There are no beautiful women in the Four Emperor Pirates, and even very few members.

There are women in the Big Mom Pirates, but unfortunately they are all crooked melons and cracked dates.

Yagyu had some thoughts on Robin before, but unfortunately the plan couldn't keep up with the changes.

Before his heart-to-heart plan could be realized, he began a journey to unify the world.

Now Yagyu doesn't want to worry anymore, so he called some beauties from Dressrosa to relax.

Yanagyu commanded the fleet formed by the Four Emperor Pirates, and slaughtered Mariejoa in a mighty manner.

The well-informed world government got the news early, and the five old stars who got the news felt very angry.

"These goddamn pirates! The world government didn't send troops to destroy them, they actually kicked their noses in the face.

! "

"It's not the Four Emperor Pirates' problem, it's Yanyu's problem."

"Yusheng really defeated the three major admirals of the Warring States Period and the Navy, so he also has a chance to have the strength of any of the Four Emperor Pirates."

"If what Sengoku said was not adulterated, then even if the four 44 Four Emperor Pirates joined forces, they would not be Yagyu's opponent."

"That is to say, the current Yagyu has incorporated the Four Emperor Pirates, and they are commanding them to attack our world government."

"Humph! Our world government is not easy to mess with, and the mere Four Emperor Pirates are not enough to defeat us."

"That's right, it's not like we haven't done any preparatory work these days."

"We have integrated the power of the world government, just in one fell swoop to destroy Yagyu and the Four Emperor Pirates."

"As long as they are all wiped out, the world government's control of the seas will reach an unprecedented level."

The five old stars discussed with each other, and decided to face Liusheng with high fighting spirit, and were very optimistic that they would definitely win this battle.

Naval Branch of the New World, 5 Branches.

The World Government has decided to face the Four Emperors Pirates here, and no matter what, the Four Emperors Pirates cannot be allowed to cross here.

Because this is the same as the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando, it is a bridgehead guarding Mary Joa.

Once this place is captured by the Four Emperors Pirates, the Four Emperors Pirates can drive straight in until they reach Mary Joa.

The Five Old Stars take this war very seriously, because it is about their lives.

For this reason, the five old stars even gave up the suppression of the pirates in the four seas and the first half of the great route, and mobilized all the troops to prepare to destroy the four emperors pirates in one fell swoop.

The behavior of the Five Old Stars caused a lot of shock in the Navy headquarters, and many admirals even expressed their opposition to this behavior.

Among them, Garp is the most, and Garp expresses fiercely that doing so will make pirates raging, and make the first half of the great route and the common people of the four seas poisoned by pirates.

Many dovish generals also clearly expressed their disapproval of this behavior, but the world government is determined.

"If we don't use all our strength to face the Four Emperor Pirates, what if we lose the battle?"

"If the world government loses to the Four Emperors Pirates, the impact will definitely not be comparable to the first half of the Great Route when the pirates ravage the world."

"If the world government and the navy lose to the Four Emperor Pirates, the whole sea will be in turmoil."

"The world government and the navy will lose control of the sea, and the impact will be greater than the death of Roger One Piece."

"At that time, the entire sea will be plunged into unprecedented chaos, even more terrifying than the beginning of the era of the great pirates."

"When the time comes, the damage caused by pirates to ordinary people will be more than ten times worse than the impact the world government is doing now."

The envoys sent by the world government were eloquent and patiently persuaded the admiral.

In the face of the reasons stated by the world government, the admirals finally chose to obey the order.

All the high-level powerhouses of the navy were dispatched, and 40 elite navy soldiers were gathered.

The Five Old Stars led the strong men in the organization and personally dispatched to command the battle.

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Chapter 179 Qiwuhai with different minds!

Chapter 180 The navy's momentum is good!

"The pirate alliance formed by the Four Emperor Pirates has appeared!"

I don't know who shouted, and all the navies in the navy branch suddenly became nervous.

One pirate emperor is enough to make them face the enemy, and now four 44 pirate emperors are dispatched.

The Pirate Emperor can be called the existence of the two poles of the world together with the navy, and their combined strength is truly able to fight against the sea overlord - the navy.

The pirate coalition formed by the four 44 pirate emperors is no weaker than the navy in terms of strength.

