If the unilateral attack is fine, the so-called soul shock contained in the sound wave will only target the individual soul being attacked, but the main thing is that they are not unilaterally attacking them this time, it is a shock against each other! Therefore, everything have all changed.

This time, all the people present were not spared, they were all hit.

Everyone has a blank mind for a second.

Fortunately, the duration of this is not long, only one second, otherwise there will be great variables. After all, in the boundary, it is not... only they exist! If some existence in the boundary sees the three top powerhouses standing in place, Fully release their defenses... They will never miss such a good opportunity! Because the strong are equivalent to resources to them.

As long as they can be obtained and swallowed, it will have a huge driving effect on the growth of their strength, and it can increase their strength a lot.

"It's really extraordinary, but so what?"

After a second, everyone present returned to normal.

The Lord of Hell looked at Liu Sheng in front of him, his eyes narrowed.

He already felt the other person's difficulty.

He originally thought that when he shot just now, the other party would sink in an instant, but who knew that the other party actually resisted, and the effect was quite effective, after all, even he was sinking into it just now.


Seeing this scene, Ghost Rider couldn't help but say.

after all

, There is no one who can make the eyes of the lord of hell congeal. The opponent is the first with a strength of 4, which is enough to make the eyes of hell change! "It seems that we can only make a strong shot"

The Lord of Hell thought to himself.

Since this method failed just now, then there is naturally only one choice! He is to force the shot and take the other party away from here! As for the more tender method, he estimates that it is useless. If it is really useful, the other party just now He has already fallen, so why wait until he comes on stage to know that the Ghost Rider itself is a very extraordinary existence. The other party is a powerful god in this world. Most things, no, almost 99% of the things, the other party can be alone. Get it done, if the other party can't handle it alone, uh, so isn't he here "Om!"

The thought in my heart fell, and the Lord of Hell disappeared in place in an instant! After time passed 0.

After 0 seconds, he came to the opponent's side! Without any hesitation, he directly punched the opponent's body! "Mountains and rivers!"

Seeing this scene, Liu Yu's pupils shrank, and he quickly let out a low roar! Then, a huge earth wall and water wall appeared in front of his eyes! They formed a combination, and the defense was greatly improved.

The fist of the Lord of Hell fell! The terrifying power directly hit these two walls! The wall did not shatter in an instant! He was still strong! Of course, he was not intact either, after all, the opponent's strength was extraordinary. I can only see the wall at this moment. At this moment, the point that the opponent attacked spreads to the surrounding, forming a dense crack like a spider web! Please download the underlined version of the novel, please download it, remember to save it, m.aikanshu8.com , enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 499 Deadly

The Lord of Hell's eyes narrowed, and his body disappeared again.

Time has passed 0 again.

0 seconds.

His body appeared again! Only this time, he had changed his position, from in front of the opponent to behind him! Then he showed no mercy and slammed the opponent with one punch! He used up the punch. With all his strength, the power is even stronger than before! "Dahe!"

Seeing this scene, Yagyu quickly pushed the river.

The opponent's attack is too terrifying. With his current level 4 strength, he can't match the opponent at all. Now he can only rely on the power in the border! With a bang in front of his eyes, a river appeared! This is in the border. The river! He was surging, exuding an extremely terrifying power. He blocked Liu Sheng, and the Lord of Hell, trying to block the two.

After all, the latter's attack is too terrifying. If he hits Yagyu, with his current strength, he will be instantly wiped out by the opponent! He will naturally make the right decision! In the next second, the Lord of Hell will come directly from the river. .

The river can't stop him, he is not afraid of the effect of the river water on him, and it has no serious impact on him.

The next moment, his domineering punch directly hit Liu Sheng's chest! "Kakakaka!"

On Liu Sheng's chest, it seemed as if something shattered. The Lord of Hell was stunned. He didn't expect this scene to happen.

After all, the opponent's state is not bad at the moment, obviously he didn't hit the opponent hard, but this is very unrealistic, because he knows the power of his punch

How big is it! Logically speaking, such a scene should not appear in front of me, it can only mean that the object on the opponent's chest blocked his attack! Other than that, other explanations are pale and ineffective.

He looked at the past, and then his pupils shrank, that was the opponent's chest. The one who just blocked his punch was nothing but a bone that looked quite weird! The reason why he is weird is very simple! That is The color of this bone is not pale! The color he presents is actually red! At the same time, the bone is very wide, about five or six, the width of a palm, and about 6 centimeters thick, a bit like a shoulder blade. Knife-cut noodles "This is definitely not a human skeleton!"

