Suddenly at this time, a voice came from the ears of the two of them. It was a voice that sounded illusory, giving people a very familiar yet unfamiliar feeling.

When the two people heard this voice, the next moment, they found that the space around them had changed, and it was solidified at this moment, and the two people seemed to be exiled - "What are you doing?"

Liu Sheng spoke lightly at this time, his words were not aimed at the wolf god, but at Gu Yi, who had intervened just now, banishing this space and solidifying it.

"Wolf God is going to exert all his power. That power is too terrifying and will make the earth collapse, so I have to exile this space. The purpose is to protect the earth."

Gu Yi's voice sounded, and he was explaining the reason.

"makes sense."

Hearing the other party's words, Liu Sheng nodded. He knew that the other party was not lying. What the other party said was true. After all, the wolf god had already exploded with all his power. If the two of them fought again, the earth would be easily affected. Destruction, so in order to ensure the safety of the earth, it is normal for the other party to make this scene, but to be honest, he is still a little unhappy.

Because he was also exiled.

Although it is said that this is because the other party has no choice, it is still a little uncomfortable.

"Let's fight quickly."

His eyes fell on the wolf god again, and his tone was very flat.

At this time, he stepped out one step at a time, and his strength also began to increase, and it became more and more terrifying! Love reading it reminds you: three things to read, remember to collect and save, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 237 The Immortal Body

The opponent had hidden some of his abilities before, and he wasn't able to fight Gu Yi like that, how could he only have the strength just now, but since the opponent chose to explode with all his strength, he naturally did the same, because if he didn't do this, he would crushed by the opponent.

He is not a fool, he knows what choices to make.

He took a step forward, and his strength increased wildly, and soon reached an incredible level. Above his flesh, a pair of armor grew at a speed visible to the naked eye - this is his solidified armor, which can help him weaken Most attacks and damage.

At this moment, he is like a god like a demon, coming to this world! "Cage!"

He tore the space in front of him to pieces, and in an instant, he came to the front of the opponent, and he punched the opponent directly.

At the same time, there was a change under the opponent's feet, and seeds appeared on the steel ground. These seeds quickly took root and sprout, directly wrapping the opponent, making the opponent unable to move. At this moment, he couldn't resist at all. to break free.

Well, when it comes to this, I have to mention one thing, that is S.H.I.E.L.D.

Also exiled, all the heroes of the Avengers are also in this world.

This makes Liu Sheng have to be distracted to protect them, otherwise, the Yu Wei of the two of them will definitely make these guys die without a place to die! "Peng!"

The wolf god took the punch firmly, and the place where he was hit did not bleed, which did not mean that he was strong enough to ignore the blow from Yagyu.

It was because the area where he was concentrated was already complete.

Flesh was completely shattered and vanished into nothingness.

Therefore, what

Could there be blood flowing out of the heart, thumping like a star that doesn't move.

Just now, Liusheng attacked the opponent's body, and the opponent's heart was a little to the left. He originally attacked the opponent's heart, and wanted to try to destroy the opponent's heart.

But at the last moment, the opponent moved his body abruptly to the side, so his attack deviated from his target and hit the side of his heart.

Therefore, the heart was not substantially damaged.

Of course, also because of this, everyone present can clearly see the beating heart of the other party! None of them expressed shock at this scene, because they felt that their blood had some It boiled and began to surge upwards unstoppably, and they couldn't restrain it at all.

This shocked them, because the blood kept boiling upward, and it was about to spurt out of the body. If they couldn't restrain it, they would die.

Because of this, how could they have thoughts? They were shocked by the scene in front of them, but fortunately, their blood boiled, and it didn't last long, because the other party's wounds had already healed, and they didn't see the other party's star-like heart again. .

"The Immortal Body"

Seeing that the other party's wounds healed easily, Yanagyu spoke lightly.

The other party mentioned three abilities just now, and that was the reason why the other party was able to get close to the Heavenly Father infinitely. He ruled it out and guessed what ability the other party used just now.

"indeed so."

The answer given by the wolf god at this time, his face was as calm as frost.

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Chapter 238 Fight Again

Chapter 239 The wolf god is courting death

The wolf god attacked with a punch, and layers of ripples appeared on the shield, which was caused by the terrifying power of the opponent, and the shield at the moment was unloading this power.

The wolf god's face changed suddenly, because he noticed that there was a force reflecting on the shield in front of him. This was the force he just hit, and at least 12 reflections came back at this moment! He was hit by surprise, and his mouth was chattering. A mouthful of blood! This is a perfectly normal thing. After all, he did not expect that the opponent's defense would reflect 12, and his own strength would come back. Secondly, he was hit just now because he did not take any defensive measures in advance. , can be said to have been attacked.

In addition, he used too much force just now, and the power of a punch was so terrifying.

Therefore, the amount of reflected 12 is extremely extraordinary, and bleeding is too normal.

"Like a fool."

Seeing that the other party was bleeding himself, Liu Sheng couldn't help but complain.

