U.S. military personnel watched Liu Sheng's performance through satellite, video, and felt very shocked.

The difficulty of hitting a flying missile can be imagined.

Although they didn't know that Liu Sheng was terrifying and domineering, they could infer that he had strong insight, accuracy and even some unknown guidance ability.

This inference makes the U.S. military feel heavy, which means that Yagyu's strength is much stronger than they thought.

With an attack at the speed of light coupled with a powerful guidance ability, Yagyu's attack can be said to be unavoidable.

This made the big figures in the US military feel very uncomfortable, which means that Yagyu can easily kill them.

"It's my turn!"

After blasting the incoming shells and missiles with Bachi Qionggou Yu, Yagyu looked at the surrounding warships with a smile on his face.

He stretched out his hands and grabbed the air in front of him, a white halo appeared on his fingers, and the ability to shake the fruit was activated.

Liu Sheng's five fingers were like grabbing something tough, grabbing the air in front of him and tearing it hard, and the incomparable violent power instantly poured out.

The sea where Yagyu was located became: it was torn apart, and the water condensed into pieces like mud, and rose unevenly into the sky on the sea.

"My God!"


Everyone who saw this scene exclaimed, their eyes widened in disbelief, everything that appeared in front of them was really too visually impactful.

The calm sea is like a solid ground that has been blown up with a punch, and the sea water rises into the sky like rubble.

The warships on the sea are down

It was moldy, and some warships lying between different fragments were directly torn apart.

Although some warships were not torn apart by the jagged seawater fragments, they also slid rapidly on the violently shaking seawater and sloping seas, and fell on another seawater across tens of meters.

The huge weight coupled with the low drop, the warship produced a huge impact when it fell on another piece of sea water.

Even a warship made of steel becomes tattered under this kind of impact.

With one blow, the navy warships sent by the U.S. military were wiped out! "Air shock!"

After destroying the U.S. military's naval fleet with one punch, Yanagyu raised his fist again, and a white halo appeared on the surface of his fist.

Punch the void! The invisible wave directly smashed the air under the fist, and the air appeared dense cracks like a shattered mirror, and a violent shock wave swept out.

The group of fighter jets in the sky was hit by the shock wave coming towards them, and they exploded into flames one after another, falling quickly from the sky.


There was mourning in the command of the US military, they had a big disaster this time.

The warships and fighter jets they lost this time together cost enough to make them abdicate.

And offending a powerful opponent like Liu Yu, they have to bear a great responsibility for rashly attacking.

"If you only have such strength, it is best to dispel some unrealistic ideas."

Liu Sheng opened the mouth in a light tone, and the slow mouth was passed through the satellite, and the picture was transmitted to the command room of the US military.

The top officials of the U.S. military were silent at this time, wishing to find out the first person who proposed to deal with Liu Sheng, and beat them to death to let them vent their anger.

"Big guy!"

"Did the U.S. military attack you? I heard that you taught them a hard lesson."

After returning home, Yagyu received a call from Tony Stark, and it seemed that he had received some information.

"Yes, I just punished them."

"I've already shown mercy, otherwise the top management of the U.S. military might have to make a big change."

Liu Sheng responded in a cold tone.

"Ha ha!"

"Even if you show mercy to them, the senior management of the U.S. military still has to make a big change."

"They stabbed a big basket this time. I heard that some people want to be killed by you!"

Tony Stark laughed, it sounded like: schadenfreude.

"Want to be killed by me"

Liu Sheng felt a little puzzled when he heard the words, what the upper management of the US military was thinking: "If you are killed by you, at least it will be a glorious sacrifice."

"Now they have been dismissed and investigated, and they are likely to be subject to military law."

"For them, it would be more cost-effective to die in direct battle!"

Tony Tank said with a smile, this time the U.S. military is in bad luck


After hearing about the failure of the US military, the chief of the African chief gave up the idea of ​​hard work.

"This Liu Sheng seems to be a little rebellious!"

"If you want him to join the Avengers, you need to get to know him better."

The African chief pondered in his heart.

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Chapter 192 You can stay!

"Natasha, I have a task for you."

"I want you to approach Liu Sheng, observe his character, and give him an assessment to see if he is... qualified to enter the Avengers."

After thinking about it, the non-chief stewed egg found Natasha, his capable subordinate, and asked Natasha to observe Liu Sheng.

S.H.I.E.L.D. now

There is no one person who can provoke a major role, even Natasha and Hawkeye, who are top secret agents, are essentially only a little stronger than ordinary people.


Determined to protect the entire earth, and their force value is not enough to protect the earth.

Yagyu's powerful combat power is S.H.I.E.L.D.

What is needed, the non-chief chief desperately wants to absorb him into S.H.I.E.L.D.

"No problem, leave it to me!"

Black Widow Natasha assured her confidently after receiving the order from the chief of the non-chief.

One night three days later.

Liu Sheng was bored watching TV programs at home, when suddenly a wounded and coquettish woman broke into his house.

The woman was wearing a tight black leather jacket, which showed off her hot, bumpy figure.

The bewitching and charming face had a look of panic, which made people couldn't help but have a kind of protective hope towards him.

"Help me, someone is chasing me."

The coquettish woman said to Liu Sheng with a terrified face, giving people a feeling of being in a hurry to go to the doctor.

"Who is chasing you"

Liu Sheng looked at the black widow Natasha in front of him with interest, already guessed her intention in his heart, and played with her as he planned.

Black Widow Natasha said with a terrified face: "It's the people from Hell's Kitchen, and I accidentally broke their deal."

Although Natasha is a woman, she is also a black widow who has experienced countless cruel training.

This is a werewolf, fierce to others, but also very fierce to himself.

He took the initiative to sabotage a deal in Hell's Kitchen, attracted their pursuit, and then escaped all the way here. This was her plan to approach Yanagyu.

It is the best way for both sides to get closer to each other by being a hero to save the beauty.

As a beauty, Natasha is still very confident in her appearance.

As soon as Natasha's voice fell, several fierce-looking social people broke in from outside, and their eyes quickly locked on Natasha.

They walked up to Natasha without anyone else, and scolded her to take her away.

Natasha looked at Liu Sheng pitifully, hoping that she would help.

Liu Sheng touched his chin and pondered for a moment, then raised his right hand indifferently, his fingertips blooming with golden light.

Laser! The laser bloomed, and a few Hell's Kitchen members were quickly beaten into a hornet's nest by Yagyu.

"You can stay!"

Yanagyu said to Natasha with a smile.

Later, he created several shadow clones to dispose of the residues of several social people.

There is no conflict between Yagyu and the Earth in the Marvel world, and there is no reason for the conflict between the two sides.

Just now, he has blown up the U.S. Navy's naval fleet and air force fighter group, and has shown his tyrannical force.

Next, the other party should become: sensible, and he doesn't want to press step by step, putting the two sides in a confrontational situation.


It seems to be a good choice, so that Yagyu can be exposed to more events, find more opponents worth fighting, and get more achievements in battle to unlock Saitama's template.

Of course, Liu Sheng

To take orders from S.H.I.E.L.D.

Not the slightest bit of interest.


It's okay to be a foreign consultant, but it's impossible to let him do things under orders.

I believe that with his terrifying power, S.H.I.E.L.D.

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