The moment he saw this skeleton, the Lord of Hell knew the answer in his heart! And his guess was right. It is impossible for humans to have such a skeleton. After all, human beings have a limited body. How could it be possible for them to have such a skeleton? The skeleton is a skeleton with a strength close to the power of a heavenly father! The power of the body is terrifying to the extreme - the bone of a dragon! Otherwise, he would not be able to block the attack of the Lord of Hell! The opponent's attack is not ...just kidding, but it's terrifying! Even if you wear top-notch armor at the moment, it's still difficult to defend against the opponent's attack. Only the bones of a heavenly father-level powerhouse are infinitely close, and they are still the kind of... elites of body refinement.

I can barely resist it! Don't you see, this skeleton has made a sound of shattering.

The position where it was hit in the middle spreads to the sides, one after another cracks! Although the cracks are not obvious, they are real! I love to read books. Remind you: Remember to save the three things in reading m.aikanshu8.com Love to read books The only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 500

"Fortunate in misfortune."

Seeing the broken bones in front of his chest, Yagyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he took this thing with him, otherwise, if he was hit by the opponent's blow just now, it is conceivable that he should now lie on the ground and become a corpse.

"However, such a good material has lost a piece"

Look at the broken bones in the chest.

Liu Sheng felt a pain in his heart.

To know this is very precious.

Up to now, he has only lost two pieces of his body. Now he has lost one piece directly. How could he not be heartbroken? To know that this level of material is only produced by the Heavenly Father level powerhouse, and it is basically rare in the world. , he wasted a piece of it at the moment, and he naturally felt distressed.

Of course, he didn't last long in this mood.

Because there are more important things at the moment, he can't be obsessed with heartache! If so, he may become a corpse after a while because the Lord of Hell failed to strike, and he killed again! And because this time both sides The distance was so close, so he did not move his position, but kept the same posture as before, and killed him! His punch at the moment directly hit the man's head! The reason is very simple. So it's not like the opponent's chest at the beginning, because he has already noticed that there is something on the opponent's chest, which can withstand his attack! He is not lacking in heart, why he attacked that place to know the blow he just made, it's not at all. It didn't destroy the thing that protected the opponent's chest, but simply smashed it apart.

Although this caused his defense power to be greatly reduced, it was useful in the end.

So he didn't want to attack that place again.

Of course, in addition to that, he has other emotions. This emotion is a bit similar. As long as I kill Yagyu, then his things are mine, so this thing is my trophy, and this thing is too precious , so I can't destroy him, after all, he belongs to me after all, so I have to protect him! Although the Lord of Hell does not have this idea in his heart, it is almost the same.

Because he already had a coveted heart for that bone.

After all, that bone could carry a punch from him, and it was only cracked, but not directly destroyed. This already shows that this thing is extraordinary. It is definitely the bone of an infinitely close to the Heavenly Father-level powerhouse. This is still proficient in the way of the flesh. Otherwise, such a product will never be born! You must know that such a product cannot be born by ordinary Heavenly Father level powerhouses! Not every Heavenly Father level powerhouse has a strong physique and is able to give birth to Such skeletons are extraordinary in themselves and symbolize a certain extreme.

You must know that the dragon people at that time had the strength to fight against Liu Sheng.

At that time, Liu Sheng was in his peak state! Although Liu Sheng in that state did not reach the Heavenly Father level, his combat power was comparable to that of the Heavenly Father level, and he was even better than the Heavenly Father. The dragon man can compete with him, which is enough to see his strength!" It's forcing me!"

Seeing the opponent's punch, he smashed him in the face mercilessly.

Liu Sheng felt very uncomfortable.

Because in his perception, he realized that behind him was the door.

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Chapter 501

He knows that the other party has a good abacus! This good abacus is

If he avoids the opponent's attack at this moment, he must retreat, but once he retreats, he will directly enter the portal and leave this world. When he leaves this world, he naturally cannot use the power of this world! Then he Just a normal 4.

Naturally, he will not be the opponent's opponent, and his life will naturally be controlled by the opponent.

