Chapter 340 Officially an Enemy

"This kind of situation is easy to solve, and we must work hard to strengthen our strength next to face the disaster that is likely to occur next.

After all, this guy has already given birth to his own wisdom, with his huge calculation, he should understand what this means, if he doesn't come to find us, he is already on the opposite side of us!"

Liu Sheng opened his mouth, and he explained it again to confirm the answer in everyone's heart.

After all, all this comes from their conjectures, that... the existence of self-consciousness is just their imaginary enemy. In other words, their guesses are all wrong, and the other party may be the righteous side. It may not be nonexistent, on the contrary This possibility is very high.

After all, those with high scientific research standards are generally more formal places, such as the Stark Industrial Group, and the military, which are all concentrated expressions of high scientific research standards.

And the one that favors the evil side is the Hydra organization.

It's just that everyone subconsciously excluded this organization, because if this organization developed such an existence, the wisdom born from the body of science and technology, then the other party will definitely be in their hands.

And so far, through their observations and the summary of the data just now.

They didn't find out at all, there was a little trace of the Hydra organization, which was enough to show that this matter had nothing to do with the Hydra organization, and the other party was completely excluded.

Therefore, it is generally speculated that the place where this guy who gave birth to wisdom should be invented and born is a regular place, similar to the Stark Industrial Group and the military.

This is also to say, why the other party is very righteous.

But the other side gave birth to wisdom,

Up to now, there is no master and they are even secretly spying on them. From this look, it is unlikely that the other party is righteous.

And this point, all the previous superheroes have not noticed, after all, the superheroes present, except for Tony Dark, are actually not good at it.

What they're good at is fighting, otherwise they wouldn't be superheroes.

"It seems that we can start investigating and resolve them as soon as possible."

Nick Fury spoke, Liu Sheng said so much, he already understood what the other party meant, so he also knew what to do, after all, this matter was within his responsibility.

Even now, after being reminded by others, he discovered this matter, which is already a negligence in his work, and he must solve this matter as soon as possible.

"Do you have anything else to say? If not, let's go back to sleep."

Liu Sheng glanced at the superheroes present and said, he had already said everything he had to say.

Others shook their heads, they had nothing to say.

So everyone dispersed and went back to the warm bed before, but they couldn't sleep anymore. After all, they knew the news, and they started to think about what to do now, because although it was very relaxed when they talked about it just now , but the directors present knew it.

This thing is not simple. He may be an unprecedented catastrophe! And in the face of this catastrophe, they must find enough countermeasures now! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download and remember to save love Read it's unique domain name and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 341 Tony's Doubts

Liu Sheng returned to his bedroom, he did not sleep directly, because Tony Stark also followed, and the other party looked at him with a tangled face at the moment, as if he had something to say.

"I know what you want to say, if you're not sure, just ask!"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng said, he knew that the other party's IQ was very high, and the others might not have noticed anything just now, but he personally went to the other party's research room and took the initiative to explore Ultron, so the other party should have vaguely guessed something. What, otherwise the other party will not come to find you.

"The so-called...wisdom exists, is it the Ultron robot created by me?"

Tony Stark said, and when he said this, there was a look of disbelief on his face.

After all, this is too unbelievable. You must know that when he was studying the Ultron robot, he specially wrote the important task of protecting the earth. How could the other party become a hostile existence to them. You must know that their Avengers Alliance was established to protect the earth! But he couldn't help thinking this way, after all, at this juncture, the other party raised this matter, and his Ultron robot disappeared so inexplicably, there were too many doubts.

"There should be a high probability that it is your Ultron robot. After all, I was blowing up the... When the robot parasitized in the human brain, I found something from him."

Yanagyu said: "This thing is a symbol of Stark Industries Group.

In more accurate words, it should be a product forged by your own hands, a unique symbol."

"how could this be!"

Tony Stark said thoughtfully.

When the other party said so, he was already

0% confirmed the answer.

But he is still a little incredible. You must know that although the Ultron robot is very powerful, after all, it took him a lot of time to build it, but the other party is also strong enough to destroy the world. Liu Sheng seems to see what he thinks in his heart. He gave an answer.

"This world has self-evolution, think about it, when you created Ultron, did you add some kind of infinite substance."

There was a slightly playful look on Liu Sheng's face.

Tony Stark stopped talking, because when he was studying the Ultron robot, he did add some kind of existence similar to infinite matter, which is an infinitely self-reproducing alloy.

It's just that this kind of thing is very slow to copy. Although it is very powerful, it is also very tasteless, but he did not say this sentence, saying that the substance he added is actually very bad because this thing is relatively speaking, if this substance, If it can be developed infinitely, it will definitely be very powerful.

He also did not question the truth of what the other party said, because the other party was a big boss. Although the other party's strength has been completely sealed, the other party must know more than them.

