The combined existence did not speak, because he felt distressed now, because this thing is really precious, even if his status is extraordinary, but he only has one piece, but he finally crushed this piece of token! And when the token was When it was crushed, I could only see some changes in the surrounding space. It seemed that a special energy was being absorbed. After a few breaths had passed, I could see a layer of transparent tulle appeared in the air. This tulle directly Clothed on the opponent's body, forming a special layer of defense.

This is the defense against soul attack! "Now your writing wheel is useless, let's see how to write dead words!"

Using such a precious magic weapon, the existence of the body, the heart is not, he came over with great violence at this moment, and the huge fist smashed it.

Come here! "Waste, but my spoils!"

Liu Sheng rolled his eyes, intending to be annoyed at the other party, and then opened his mouth like this.


The existence of the body made him even more angry in the depths of his heart. He didn't expect that the opponent would be so shameless that his punch was stronger than before, because his anger increased his strength!

His attack collided with the opponent's sword. Neither side had an advantage this time, so they fought several times in a row, and the result was exactly the same as the first time.

The two sides are evenly matched! But even with that being said, in the context of the previous scene, it was actually Liusheng who had the advantage, because he leveled the previous disadvantage between the two sides!

At this moment, Liu Sheng took a step back.

The two sides played against each other just now, and neither of them had an advantage, and they were both at the stage of even strength.

He doesn't want to be in this situation for a long time, one is because he is wasting his time, and the other is because his energy reserve is limited. If he consumes it like this, he is afraid that the energy reserve will not be enough.

So he has to break this balance as soon as possible! Although he seems to be retreating back at the moment, he is weaker than the opponent, but it is not because he is going to enlarge his move! In addition, he also began to absorb the power of the surrounding elements, and these elemental powers were also manipulated into the sword by him.

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Chapter 306

Liu Sheng is confident enough, the power of his attack is very terrifying! After all, he not only injected his own energy into this attack, he even swept away the power of the surrounding elements, this time the explosive attack power Naturally extraordinary.

The combined existence frowned, and he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

After all, he could feel how much energy was injected into the opponent's sword at the moment, and the strength of that power made him a little scared, "Will I be unable to stop it?"

An idea suddenly popped into his mind.

This shocked him, because he knew that the reason why he had this idea, [-]% to [-]%, %%%, must be because of fear in his heart.

Otherwise, he would definitely not have such an idea in his heart! "It seems that I have to be more careful next time!"

His gaze became solemn. After all, the opponent's attack caused him to subconsciously deny himself, ego, which already shows the terror of the opponent's attack! "Swipe!"

When all the energy was injected into the sword, Liu Sheng swung the sword in his hand at this moment! The attack of the blade broke out at this time, and slashed the opponent fiercely! But at this time, there is a key point, that is the sword When the blade was slashing past, the sword unexpectedly merged at this time, and merged with the explosive blade! This made the attack even more terrifying! It exudes frightening power! I am dead!"

There was a look of ferocity in his eyes, and the coexistence was able to detect it. This time, he used all his strength.

He didn't hesitate, and at the same time burst out with all his strength! His body was bigger than before, and his muscles were bulging, which was indescribably terrifying.

At this moment, his power exploded, taking the shape of a tower, and then slammed into it! He used pure physical power to build a bridge to communicate with great power! It is also extraordinary! "Boom!"

The next moment, the two sides collided, and the extremely terrifying aftermath of the power dissipated towards the surroundings! The surrounding mountains and forests were pulled up from the ground, because the power of the aftermath of the battle between the two sides was so terrifying, they directly It is impossible to stay in the same place after being overturned so far.


At this time, both sides spoke at the same time, and they increased their attack! Because they both found that their attack this time did not seem to bring substantial damage to the other party. The combat power of the other party was far beyond their imagination. The other party "Qiangqiang!"

The two sides collided again at this time, and their offensive became more and more ferocious! They are fighting desperately now, and they don't care at all. The damage they suffered in the process of fighting, they just desperately wanted to solve each other! They fought They became more and more mad, and they were covered in blood! It's a pity that they don't care! They only have each other in their eyes, they just want to kill each other! "Get out of here!"

Suddenly at this time, the existence of the body burst out with anger! He seemed to have broken through some kind of restriction, and his strength was twice as strong as before! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download and remember to save it as, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 307 Breakthrough?

Chapter 308 End

His heart left his body, his beating didn't stop, his beating was still sonorous and powerful, and the sound of thump, thump, thump was continuous, like a big drum beating.

"You are defeated!"

Glancing coldly at the combined existence lying on the ground, Liu Sheng's face was indifferent.

After fighting with the opponent for so long, he knows that the aspect of the opponent's best is the power of the body, and the heart is the center of human life and the source of energy for the power of the body.

Although the strength has risen to their level, the loss of the heart does not mean the loss of life.

They may even regenerate hearts! Because at this level, they are no different from gods, and even surpass gods! But the heart is still very important, especially for those who use the power of the flesh, when they are not fighting It's fine, but if you lose your heart in battle.

That combat power will lose more than [-]%! Although the combined existence is very strong, he can't escape this limitation. His combat power is less than one at the moment, and he is no longer as strong as before after losing his heart.

"It's time to end you!"

The purpose of Liu Sheng's coming here is to kill the opponent. After all, he wants to break through the Heavenly Father level through his own perception, and in the process, he wants to seal his own strength.