And if he doesn't retreat, then the answer is similar. The power of the opponent's punch is not... Just kidding, the power is almost unimaginable! If he is hit by the opponent's fist, Liu Yu will definitely be severely injured! And this is still A good guess, if it is a little worse, there is a high probability that the opponent will die on the spot with this punch! This is not a joke, because the strength between the two sides is as big as a gap! One is only 4, the other is 9. One is a [*]th-level detachment, incarnating as a heavenly father! Although the other's level has a little moisture, after all, the Lord of Hell is a very special existence. The other's heavenly father's strength can only be maintained in hell. If you leave hell, that's another story.

The opponent will definitely drop his strength and reach level 9! It will no longer be a heavenly father! Of course, even if the opponent's strength falls to level 9, it will still be a top level 9. After all, the opponent has truly stepped into the realm of heavenly father. His existence! Even if he returns to level 9, he still possesses a terrifying mighty power! But since his level will drop, his strength will naturally be greatly increased.

This is also the main reason why the other party will not leave the land easily, and even if the other party leaves hell, he will return in a very short time, and will not stay in the outside world for a long time! "So what?"

Yagyu was lost in thought, because he now had two choices in front of him.

Which of these two options is not good for him.

He didn't want to choose either "it's better to retire"

It's just that although he didn't want to make a choice, Liu Sheng couldn't help but make a choice, so after a brief second of contemplation, he figured out the answer in his mind, that is to retreat.

After all, apart from this choice, he has no other choice at all.

If he chooses not to leave, he will be 100% beaten to death by the opponent if he takes the punch directly, no, it should be 99%, maybe the opponent will give him a chance.

Because the other party is probably very curious about all kinds of things on him, so this way is not feasible, so we can only choose another way.

Although the other choice is also dangerous, he can still struggle for a while, at least it is better than this choice, so he made his own choice! He did not hesitate, and his body retreated at this time! And the door behind him also banged The door opened, revealing the space inside! "Pfft!"

He inserted one foot directly into the gate, and the whole person went directly into it! Then, his surroundings changed! It was no longer the desolate land, but the prosperous city! He has returned to the city! Back to his own In front of the room! But he didn't hesitate, didn't stay there for a long time, but turned around and left at this time! Because he knew the danger was coming! Love reading, let me remind you: three things to read, remember to save m.aikanshu8.com Love reading it's only domain name, enjoy high-speed reading!

Chapter 502 Methods

His idea was right.

When his thoughts fell, his whole body swept aside.

Just at the door of his room, where he was just now, there were two people who rushed out! They were tall, one was wearing a dark robe, and the other was a skeleton man covered in flames! These two guys are none other than others, It's the Ghost Rider and the Lord of Hell! "Want to go!"

The two people just came here, and their body exudes a vast temperament.

This is a normal thing. After all, they have just experienced a war, and now the whole person is in a state of fierce battle. In addition, they have just crossed the portal, experienced the baptism of space, and the power of the body is running. Naturally, they cannot reach the The power does not leak out.

As soon as they appeared, their eyes were fixed on Liu Yu! The other party was their main target, how could they ignore the other party's Ghost Rider and shoot directly! He disappeared in place in an instant and charged directly at the other party! In the process, he waved himself at the same time The knife in his hand! The bone knife exudes layers of light, and at first glance, it gives the impression that it is quite fierce. In fact, it is indeed the case. His fierceness is far beyond that of ordinary soldiers! Even the strongest King Kong in the world, Put him on this weapon from a height, and this weapon can also be easily divided into two halves like iron and mud! "Brush!"

He didn't show mercy at all, this knife cut off his arm directly! This is normal, he was brutally abused by the other party just now, and now he has the ability, he comes back! The knife cut open the air and slashed at Liu Sheng's arm! Liu Sheng sensed that there was a breeze blowing behind him and heard the sound of breaking the air, he could basically guess the answer, so he rolled on the donkey and turned his body toward him.

Rolling over on the side, I want to use this method to avoid the opponent's knife.

Because he can't borrow the power of the mountains and rivers of the border, he is now just an ordinary 4 weak in the eyes of the Ghost Rider and the Lord of Hell.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with saying that, because it is true.

So he has numbers.

Otherwise, he would not use such means to escape.

"How to make them retreat"

While doing this, Liu Yu thought about this question in his mind.

The Ghost Rider and the Lord of Hell are not...simple existences. It is basically impossible if you want to trick them and give up arresting yourself. One is because they have hatred. After all, so much happened just now.

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