This is also the main reason why all the previous superheroes did not question each other. They all chose to believe each other for no reason, because in their opinion, the other party would never tell lies! But Tony Stark, there is still one thing Understand, that is, the program he wrote for the Ultron robot is to protect the earth. This is the core instruction, and it is absolutely irreversible. Then why did the other party take another path and bring about a huge disaster that will destroy the earth. Love reading Let me remind you: three things about reading, remember to collect and save the unique domain name of, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 342 No Change

So Tony Stark expressed the doubt in his heart.

"It's very simple, the core instruction you issued at that time was to protect the earth, not human beings, but do you know who is causing the most damage to the earth right now?"

Glancing at the other party, Liu Sheng turned on the TV in the bedroom at this moment, and then he searched for a channel, which was broadcasting the current state of the earth.

Tony Stark's eyes looked up, and his urgent pupils shrank.

Because the above broadcast is that the earth is polluting the environment, the sea has changed, the glaciers are beginning to melt, and some experts are predicting when the end of the world will come.

Tony Stark said, his tone suddenly took on a bit of bitterness.

He finally knew why the robots he created would stand on the opposite side of himself, because it was completely self-inflicted by human beings. They were constantly destroying the world and the homeland that they depended on for survival, and the Ultron robots were just to protect the Just this world.

"We are not... villains, there is no absolute right or wrong in this world, we protect human beings, we are kind, not to mention human beings are actively healing the entire earth, everything can't be seen only on one side"

Reaching out and patting Tony Stark, Yagyu spoke to comfort him.

Tony Stark didn't speak, he couldn't stop comforting him after a few words, but he stretched out his hand and waved, saying that he was fine, and then left his villa directly.

Today's events have a great impact on him, he needs to go to his own emotions, and he also intends to spend a lot of time

, invested in the research and development of the Iron Man suit, and next, there is a great possibility that a huge disaster will occur, and he must prepare in advance.

Liu Sheng watched the other party leave, then closed the door and entered the bed.

His ideas are not as many as the other party. His idea is even the simplest among superheroes, that is, soldiers come to block, water comes to cover, no matter what happens, it can always be solved.

And midnight is the best match for the bed, he should have a good sleep now to replenish his spirit

Time passed, and in a flash it was the next morning.

Today's weather is very good, it is a sunny day, and the sun outside is radiating hot rays of light.

Liu Sheng got up, he glanced at the time, it was around 9:3 now, when he went downstairs for breakfast, he found that he was the last one to get up among the people present.

He ate some breakfast casually and planned to go out for activities. After all, the reason why he said this yesterday was that he didn't want these superheroes to continue to be lazy.

Because his strength was sealed, his current strength is very limited.

He is not like a person. In the face of such a big disaster, even if he seals his strength, he is actually trying to break through the heavenly father level and reach a higher realm in this disaster.

The other people also looked the same, as if they had forgotten what happened yesterday, because after one night, they had thought enough, and they all had their own thoughts in their hearts.

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Chapter 343 A Little Discomfort

No one mentioned this matter again, as if it had never happened to him, but he was like a wake-up call, constantly urging everyone in the Avengers.

For example, in the next period of time, Nick Fury can clearly perceive that there are already some lazy superheroes in the Avengers, and this period can be said to be very diligent.

They are constantly trying to make themselves stronger.

Of course, it's an afterthought, let's not mention it for now

Liu Sheng stretched his waist, after all, for others, it was already normal work time, but for him, it was just waking up.

Instead of going to the gym, he wandered around the city.

During this period of time, he worked hard to exercise, coupled with the effect of breathing, his body strength has reached ten times, which is equivalent to the combined strength of ten normal men.

And at this level, there is no need to continue exercising.

Although it is said that with normal exercise and breathing techniques, his physical fitness will still improve, but this is not enough. If he wants to improve even more, he can only devour energy substances, and then fight.

What's more, there is no benefit for him to practice ascetic all the time. His main purpose is not to improve his own strength, but to have a new understanding of the world.

So he was wandering in the city at the moment and began to understand the world in a real sense.

Before him, although he was also in this world, but that... was the topmost floor, he rarely wandered around the city like a normal person to observe the world.

The place he went first was the shopping mall, Yinli, where he could observe all beings in this world

All kinds.

After all, this is where everyone is going, and that's one of his goals.

What's more, he really should buy something, after all, he hasn't bought something for a long time, it's time to buy some clothes for himself, and buy a luxury car at the same time.

After all, these are the necessities of life.

"Why isn't anyone wreaking havoc here?"

Liu Sheng bought a few clothes at random, and the people next to him looked at him with bright eyes, because they felt that the other party was too generous, and even bought clothes in a luxury store, and bought them without saying a word.

You must know that the value of those clothes is very high, a piece of clothes is as high as: tens of thousands! And here is the US dollar, not the so-called RMB and Japanese yen.

Liu Sheng ignored their eyes, he was just thinking at this moment.

Because it is very important for him to have enough knowledge of the world, because it will improve his perception, and the same reason, fighting is equally important to him.

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