These killers didn't answer him, they found that they couldn't kill each other, plus they had been discovered, they wanted to go and retreat.

They began to break through and want to leave the villa.

Love reading it reminds you: the three things of reading, keep it in the collection, save the unique domain name of love reading it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 263 I Let You Live

"This is a place where you can come and go when you want"

Looking at these killers, Liu Sheng spoke lightly.

After he said these words, a terrifying power erupted, as if following the rules, these killers felt that it was very difficult for them to take a step, as if they were carrying tens of thousands of pounds on their backs! "What's going on?"

They were shocked, and they didn't know why they had changed so much.

Their eyes subconsciously turned to Liu Sheng.

After all, the changes in them started with the other party's words, and they guessed in their hearts that the changes in them should have something to do with the other party.

"Tell me who sent you, and you can go."

Seeing these guys in front of him, Liu Sheng spoke lightly.

Although he already knew the answer, after all, the answer was easy to guess, but he still hoped to know the answer from the people in front of him, the feeling was different.

It's just that after he finished saying these words, these few people did not hesitate.

They did not hesitate to bite the poison that was hidden in their mouths! They will not spread the news of their employers, and now they can't escape, and they are not willing to give their lives to the very special gang in front of them. people.

So they chose to commit suicide! "Unfortunately, you can't die before I know it!"

Seeing these people commit suicide, Liu Sheng's expression was not the slightest.

For other people, there is nothing to do when they encounter a suicide hand, after all, their poison is hidden in their mouths, bite the poison, and the poison directly attacks the brain.

By then there is no salvation at all! But he is different

, his strength is really too terrifying, terrifying to the extreme, something that others can't handle doesn't mean he can't handle it.

For example, if the killers in front of them committed suicide, if it were someone else, they could only watch helplessly, but he can completely change the outcome! "I let you live, who dares to let you die?"

The fingertips revealed terrifying vitality, Liu Sheng pointed a finger away, and the vitality between his fingers frantically moved towards the killers in front of him. This vitality quickly penetrated into their bodies and began to repair their bodies that were destroyed by the poison just now. At the same time, protect their vital organs.

In order to prevent the damaged body from resonating and dying directly! Then these killers kept the appearance of just biting the poison and bleeding from their mouths. According to the original plot, they should have fallen to the ground, their life breath is dying, but due to Liu Sheng's shot, The ending becomes: it's different, they just bleed a little from their mouths, and then they don't, because their poison has been eliminated, and they're back to normal.

They are even healthier than the average person and in better condition than before.

Because that vitality is not... just kidding, this kind of vitality is amazing, even cancer can be cured, and it can be easily cured, not to mention only to remove their poison! "Can you tell me?"

Seeing the dazed eyes of these killers, Liu Sheng spoke lightly.

It's just that although his eyes are dull, but in the eyes of these killers, they are like demons. After all, although they only get along for a short time, they feel that Liu Sheng in front of them is like a demon. Can't afford it! Please download and remember to save the underlined version of the novel, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 264 Facing Fear

"How about it, can you tell me the answer now?"

Liu Sheng spoke slowly, his brows slightly wrinkled, this was the second time he had asked, but so far, these people still haven't given him an answer.

"We're killers, we can't tell you about our employer."

The killer refused.

There are some things he must not tell each other, otherwise it will bring disaster to his relatives.

"Do you know what it will cost you?"

Liu Sheng was happy.

This is the first time he has seen such a person, and it is obvious that the other party is under his control, but why, from the other party's body, he feels a feeling that is more dick than him, "We have been professionally trained and are not afraid of anything."

The killer opened his mouth, his tone was cold, and he seemed to have no emotion.

It's just that his heartbeat is a little faster, there is no way, although what he said is true, they have gone through a lot of professional training, no matter how much pain they have experienced, they will never spread something out, but the other party just now. It was really terrifying.

He wasn't sure, they would be tight-lipped when facing each other.

God knows what kind of torture the other party will use to ask them "really?"

He raised his brows slightly, hearing the other party's words, Liu Sheng felt a little bit, he stretched out his hand again at this moment, but this time, it was a little different from the last time.