There is energy condensed in his hand, and it gradually turned into a long sword composed of energy! He quickly approached the opponent, and cut off the opponent's head without hesitation! He wants to take this opportunity to kill the opponent!" force!"

The wolf god is naturally not a vegetarian, so he has lost his blood, but his strength will not change in the slightest. After a short period of time, he stabilized the blood in his body.

In the face of the opponent's attack, he quickly took measures to deal with it.

At this time, his figure regressed, and then a large number of three erupted. The terrifying power of the gods intensified on him at this moment, and his power instantly increased by more than five or six times.

Especially those eyes, those eyes

At this moment, the blood is constantly congested, giving the impression that it is on the verge of an explosion, with blood vessels bursting one after another, and they are wrapped around their eyes, giving people the feeling that it is not ordinary scary, this is a special technique called fear. Heart, when someone stares into these eyes, they are particularly easily startled, and eventually appear in a trance for 12 seconds.

This is a routine of the wolf god against the enemy, a routine of trying Bailing.

He cast it at this moment, he wanted to make Yagyu capsize in the gutter.

It's just that he forgot one thing, that is, his perspective at the moment is in the perspective of God, and the reason why his perspective is the perspective of God is for one reason.

The reason for this is that when Yagyu first started, he used the eye of reincarnation.

Those eyes are terrifying to the extreme, and any creature that looks at them will fall into it forever, and when he opens his eyes at this moment, he is undoubtedly entering a tiger's den!

How powerful his technique is, but compared to the opponent, there is still a big gap.

After all, the eye of reincarnation is one of the most terrifying essence mysteries in the world, and it is activated through the eyes, or in other words, this is his most powerful way of using it.

At this time, the other party uses the same subtle mysticism and also uses his eyes. How could he be Liu Sheng's opponent? How could he be the opponent of Samsara Eye When the wolf god opened his eyes, his heart of terror erupted, and when his eyes stared On Liu Sheng's body, a very strange scene appeared, Liu Sheng was not what the other party thought.

Fearful, stunned, froze in place for a while, as if the soul has been ingested to read the underlined version of the novel, please download and remember to save the love reading it only domain name, enjoy high speed reading!

Chapter 240 The Hot and Wet Neck

Because, when the wolf god opened his eyes, he found that what he was facing was not a pair of normal eyes. He found that what he was facing had extremely dense patterns, as if it did not belong to the human world, and his eyes were full of indifference, as if Eyes with great power! "You did a wrong thing."

Before he could react, Liu Sheng opened his mouth at this time.

The next moment, the wolf god felt a little panic in his heart, because he found that his body had changed, and at this moment, there was a trend that was out of his control.

As if: out of control

At this time, the wolf god screamed in his heart, he didn't know why he became like this, let's take a look, even if the other party's essence mysticism is very terrifying and powerful.

But what to say, he thinks that he can be regarded as a strong one.

Therefore, according to reason, the other party should not restrain him, at least when he is looking at the other party, he cannot be so easily surrendered by the other party.

This scene shouldn't be here, he felt that something was wrong.

"You are too arrogant."

Seemingly aware of the thoughts of the other party, Liu Sheng spoke lightly at this time.

How terrifying his reincarnation eye is, the other party does not know, because the other party has not experienced it.

But he knew how terrifying it was. The top few of these fine mysteries, plus they were extremely powerful, naturally made them even more powerful.

The other party chose to look at him, and it was also the essence of mysticism. These opponents gave up their defense and chose to attack him, and this aspect happened to be his most important aspect.

So the other party can not

"Eat my sword!"

The opponent's body was imprisoned in place, and he couldn't make an effective response at this moment. Liu Sheng took this opportunity to get close to the opponent's body again. Head - "Pfft!"

The opponent's body was under control, and there was no way to avoid it. Therefore, the sword from Liu Sheng naturally slashed the opponent, and blood instantly flowed out of the opponent's neck.

However, Liu Sheng frowned slightly, and he was not happy because of the scene in front of him.

Because his goal was to cut off the opponent's head, but his attack just now didn't cut off the opponent's head, but only caused some trauma to the opponent's neck.

This made him a little dissatisfied, because it didn't quite match the effect he expected.

"Damn you!"

During the time when the other party attacked him, the wolf god successfully escaped the control of the subtle mysticism. At this moment, he closed his eyes again, and touched the scalding wetness on his neck with one hand.

His expression was furious, and monstrous anger spurted out of his chest.

The eye of God that belongs to him, staring at the other party fiercely, he wants the other party to pay the price! Because he was hit by the other party, and it was his neck position.

This is his pride! At this time, his power began to explode, and he exploded madly! Although on the surface, it looked the same as before, but Liu Yu frowned slightly, and he noticed a little difference, that is, in the At this moment, he sensed an unimaginable sense of crisis from the other side, and this sense of crisis was far stronger than before.

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Chapter 241 The mighty force between the eyebrows

"what happened"

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