In order to ensure their own safety, these two guys can't stay, after all, this time, put their own strength.

He intends not to leave a little gap. He wants to find out how to break through the heavenly father level between life and death! These two confidants are in serious trouble—absolutely stay! At this moment, between his hands, the power of flame and the power of ice burst out , in the pleading eyes of the other party, he was extremely decisive

He killed the opponent, his hands penetrated the opponent's chest! He even stepped on the opponent's head with one foot! "Pu!"

The skull is generally the hardest place, but the opponent's heart has been lost, and the energy supply is no longer there, so the opponent's skull is far less hard than before.

At this moment, Liu Sheng's angry blow, the formidable power is naturally needless to say, and because the opponent's defense power dropped, the skull was instantly cracked by him, and the indescribable things inside were scattered directly on the ground! The existence of a combination—— Pawn! I saw a group of light permeating his body, and soon this group of light was divided into two groups of light, and the two groups of light formed two existences on the earth, namely the dragon man and the wolf god.

It's just that their appearance is no longer the same as before, because although their bodies are intact, there are still two huge holes in their chests. Otherwise, their heads have disappeared.

After all, they just merged into one, even if they disintegrated, the trauma just now is still there.

It was even said that when they merged just now, there was still a chance of survival. After all, although they were close to death at that time, they were on the edge of life and death, but they were not completely dead after all.

But when they disintegrated, side effects struck, and their vitality was finally wiped out! "Finally done."

Looking at the wolf god and the dragon man who were finally killed, Liu Sheng breathed a deep sigh of relief, knowing that in the battle just now, he had worked very hard and was defeated several times, but fortunately the ending was good.

He finally won the battle! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download and remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 309 This is not an ordinary planet

He did not let go of the bodies of the wolf god and the dragon man in front of him. After all, their bodies are quite precious. Both of them are top-notch powerhouses, and their strength is infinitely close to the heavenly father level. It is conceivable how precious their bodies are. .

That is a good material for forging top weapons! Even their flesh and blood are nourishing and nourishing things. If you eat them, you will live longer, and if you are at the critical moment of breakthrough, it can even help you break through! He is at this moment, Directly received these two bodies into the space that they opened up.

When the strength is infinitely close to the Heavenly Father's level, and the power of space is realized, one can open up a small space of their own. Of course, although this space has small characters, it is actually not small.

On the contrary, he is incomparably huge, and the smallest is the size of several cities.

"It's time to go back."

Taking a look at the surface of the planet, which was very messy compared to the previous one, Liu Sheng left immediately. This planet is very special. He does not exist in the true sense of life, but is a creature with independent thinking and wisdom.

There are only plants and no animals on this planet.

So there is no need for him to clean up this place and restore it to the way it was before.

Of course, it was mainly because he noticed a different aura at this time, which gave him a little warning sign, so he didn't restore this place just in case.

At this moment, he took off with his feet and began to travel back to the earth through the vast universe.

And after he left, in the place where he fought before, a few figures appeared. These figures were extremely terrifying, and each of them exuded an extremely terrifying aura. Compared with Liu Sheng, they were not much weaker at all. The strength between them is very close, between equals.

"Why did we just

Don't stop that guy."

One of the figures opened his mouth with a little questioning in his air.

"That guy's strength is very strong. Although he is much stronger than us, his combat power is extremely terrifying. If we were to stop him just now, maybe we would also become one of the dead souls."

Another figure spoke, and his eyes were on the blood on the ground.

This blood was left by Liu Sheng when he fought with the wolf god and the dragon man just now. This blood was mixed by the three of them, and it contained the blood of all of them.

"So just let them go! It's against the rules!"

The first person to speak spoke, and his emotions were a little excited.

"It's not in line with the rules, but the rules are dead, people are alive, we have to learn to change, not to mention we just let him go temporarily, we will go to them in the future!"

A figure spoke, and his tone was light, as if he had no emotion.

When he said these words, the first guy stopped speaking, because the identity of the other party was the most noble among them, and the other party's strength was also the strongest among them, so he did not dare to oppose the other party.

"There's their blood here, maybe we can try it"

Another figure spoke. He looked at the blood left on the ground, and had a bold idea in his heart. At this moment, his eyes fell on his companions in front of him.

This made his companions frown slightly, but said nothing.

Love reading it reminds you: the three things of reading, keep it in the collection, save the unique domain name of love reading it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 310 Return to Earth

Liu Sheng didn't know everything that happened here, because although he was aware of the strangeness of the planet before he left, but in order to prevent troubles, he did not go deep into the strangeness there.

And if he knew, he knew what happened here.

He may not leave directly, but will start killing here! After all, among these figures, someone has already spoken, saying that they are going to target him.

How could he endure it? What's more important is that one of them has a coveted heart for his blood, and it seems that he is going to make some kind of attempt. If Yagyu knows, he will definitely not leave.

Because trying, basically represents some kind of special experiment.

The special experiments conducted through blood are all attempts to replicate the existence of the blood master himself. He does not allow such a situation to occur! However, he does not know what is happening here, because he has now crossed the vast universe and rushed back from this planet. The earth has landed in his room at this moment.

"came back"

Liu Sheng didn't know how much time had passed since he left this time. After all, in the cosmos, in the case of battle, he naturally wouldn't calculate the flow of time.

But when he left the earth, the earth was in a state of darkness.

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