Just when they were worried, a figure suddenly appeared beside Hulk and Hate.

The streets of New York are full of ruins and no ordinary people can be seen. The battle between the Hulk and the Abomination drives all life around their battlefield.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared, which really made the military people feel weird.

"who's that person"

The generals of the U.S. military looked at Liu Sheng in the video with a curious expression.

Dare to approach the Hulk and hate at this time, either relying on it or being mentally ill.

However, around the battlefield of Hulk and Hate, there are already American soldiers who are responsible for clearing the field.

That is to say, Liu Sheng is the former! Love reading it reminds you: Remember to save the three things in reading, save the unique domain name of m.aikanshu8.com Love reading it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 188 Achievement - Killing Abomination!

"Human, are you looking for death?"

Looking at Liu Sheng who appeared beside him and Hulk, he asked curiously with disgust.

Seeing such a fierce battle broke out between myself and the Hulk, and I didn't know how to join in to watch the fun, this is not what is courting death, "I think it is you who are courting death!"

Liu Sheng looked at the hatred in front of him and said with a blank expression.

"Arrogant human, I will smash you into meat pie now."

The hatred that was provoked by Liu Sheng roared, raised his fist as big as a sandbag, and smashed it unceremoniously at Liu Sheng.

"Your fist is really weak!"

Liu Yu calmly raised his palm and easily blocked the hateful blow.

"You are no ordinary human being!"

Hate was taken aback, and looked at Liu Sheng with a look of surprise.

Although I didn't use all my strength in the punch just now, I also used three or four layers of strength.

Even if a car takes that punch, it will collapse.

"Of course I'm not an ordinary person."

"The frog at the bottom of the well, do you want to see the vastness of the world?"

Liu Sheng looked at the hatred in front of him with a playful smile on his face.

He made a seal with one hand, and dense vines rushed out from his side, forming a huge forest that covered the sky and the sun in the blink of an eye.

A dense forest of vines emerged from the ground, covering the ruined New York streets.

Strings of tenacious vines twisted towards the hatred like ropes, trying to tie him up.

Mudun - The tree world is born! Looking at the ruined streets of New York, Yagyu decided to give this place a set of greening when he was in a good mood.


"Damn human, what trick are you playing?"

Hatred looked at the vines entwining towards him with an angry face, and suddenly pulled the vines to pieces.

Yet the green vines are as endless as the waves on the sea, and wave after wave irritates the hatred.

The brute force of hatred is almost useless in the face of this relatively soft attack.

"What is this"

"That man made a huge forest"

"Is that human a mutant?"

"Mutants don't have such a good heart, they should be mutants."

"The value of this person who can easily create such a huge forest is too high!"

"It means that resources are inexhaustible, and things like trees are important to the world."

"Not to mention things like trees, light's combat power is very important."

"A strong man who can suppress hatred must find ways to get him to the military."

"If we can study the source of his energy, maybe it can help us break through the problem of super soldiers."

The top officials of the U.S. military talked a lot, and looked at Liu Sheng in the video with bright eyes.

"This person's strength is really good, maybe he can be recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D.


"However, in this way, it is inevitable that you will have to wrestle with the group of people in the U.S. military."

"But compared to those selfish American soldiers, S.H.I.E.L.D.

This kind of inspirational organization to protect the earth is more suitable for such people to exist."


the African chief

Using satellites like this, looking at the situation on the streets of New York, I was also very moved by the ability that Yagyu showed.

"Big guy!"

"It's a shocking ability to actually fight with the Hulk!"

"It's a pity that my steel armor has not been completely perfected, otherwise I must also participate in this kind of battle."

Tony Stark, who watched the video through Jarvis at home, said with regret at this time.

"Is he also a mutant? We must find a way to get him to the mutant academy."

"If Eric wins him over, it will be a huge threat to the earth and a huge loss."

The professor of the Mutant Academy looked at the video in front of him and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"What a strong young man!"

At this moment, Magneto Eric looked at Liu Sheng in the video with bright eyes, and muttered softly in his mouth.


There was a deafening roar on the streets of New York, and the Hulk rose into the sky, and then fell heavily into the forest.

The inhibitory serum in Hulk began to expire, and the power belonging to Hulk began to wake up.

Hulk, who had regained his strength, recalled the picture of being hanged and beaten by hatred before, and the anger in his heart continued to rise.

Hulk has a powerful characteristic, that is, the more anger in his heart, the more power he can display.

Hulk's anger will take away his sanity and at the same time amplify his strength, which is almost unlimited.

It is precisely because of this that the Hulk can dominate the Marvel world and be the top powerhouse in the entire universe.

The furious Hulk immediately stared at the hatred that was entangled by the vines, and rushed towards the hatred with his hands and feet, and then knocked the hatred out with one punch.


"Are you trying to steal someone's head from me? This behavior is wrong."

Liu Sheng chuckled and glanced at the Hulk, and with a wave of his palm, he created a Jade for the Dao.

Qiu Daoyu was twisted and deformed in Liu Yu's hand, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a pitch-black long sword, and rudely stabbed into the body of hatred.

Qiu Daoyu's annihilation power erupted in the body of hatred, and took the life of hatred in an instant.

Abomination is very similar to the Hulk, but he is not as powerful as the Hulk.

Abomination and Hulk are both green giants, but the two of them are the same.

Abomination can stay sane after transforming, but it doesn't have the Hulk's ability to become stronger without a limit.

In other words, the various abilities of hatred have an upper limit, and Yagyu can just exceed this upper limit.

"Achievement - Kill Abomination!"

"Template character - Saitama!"

"Unlock 2%!"

Listening to the sound of the system sounding in his mind, Liu Sheng smiled slightly, and turned his eyes to the Hulk, who was charging towards him.

The Hulk Hulk saw Liu Sheng grabbing the head in front of him, and he was extremely dissatisfied, and all the anger in his heart that had not been vented was thrown on Liu Sheng.


Hulk roared and jumped up, raising a fist the size of a sandbag and hitting Liu Sheng.

"Empty shock!"

Looking at the Hulk falling from the sky, Liu Sheng calmly raised his palm.

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Chapter 189 The best meat shield!

Chapter 190 Let me help you wake up!

As soon as Liu Sheng returned to his home, golden sparks appeared in the room.

Golden sparks flickered in the air, gradually condensing into a circle.

A bald woman in a yellow robe came out of the circle, looking at Liu Sheng with a smile.

"Supreme Mage Ancient One"

Liu Sheng looked at the bald woman in front of him, and said in a sure tone.

"Young man, you are truly extraordinary."

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