Liu Sheng thought to himself.

Since he has already planned to return, naturally he will not stay here any longer, but before leaving, he has to do one thing, and that is to destroy the tribe here! The reason is very simple, although these guys helped him, But these guys are not...subjective, they are passive guys who even have hatred against him! He doesn't want to let people look at them in the dark! So he plans to shoot directly and get them all done. In this case, he will This situation can be avoided.

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face.

Because it's a perfect plan! "And you can also use a magic weapon!"

Liu Sheng thought of the 5 magic soldiers he had refined! These 5 magic soldiers, their strength is very frightening, they can just be used once, and give them a data standard for their strength.

Of course, there is another one.

The reason for this is that, if the Divine Bingguo kills,

The more people there are, the faster and more terrifying his strength will improve. He is not willing to let this good opportunity go! With his thoughts down, Liu Sheng began to act.

At this moment, relying on his position just now, he began to track these people.

And he only got one goal.

As for why this is the case, Liu Sheng guessed that after these people left their sight, they probably all returned to the tribe. After all, in their hearts, the tribe is probably the safest place! When encountering such a thing, they naturally go to the most Run somewhere safe! "That's fine too."

For this, Liu Sheng is still very pleased, because in this way, he does not have to go to many places to find people, it is too wasteful of time, it is better to kill them all! Thinking of this, he moved towards the destination.

This is to avoid a situation where these people flee upon hearing the news.

Although this possibility is very small, in order to prevent him from appearing, Yagyu must be prepared, so he prepares to go immediately.

And time passed, and after about five or six minutes passed, he arrived at his destination.

A huge tribe standing in the depths of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau! It's just different from when he first came here, Liu Sheng's mentality is very different, because before he came secretly, but this time he is open and honest! It is even said that he is arrogant! Because he entered the tribe from the gate! It can be said to be arrogant! Therefore, everyone quickly discovered his trace! After all, he did not hide himself! Please download the underlined version of the novel, remember to save it, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 481 The Return

Needless to say, these people, relying on their own strength, think that Liu Sheng is not their opponent, so they want to fight against Liu Sheng and kill him! But in the end, they were severely beaten. Slap! The number of people does not mean that the strength is strong enough, at least according to their strength, even if they have many people, but they are not opponents of Yagyu at all! So not long after this battle kicked off, the result was already birth.

The entire tribe was slaughtered abruptly! No one survived! "Finally done."

Looking at the mess in front of him, Liu Sheng said slowly.

Then he left! All the things to do have been done, naturally there is no need to stay here any longer

Yagyu returned to Los Angeles.

He was on a regular flight and will leave in two days.

Because of this period of time, I don't know why, the flight was very anxious, and many air tickets were hard to find. He still spent a high price to buy the air ticket two days later.

Otherwise, if you follow the normal operation, it is estimated that you will not be able to get the air ticket after a week! Of course, Liusheng can also fly back directly by his own means.

Before level 3, he didn't have this ability, but after level 4 he could.

But he didn't do it because it wasn't necessary.

He thinks that he can relax during this time! After all, he has just experienced one after another battle, and everyone's state is in a tense state, and he really needs some relief.

Otherwise, like a tight string, it will snap.

Therefore, in the next two hours, Liu Sheng was wandering around almost every day, going to eat, drink and have fun, so as to relieve his tense heart.

Just two days in the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye, he was soon on a flight back to Los Angeles

When Yagyu took the plane back to Los Angeles, it was already evening.

The sunset is particularly beautiful, he printed out red fire clouds.

Someone picked him up at the airport, and these people are naturally the superheroes of the Avengers.

Liu Sheng was quite surprised by this.

Because according to normal operations, these people should be doing their own thing. To protect the city, how could they have spare time to pick them up? Some people may be free, but not all of them. A capable superhero! It's normal to take it easy!"

Hearing Liu Sheng's doubt, someone said.

"Able Superhero"

Hearing the other party's words, Liu Sheng was a little stunned.

"Yeah, we've got a new superhero here!"

The US captain said, and while he was talking, he glanced at the side, only to see that there was a robot standing in the place he was looking at! Of course, his surface was human-like, and it was difficult for ordinary people to distinguish.

The reason why Yagyu could tell that he was a robot was because he found that there were a lot of metallic elements attached to the other's body, and this element was inseparable forever.

This can prove the identity of the other party.