Last time, the terrifying vitality overflowed between the fingers, the other party.

But this time, there was a terrifying power of darkness that emerged between the fingers. As soon as this power came out, it caused fear in the hearts of the people around, because this power evoked unbearable memories in their hearts.

They are against this power,

There is fear from the bottom of your heart! So those people in the Avengers, they turned their heads to one side, they didn't want to stare at this power, they felt that their souls were going to leave the body - "How do you feel this power?"

Liu Sheng spoke, and he threw this power onto the killers in front of him.

Then, without even a second of time, these killers fell to their knees, drops of cold sweat fell from their foreheads, and their bodies showed a state of convulsions.

Their eyes started to turn red, and the veins burst out around the corners of their eyes—"We say! We say everything!"

One of the killers roared.

There were tears in his eyes, and he seemed to see the big fear in his heart, which made him choose to say everything he knew, because he didn't want to suffer such pain.

It's a pity that after he finished saying these words, next to him, the third killer, who was originally in pain, raised a dagger and smeared it directly from his neck, go! "Pfft! "

This guy spewed blood from his neck, and he died tragically here! This made Liu Sheng stunned for a moment. He probably didn't expect that the other party would be able to free up his hands and kill his subordinates even when he was facing the greatest fear in his heart.

There was some admiration in his eyes, because such guys are rare.

So, he released the dark power of the killers in front of him, and that power was taken back by him.

"How does it feel"

Taking this power back, Liu Sheng asked when he looked at the crowd in front of him.

Love reading it reminds you: the three things of reading, keep it in the collection, save the unique domain name of love reading it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 265 Want to know what you think

"How did he die"

These killers came back to their senses. The first thing they did was not to check their own situation. Their eyes first turned to their companions. There was something incredible in their eyes. So miserable, his neck was wiped with a dagger! "Killed by him."

Looking at the killer's eyes and looking at himself, Liu Sheng indicated that it was the third killer who killed it.

Because he really didn't shoot, this person was really killed by the other party.

The eyes of these killers focused on the third killer again. They probably did not expect that the other party was so cruel that even their own people were not spared.

"These things can't get out."

When everyone's eyes were on him, the third killer just said so.

Then his eyes were put on Liu Sheng's body again. He hadn't waited for the other party to speak when he suddenly unbuttoned his clothes, revealing the explosive pack! At this moment, the explosive pack had already counted down, and it was the last three seconds. 3.

"You are all buried with me!"

A look of madness appeared in the eyes of the third killer. He wanted to activate the explosive pack, but he did not want to do so, because the power of the explosive pack was so terrifying. Hurt, he is a kind person at least he thinks he is a kind person, he doesn't want to cause so much harm to the world.

However, since the companion has found out that he killed the companion.

Then let’s die together! The explosive pack exploded directly—the terrifying power spread around, and everything was scraped up, as if it was about to shatter! Then, all the killers were killed and not a single one was left! SHIELD

Wait!" as if I didn't notice

. "

Looking at the empty floor, Liu Sheng couldn't help but complain.

Although he appreciates the other party very much, after all, the other party can try to face the biggest fear in his heart.

But he doubted the other party, and in the end there was a hole in his head.

After all, he was able to torture the other party like this before he got up, why did the other party have such a naive idea in his heart that he wanted to kill himself with a dynamite bag: "Okay, everyone can go back to sleep, there is no need to stay here. on."

Glancing at the melon eaters beside him, Liu Sheng said.

"Cough, do you know who sent him?"

Tony Stark couldn't help asking, he was still very curious about this question, and he guessed in his heart that the other party probably knew the answer.

Otherwise, the other party will not stay here, but go to find the answer.

"Do you think anyone else will come to me now?"

Glancing at Tony Stark, Yagyu said.


Squinting his eyes slightly, Tony Stark opened his mouth and said, "This is also quite in line with their style."

He remembered his "contest" with the military

What happened today is quite in line with each other's style.

"Then you plan"

Tony Stark glanced at Yagyu.

He didn't finish his sentence, but everyone present was not a fool, they all knew what the other party meant, so their eyes were on each other.

Clearly, they would love to know the answer.

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Chapter 266

"I said give them a month."

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