Even if the world government has added assistance to the navy from other places, there is still not much difference in the strength of the two sides.


"Don't be afraid, don't hold back."

"This is a war initiated by the pirate emperors, and the righteous navy has no way out."

"Unless we completely defeat the coalition formed by the Pirate Emperor, we will not be safe even if we retreat to the end of the sea."

"This is a war that must be won!"

"Our navy must not fail in this war, and justice will never allow failure."

"If we fail, the whole sea will suffer under the ravages of these villains."

"For ordinary people all over the world who fear the villains, our victory cannot be missed."

Admiral Sengoku, holding a phone bug, shouted loudly while standing on the high platform.

Listening to the high-spirited speech of Admiral Warring States, the morale of the navy was quickly mobilized.

"For justice!"

With a roar of Sengoku, all the 40 navy roared.

"The navy is in a good mood!"

Yagyu looked at the roaring navy and let out a chuckle.

After hesitating for a moment, Liu Sheng jumped, jumped into the air, and jumped to the front of the two armies.

"Navy, stop saying such ridiculous things [for justice]."

"If you really joined the navy for justice, then you should turn around and kill all the Draconians on Maryjoa."

"Your navy is nothing but a violent institution of the world government, and a dog of the world's nobles who rule the world."

"The world government cannot represent justice, and the existence of Tianlong people is the greatest mockery of justice."

Liu Yu rudely opened the sea, and protecting the Tianlong people at all costs is the biggest stain on the navy.

The faces of many navy became a little ugly, and the morale encouraged by Yuan began to slide.

Seeing this, Wu Laoxing hurriedly opened his mouth and said, "You brought sinful pirates to attack the naval branch, do you want to say that what you represent is justice?"

Liu Yu said casually: "Your navy cannot represent justice, and neither can pirates represent justice."

"Only the victors are qualified to talk about justice, so I am justice."

Wu Laoxing couldn't help sneering when he heard this, looked at Liu Sheng with a mocking expression and said, "You mean that you have won the confidence of young people. It's a good thing, but conceit is not... a good thing."

Liu Sheng said casually: "How is my strength, you have already seen it."

"Why, you still have doubts about my victory


Wu Lao Xing sneered and said, "Do you think you can fight the World Government by gathering the Four Emperor Pirates?"

"Maybe you have enough power to fight the navy, but it's still too weak compared to the world government."

"If you don't believe it, you will know when the fight starts. You are not qualified to challenge the world government."

Suddenly, the... five old star with blond hair said to Yagyu: "Yugi, no matter what, you have attracted the attention of the world government."

"Being able to make the Four Emperor Pirates bow their heads and be their servants is enough to prove your ability."

"If you lead people to fight against the world government today, the best outcome will be to lose both of us."

"While the world government is not afraid of your challenge, we do not want the world to be: chaos."

"A chaotic world will deprive ordinary people of the protection of the navy, which is contrary to the order that the world government has always pursued."

"If you are willing to join the World Government with the Four Emperor Pirates, we can give you the status of a world noble."

"The members of the Four Emperor Pirates under your command will also become a powerful force to maintain the peace of the sea."

Liu Sheng smiled disdainfully and said, "Is it too naive to think of recruiting me at such a time?"

The blond-haired Five Old Stars changed their expression and scolded Liu Sheng angrily: "Do you really think you can fight against the World Government?"

Liu Sheng said indifferently: "It is not against the World Government, it is to overthrow the World Government."

"You will be defeated by me, and I will be crowned king."

Saying that, Liu Yu was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with the people of the World Government, and waved his hand and ordered the Four Emperor Pirates to attack.

At this time, Whitebeard has already recognized the reality and decided to let go of his hands and feet to work for Liu Sheng.

Because the strength displayed by Liu Sheng all means that he has the power to cleanse the world, and since that's the case, there is no need for him to resist.

If they don't behave well now, when Yagyu destroys the World Government, their Whitebeard Pirates may suffer.

Whitebeard rushed out first, and used the ability of the shock fruit in front of the waiting navy.

He clenched his fists with both hands, and the ability to shake the fruit covered his fist with a white halo. The fist punched out and shattered the atmosphere, causing the entire ocean to vibrate.

The endless sea water was pushed away by Whitebeard with a tsunami, and then turned back into a tsunami.

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