!"

Kizaru looked at the sea of ​​​​fire falling from the sky with a headache, and he really had no good way to deal with this thing.

His ability is good at walking support, better in speed, while Akainu's ability is good at frontal attack, and his ability to destroy Aokiji is good at controlling defense, better than field control.

If Admiral Aokiji was here, a wall of ice would appear and block the sea of ​​fire that fell from the sky.

However, Kiabou was helpless in the face of such a sea of ​​flames, he could only guarantee that he would not be hurt by the flames.

Boom! The sea of ​​fire that fell from the sky fell on the warship, and the navy failed to stop Yagyu's flame attack.

Huge warships burned, a large number of navies were busy putting out fires, and a few navy powerhouses were Yagyu in the sky of the ringer.

"You navy provoke me again and again, do you think I have a better temper?"

Yagyu looked lazily at the navy below, with a narrow smile on his face.

"Give you a chance!"

"I will attack again next time. Whether you survive or not depends on your own destiny."

Liu Sheng looked at the navy below with a smile on his face, and used the water escape ninjutsu with his hands in knots, and the sea below suddenly became turbulent.

The endless waves surged into the sky and suddenly hit the huge naval warship.

Boom! With a deafening roar, the huge naval warship was hit by the spray.

A large amount of seawater began to seep into the navy warships, and the navy on the warships began to frantically rescue themselves.

"Looks like you're lucky."

Liu Sheng Lazy Yang Yang commented, and moved back to his boat.


"Mr. Liu Sheng, how can you be so powerful?"

"Is that really an Admiral? It's a lot weaker than I thought!"

"Mr. Yanagyu, you can even defeat a naval admiral. What is your current strength in the sea?"

Brooke asked excitedly.

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Chapter 168 I just don't want to fight!

Brooke has always been in awe of the Admiral.

In his memory, the Admiral was the pinnacle of combat power on the sea and the existence at the top of the world.

But he didn't expect that decades later, when he walked out of the fog in the Devil's Triangle, what he saw was the Admiral being beaten by Yanagyu.

This dramatic scene made Brooke doubt the Admiral in his memory. Is the Admiral really as strong as he heard? "Do you feel that the Admiral is somewhat misnamed?"

"If you think so, I suggest you go and have a look with the Admiral."

"There is an admiral in front of you, go and fight him!"

"What is the strength of the Admiral, you will know if you try it yourself."

"After all, practice is the only criterion for testing truth, and whether it is true or false has to be tried to be clear."

Liu Sheng looked at Brook with a smile, and urged him to fight with Kizaru.

Brook smiled embarrassedly, and refused without hesitation: "Forget it! Although I have never fought against the Admiral in person, judging from the momentum of the Admiral's shot just now, I am not his opponent at all."

Brooke is still a little self-aware.

When Kizaru released Bachi Qionggou before, the aura he showed just suffocated him.

Brook has no doubt that under the overwhelming golden light bullets, even if he only has a skeleton left, he will be beaten to pieces.

After the boat continued to sail for a certain distance, Liu Yu ordered the boat to stop, and then flew towards the distance with a movement of his body.

After a while, Yagyu appeared on a huge pirate ship, opposite Katakuri.

"I've watched it for so long, have I seen enough?"

Liu Yu looked at Katakuri in front of him with interest, and said with a smile.

When he fought Kiaburu just now, Katakuri appeared around.

However, Katakuri did not come close, but observed them with a telescope from a distance.

"My lord, I didn't spy on you secretly."

"I came to send you an invitation to the tea party on my mother's order."

Katakuri smiled, and without hesitation took out an invitation from himself and handed it to Yagyu.

He felt that if he didn't give a reasonable explanation today, I'm afraid he would stay here forever.

“Auntie’s tea party will be fun!”

"I got it, go back!"

Yanagyu looked at the invitation card in his hand and said to Katakuri with a smile.

Katakuri didn't say much, and ordered to leave without hesitation.

If someone else receives the invitation, maybe he will tell you, suggesting that you will arrive early or bring some gifts or something.

But in the face of Yagyu, he doesn't have this Katakuri at all. He only hopes that his abnormal mother can give some strength, and don't anger Yagyu.

Yanagyu threw away the invitation to the tea party and returned to the boat to continue sailing, and soon reached the Chambord Islands.

Here Brooke was kicked off the boat, and after experiencing Brooke's music, Yagyu let him go.

He didn't mean to make Brooke a partner, the two sides were only together for a while.

At the same time, the naval headquarters also received the news that Yagyu came to the Chambord Islands.

"Yusheng came to the shampoo group

Island, should we take the opportunity to arrest him?"

In the conference room of the Navy Headquarters, Admiral Sengoku asked in a solemn tone.

Around the Admiral Sengoku, senior generals of the naval headquarters gathered together to discuss Yagyu's problem.

Hearing Admiral Sengoku's question, everyone's eyes turned to General Kizaru.

"Don't look at me, I just don't want to fight."

"I'll tell the truth, and you don't believe that I really can't beat Liu Sheng."

"At that time, Liu Sheng threw me into the sea with one move. I really wasn't his opponent."

Huang Yuan spread out his palms and said helplessly to the other people around him.


"In the entire navy headquarters, who doesn't know that your general, Kizaru, likes to steal and play tricks the most"

Admiral Akainu glanced at Kizaru with a dissatisfied face, he couldn't stand Kizaru's condescending attitude the most.

Akainu believes in absolute justice, and believes that the navy should be disciplined in doing things and carry out orders in a serious and simple manner.

"It's scary!"

"Although I usually do a little bit of perfunctory, I won't lie about this kind of thing."

"I was really defeated by Liu Sheng with one punch, but many people saw it at the time."

Kizaru let out a frightened look, and then said nonchalantly.

"You were indeed defeated by Liu Yu with one punch, but did you really deal with it seriously?"

"I seriously suspect that you were cheating and cheating, deliberately selling a flaw and being defeated by Liu Sheng."

"Otherwise, after you've been knocked down, why don't you get up and keep fighting?"

"After you were rescued by other navies on a warship, you should still retain considerable combat effectiveness."

Admiral Sengoku looked at Kizaru with a dissatisfied expression and shouted in a low voice.


"I could still fight at the time, why didn't I think of that?"

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