Seeing that Yagyu stopped attacking and fell from the air, Madara Uchiha sneered.


"As expected of Madara Uchiha, he is as strong as a monster!"

"As expected of Susanoo, the defense is really terrifying!"

"It seems that if I want to defeat you, I can only wait for you to exhaust your vitality."

"Based on your age, you haven't had much time to live, have you?"

"You must have paid a big price for returning to such a young state, right?"

Liu Sheng fell on the opposite side of Uchiha Madara, and said casually, not worried about the situation in front of him.

"Did he do it on purpose?"

Xiaonan looked at Liu Sheng in the distance with a puzzled expression, Liu Sheng's eight-foot Qiong Gouyu destroyed all the forests created by Uchiha Madara.

The Mudun vines that had hung them from the tree before were all shattered under the bombardment of Yanagyu's light eggs.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up!"

Ji Lai also looked anxious and lowered his voice.

Madara Uchiha noticed their escape, but didn't care.

Just a few ants, not necessary for Madara Uchiha.

"I'll seal you up before my life force runs out."

Madara Uchiha put his hands together, and a powerful chakra condensed in his hands.

But as he opened his hands, a pitch-black pill was fired by him, hitting Liu Sheng unabashedly.

"Earth Blast!"

Madara Uchiha released the sealing technique in the reincarnation eye pupil technique, and the jet-black ball released a powerful attraction, attracting all the broken wood and soil around it.

The black ball flew to Yagyu with a lot of debris, trying to get close to Yagyu and seal him.

"Earthburst? A good ability."

"However, any ninjutsu has its flaws."

"Unfortunately, I know what the flaws of the Earthburst are!"

Liu Sheng opened his mouth lazily, and a thick laser was fired by him, hitting the black ball directly.

The black ball was suddenly hit by such a violent attack, and it was shattered very simply. All the attraction disappeared without a trace, and the flying debris crashed to the ground.


The next moment, Liu Sheng's body was directly divided into two.

As if there was an invisible attack, Liu Sheng was cut in half.


Liu Sheng rolled his eyes and quickly understood what was going on.

Wheel Tomb Boundary!

The pupil art stored in Samsara Eye can only be used by Madara Uchiha.

Wheel Tomb Boundary can create four shadows that exist in different time and space, and affect things in this time and space.

People without the eye of reincarnation or the six-path mode would not be able to perceive the existence of the shadow of the tomb of reincarnation.

"It's dangerous!"

Yagyu sighed faintly, the broken body turned into light particles and reorganized, and Yagyu appeared in front of Uchiha Madara intact.

"Have you found my wheel tomb clone?"

Madara Uchiha was stunned, and said in a flat tone.

As the pupil technique of the eye of reincarnation, the clone created by the border of the tomb of the wheel is very magical.

Unless there is the eye of reincarnation and the six-path pattern, no one can spot them.

Although Uchiha Madara did not know the premise of discovering the shadow of the tomb of the wheel, this did not prevent him from knowing the concealment of the shadow of the tomb of the wheel.

Not only that, but he also speculated that Yagyu's body was not always in a radiant state.

Staying in light form all the time would cause Yanagyu all kinds of inconveniences, and doing so would definitely come at a price.

That's why Madara Uchiha thought of using this move to deal with Yagyu, wanting to kill Yagyu when he didn't transform his body into light.

"Found? That's not it!"

Liu Sheng shook his head calmly, he was able to elementize his body in time, relying on his own body's instinct.

The moment the body is attacked, the elementalization is automatically turned on, preventing the subsequent force from destroying his body.

Like a knee-jerk reaction, it's instinct.


Madara Uchiha snorted, as if not believing what Liu Yu said.

His four wheel tomb clones shot again, suddenly approaching Liu Sheng, and his body exploded.

Countless light particles converged in the sky, and Yagyu's body floated in mid-air.

"not found?"

Madara Uchiha looked at Yagyu mockingly, thinking that Yagyu was lying.

"I didn't lie to you, it's instinct."

"It wasn't me who discovered them, but my body's instinct to turn me into light when attacked."

Liu Sheng was suspended in mid-air and explained casually.

"is it?"

Madara Uchiha stared at Liu Sheng's eyes, the pupil power in Samsara's eyes was boiling, and an illusion was suddenly lost.

Liu Yu's body froze for a moment, and then quickly recovered.

Madara Uchiha stepped on the ground with his feet, and when the ground cracked, he rose into the air and dashed towards Yanagyu in mid-air.

He reached out and grabbed Liu Sheng's body, with terrifying pupil power boiling in his eyes.

"Human Road?"

"The move that can pull out the soul, I dodge!"

Liu Sheng sneered, and his body turned into light particles and flew away quickly.

The ability of the human world, but it can threaten him.

Fortunately, Uchiha Madara's wheel tomb clone can't use the skill of Samsara, otherwise Liusheng would be in danger.

Uchiha Madaragi took the shot, trying to kill Liu Yu with the ability of the human world.

Unfortunately, Yagyu is as nimble as a monkey, preventing him from hitting his target.

"Lord Madara, why don't we withdraw first!"

Hei Jue, who was hiding, sent voice transmission to Madara Uchiha, and there was an ability similar to telepathy between the two.

In the original work, Kurojue failed to attack Daimyo, and he used this ability when he was cut in half by Terumi Mei to communicate remotely with Madara Uchiha, who was reincarnated in the dirt.


"I can't live anymore, I must deal with Liu Sheng before I die!"

Uchiha Madara's tone was firm.

Madara Uchiha was about to die, and it was all because of the outsider golem that sent him the chakra full of vitality to continue his life.

If Madara Uchiha's body is compared to a teacup, then the vitality in his body is tea.

The passage of time has caused cracks in the teacup, and the tea inside is constantly exposed.

Madara Uchiha was able to survive by relying on the outsider golem to keep refilling the water.

Now Madara Uchiha filled the teacup with water at one time, leaving more cracks in the already fragile teacup.

After the water leaks, this teacup should also be reimbursed.

There is no use in refilling the water, the teacup will be completely shattered.

"Hei Jue, get out of here quickly."

"The troops of Yunyin, Yanyin, Shayin, and Konoha are all nearby, and try to attract them."

"They have strong sealing power in their hands. If the fisherman wins, he should be able to seal Liu Sheng."

Madara Uchiha thought for a while and decided to stay behind.

In any case, he had to remove the stumbling block of Yanagyu before he died.

Yagyu knows too many secrets that will likely stop his plans.

Chapter [*] Konoha is really sincere!

The Land of Rain, the front-line base of Konoha Village.

In the tent of the commander-in-chief, Tsunade stood in front of the map and frowned.

After being released by Yagyu, Tsunade returned to Konoha Village.

However, what happened in Konoha Village disappointed her greatly, and she was a little disheartened about the whole village.

Uzumaki Kushina was monitored by Konoha Anbe, and even his personal freedom was restricted.

With Vortex Kushina's fiery personality, how could he easily accept such conditions?

Uzumaki Kushina once had a big fight with the village, but in the end it was nothing.

Sarutobi Hiizan, who used to be very tolerant of Uzumaki Kushina, was also very firm in his request to monitor Uzumaki Kushina.

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