Some high-level people are struggling at this time.

They are not willing to give each other this money, because this is not a small sum, but an astronomical sum, not to mention that they are not willing to give each other this money, just to say that they are not qualified either Give each other so much money! It's almost all in their treasury! "Would you like to see the destruction of Washington"

Liu Sheng suddenly spoke at this time.

The people around were quiet.

There was disbelief in their eyes! They never thought that the other party would threaten them.

In other words, the other party would be so terrifying and threaten them directly with Washington! They were silent, they didn't know what to say.

Because, if they choose to let them die, they may agree, after all, trillions, it's not a little bit of money, this money is enough to buy their hearts.

They are also willing to die! But if they want to pull the whole Huasheng, they shake their heads, because they don't want to see this scene "If this is the case, then hand over the money"

Everyone's eyes were drawn, Liu Sheng spoke lightly at this time, his tone was unprecedentedly calm, because he had already warned them.

“Is there any other option”

A high-level voice was hoarse.

"Are you negotiating terms with me?"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng said lightly.

The next moment, the high-level executive let out a scream because he felt that his body was in pain, and it seemed as if something was being torn apart in his body.

His two hands fiddled with his body unconsciously, scratching constantly, and soon the skin of his body was scratched and opened, revealing the bright red flesh inside.

Everyone else looked at him in horror.

They couldn't understand why the other party suddenly became like this.

"Make a choice."

Liu Sheng looked at the people in front of him and spoke lightly.

He said: "Do you choose to die in front of me one by one in a tragic manner and watch the entire Washington be destroyed, or give me so much money!"

His tone was more certain than ever.


Everyone was silent for a while, because they didn't know how to choose.

After about 10 seconds, an old man said tremblingly: "This is an incomparably huge number, we need to ask our superiors, and if we want to realize it, we also need time, no matter how you say it, at least a month's time"

"First ask if you can take it out."

Seeing each other, Liu Sheng spoke at this time.

He directly handed his mobile phone to the other party, because he wanted to get a positive answer.

The old man did not hesitate, because he knew that he had no choice now, he took the other party's mobile phone and dialed their president.

The other end of the phone was quickly connected, and there was a middle-aged voice.

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Chapter 251 The President Has Agreed

"what's the matter"

The president had some doubts. He couldn't understand why someone called him, and it was still an unfamiliar number.

It is impossible for strangers to know his number.

Still, he chose to listen.

Because the people who can call him are basically very special existences.

"It's me, President."

The old man's voice was a little hazy, and he informed the other party of his identity.

"Dr. Carriton, what's wrong?"

President asked.

"Don't know if you can give us some money"

Dr. Carriton asked.

"For this, you can apply directly. Didn't I have already approved five or six hundred million for you? You can use this money as you like, and if it's not enough, I'll give it to you again!"

Hearing the other party's words, the president smiled.

He is very attentive to this department, and there is no shortage of funds or anything.

So he directly informed the other party that he could apply.

"I must know that"

I couldn't help laughing bitterly in my heart, but the old man still said: "Although I said so, but this time we need more funds, and it may not be available there!"

"How much money is needed"

The president has some curious questions.

He really can't understand, is it five or six, a hundred million is not enough now? How many "trillions" of funds should be applied for?

Gritting his teeth fiercely, the old man gave the answer.

"what are you talking about"

The next moment, the old man heard the electricity, and the sound of the flowerpot hitting the ground sounded, followed by an unbelievable shocking sound! The old man smiled bitterly.

Because if it were him, he would also be different from the other

not much.

Also unbelievable! It's not a little money after all, it's a lot - "Are you kidding me"

The president couldn't help but speak.

He suspected that he had heard it wrong, but he had just heard a trillion how could it be possible, "You heard right, it is indeed so much money!"

The old man said at this time, and his tone became more and more old, as if saying this sentence, his age was directly 10 times older.


The president was silent, then he asked rhetorically: "What happened?"

In his mind, Dr. Carriton has always been a pure researcher and a very pure politician, at least dedicated to his country.

At this moment, the other party proposed a trillion in a whimsical way, and he thought it would not be so simple.

Hearing the other party's words, the old man's eyes fell on Liu Sheng. He seemed to be asking if what happened here could be passed on. "Yes."

Liu Sheng nodded, and he agreed.

So the old man informed the other party of what happened here. Then, the president was silent. He was silent for a long time this time. Finally, the president's voice sounded older than before on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, but give us at least one month, because it takes a lot of time to realize these properties, and we can't give you trillions immediately!"

That's the president's answer.


Turning his eyes, Liu Sheng nodded after thinking for a while, because he knew that the other party did not talk nonsense. Indeed, it is very difficult to come up with trillions of liquid assets. To realize them, it would take a lot of time. There is not much time, on the contrary, it is very little.

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Chapter 252 Dragon Man Appears

Liu Sheng left.

After all, the things here are over, what is he doing here? "Are we really going to give him this money? If we give him this money, it will hurt us, even Let's fall from the No. 1 power in the world!"

Seeing the back of the other party leaving, a high-level executive couldn't help but speak.

Many people agree at this time.

They felt that what the other said was right, that what they said was quite correct.

They didn't dare to say it before, but after Yagyu left, they began to express their opinions.

Glancing at everyone coldly, the old man said, "Do you think I don't know this, but you can think with your conscience, do we still have the right to resist? Apart from accepting this, do we have any other options? Do you choose?"

When he said this, everyone else was silent.

Because everyone knows that the other party is not talking nonsense, and what the other party says is true.

They have no choice at all, and they can't resist! "I don't think you have no chance at all, after all, you have a one-month gap, and during this one-month gap, you can do a lot of things. "

Suddenly, at this moment, someone spoke up.

This person's voice is very unfamiliar, and it is also not a high-level American.

Everyone's eyes looked over subconsciously, and in front of them, there was nothing, but there was a sound there.

"Who are you"

Although there is nothing there, there are voices coming from there, there are people there.

So everyone was very vigilant.

"You want to see me as satisfied as you are."


When it came to these people, the owner of the voice revealed his figure, only to see a human-shaped body outlined in the void, an existence that looked very much like a dragon.

That is, the body is the body of a normal person, but the head is that of a dragon.


Because the top U.S. executives couldn't help but say.

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