Liu Sheng greeted each other more friendly.

Because he hasn't figured out the situation yet, he naturally has to maintain a good attitude.


The other party also greeted Liu Sheng.

Love Reading Bar reminds you: Remember to save the three things in reading, save the unique domain name of Love Reading Bar, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 482 Invincible Heart

After receiving Liu Sheng, they naturally returned.

Tony Stark had already made an appointment with a five-star hotel, which was their destination, and they took a luxury car and took 10 minutes to reach the destination.

Then they got out of the car and went directly to the box they had packed.

In the process, Yagyu found an opportunity to meet Tony Stark alone.

He was curious about the robot and wanted to ask the other party.

He remembered that he had discussed this matter with the other party specifically before - "You mean Hank?"

Tony Stark is not a fool. When he saw Liu Sheng, he immediately wanted to understand the cause and effect, so he said one step ahead of the other party: "Don't worry, this guy is on our side, at least until now, I didn't find out. , he has something to do with Ultron!"

"He should belong to a highly intelligent robot produced by automatic deduction!"

This is Tony Stark's answer to Yagyu.

"Like this"

Liu Sheng's eyes narrowed, he did not expect that he would know this answer from the other party's mouth.

This surprised him very much.

"indeed so."

Tony Stark nodded.

The reason why he said this is because he has a lot of confidence in his heart, otherwise he would not have told Yagyu the answer, and he is 100% serious about factual disputes.

"I see."

Liu Sheng nodded, and he didn't say anything more, because the other party was gone, he didn't need to, and he was still going on this matter.

As long as the other party can pay attention to this matter

Just click.

He didn't want Ultron to go through this and infiltrate their organization.

Of course, the main reason is that during this period, his mentality has changed a lot compared to before. The invincible heart has once again returned to its peak state! He doesn't particularly care about Ultron! Because the concept in his mind is like this - that is, even if the other party really mixed into the Avengers organization, so long as he can protect himself, as long as his strength can keep rising, can't it be okay? The other party has mixed in with revenge It seems that the alliance does not do him any harm, if the other party really wants to trouble him, he will have time to trouble the other party! So, after confirming this matter, Liu Yu returned to the private room and had dinner with everyone.

Not to mention, Tony Stark is not generally generous, and the food ordered by the other party is extremely expensive, such as big lobster and big crab.

These things are extremely precious.

Liu Sheng was also very happy to eat, and he didn't care much about his own image.

After all, people in my generation are probably like this. He also told other people about his own experience. Except for some more important points, he covered up the others.

There is no need for him to hide these things. After all, if a person with a heart wants to explore, he can easily detect it. This is an era of advanced technology! On that day, there are huge satellites after another, ,! They go back and forth over and over again. Revolving around the earth, monitoring the earth! Before the strength reaches a certain level, can the other party not notice any actions made? The so-called satellites, are really just decorations? Download, remember, save, save the unique domain name of, and enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 483 The Devil Attacks

After chatting with everyone, drinking and eating, Liu Sheng returned to his residence.

"Finally home."

Looking at the very familiar environment in front of him, Liu Yu slowly opened his mouth.

He jumped directly onto his bed, intending to take a good night's sleep.

He stayed on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for a long time, but he didn't get a good night's sleep. Next, he had to get a good night's sleep, otherwise, he felt that he was at a loss.

It's a pity that he just closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep.

There was a sudden change in front of his eyes - a huge portal opened, and a figure walked out of it! Liu Sheng's eyes opened instantly, and he looked over, only to see the face of the other party that was extremely ugly, almost It's not like a human being! No, to be precise, the other party is indeed not a human being! Because it is impossible for a human to grow up like this, let alone appear in such a way, so the other party should not be a human but some kind of parasite !"Devil's breath."

Liu Sheng slowly opened his mouth.

His eyes were fixed on the other party, because he sensed an aura from the other party's body, that is, the aura from the devil, he had felt this kind of aura before.

It was the guy who pretended to be Nick Fury who left behind "Hello."

The demon spoke up.

As he spoke, he walked towards Yanagyu.

Liu Sheng looked at him with a bewildered expression, he didn't have any purpose.

In the next second, he knew what the opponent's goal was. Fang, at this time, he shot directly - that punch came over! Liu Sheng is not a fool, so naturally he can't hit the opponent.

He hurriedly avoided at this time, not wanting to face the opponent's

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