Jutsu requires both hands to form the seal, and even the earth escape ninjutsu released without the seal is garbage.


After destroying the loess with one move, Liu Yu suddenly frowned and looked at the three generations of Raikage in the distance.

At this time, the three generations of Raikage chose to escape without any discipline, and fled into the distance with the ninja of Yunyin Village.

"Run away"

Liu Sheng was a little stunned, you are the third Raikage who broke up alone! But if you think about it carefully, Liu Sheng can understand the thoughts of the third Raikage.

Just based on Liu Sheng's current performance, they want to kill Liu Sheng is a fool's dream.

Since there is no certainty of success, it is more realistic to run away quickly.

In the original book, the reason why the three generations of Raikage broke down was because he was protecting the large army of Yunyin Village.

At this moment, there is no large army of Yunyin Village, and he does not need to sacrifice himself for the ninjas of other Ninja villages.

Not to mention the ninjas of other ninja villages, even the ordinary ninjas of dozens of Yunyin villages are not worth his stay.

Although the third generation of Raikage is reckless, he is not really a fool. He can still know what value is high. For example, the second generation of Hokage in the original book, if it was not Sarutobi Hizan and others who followed him to Yunyin Village, But if it was a few ordinary Anbu ninjas, would he still stay behind to break the queen? For the sake of a few ordinary ninjas, let the top leader of the village risk his life, but no one with a little brain will do this.

For the top leaders of the surrounding villages, weighing the value and paying the return is what they should do the most.

"You can't run, it's too slow!"

Liu Sheng's body glowed with golden light, and his body turned into countless light particles and flew towards the third generation of Raikage and the others.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Sheng appeared above the three generations of Raikage and others, pinching his hands to condense golden light bullets.

Eight-foot Qionggouyu! The overwhelming light bombs fell, and the resistance of the three generations of Raikage and others was indiscriminately washed.

After a while, only the third Raikage survived with a strong defense.

The other Yunyin Village ninjas were all wiped out by Liu Sheng's light bomb.

"You bastard!"

Three generations of Raikage rushed to the crown in anger, stretched out a forefinger and rushed towards Yanagyu, which was his strongest hell thrust.

A hand in hand.

"Farewell, Three Raikage!"

Liu Sheng looked at the three generations of Raikage indifferently, watching the other party keep approaching.

He raised his long legs, and a golden cross appeared on his feet: light.

The body turned into golden light and moved, and Liu Yu instantly appeared beside the third Raikage.

He kicked it out, right on the wrist of the third Raikage, and let his book 3.

Six stabs stabbed him in the chest.

The index finger of the left hand condensed a hand, which directly penetrated his right chest, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

"left handed"

"Or say you were prepared to avoid penetrating the heart so you switched to your left hand"

Yagyu's body condensed in front of the third Raikage, looking at the third Raikage with interest.

The third Raikage pulled out... his own hand, and a powerful thunderbolt rushed through his chest, scorching the wound and forcibly stopping the bleeding.

"Useless struggle!"

"You are not my opponent!"

Seeing the three generations of Raikage panting and wanting to fight again, Liu Yu shook his head expressionlessly, and folded his hands together to form the Sky Cong Cloud Sword.

"Come on, let me give you a ride!"

Liu Sheng gave a low voice, and suddenly stabbed out with a sword.

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Chapter [*] Therefore, you are saved!

"It is said that the three generations of Raikage have the strongest spear and the strongest shield, and now it seems that his spear is more powerful."

"Infernal thrust with the strongest attack.

With a single hand, he pierced through the strongest shield he was proud of, and neither the Thunder Tunnel armor nor his body could block it!"

Tsunade stood on the hillside in the distance, watching the end of the three generations of Raikage with emotion.

After the three generations of Raikage were caught by Liu Yu and pierced through his own thunderbolt armor with his own hand, the countdown to his life had already begun.

The powerful attack of Hell Stab not only destroyed his thunderbolt armor and physical defense, but also destroyed his internal organs.

Although the three generations of Raikage are left-handed, he failed to pierce the heart of his left chest with his right hand.

But the left chest that was pierced by the right hand also has quite important internal organs.

Even if these internal organs are not fatally damaged, it will definitely make his state decline, and his combat effectiveness will decrease rapidly.

If it were other times, 17 would be better to say, but Liu Sheng, the enemy, was staring at him.

Liu Sheng didn't make any extra moves, he simply condensed a golden lightsaber, and stabbed it to send the third generation of Raikage on the road.

Knowing that he could not escape, the three generations of Raikage stabbed Yagyu with the index finger of Lei Dun chakra with a heroic smile.

"This is the final hell thrust"

The third Raikage roared.

"Go to hell to stab!"

Liu Sheng spoke indifferently, and the tip of the golden lightsaber collided with the fingertips of the third Raikage, directly defeating the last one.

"Are you going to run away too?"

After killing the three generations of Raikage, Yagyu turned his eyes to the distance, where no one existed.

Because the people in that direction all used the technique of escaping from the earth, the technique of hiding from the rock, they escaped.

It's a pity that under Liu Sheng's domineering arrogance, it is useless for them to hide in the ground.

Liu Sheng's body turned into a golden light, rising into the sky in an instant, and then countless light bullets crashed down.

Eight-foot Qionggouyu! Dense light bombs bombarded the earth, making a deafening roar.

The golden light bullet pierced through the soil, killing many Iwagakushi ninjas and leaving them buried forever in the ground.

More Iwagakushi ninjas were released by Yagyu, he just used golden light bullets to oppress the land, forcing these ninjas to escape back to the ground.

After a while.

Loess, who lost an arm, appeared in front of Yanagyu with a group of defeated soldiers from Yanyin Village.

"Why do you have to run away? I didn't want to kill you."

Liu Sheng stood in front of Huang Tu and the others, shaking his head sadly.

Loess looked at Liu Sheng coldly, with a look of disbelief.

Liu Sheng shrugged and said helplessly: "You have a heavy prejudice against me, do I have any reason to kill you?"

"No! Even if you attacked me and killed me with fire, there is no reason for me to have to kill you."

"After all, you are so weak, no matter how much you think, it won't affect me in the slightest."

Liu Sheng sighed, his words turned red, and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"So, you are saved."

"I've decided to spare your lives, and you can go."

Liu Sheng said with a smile on his face, waving his hand to let Huang Tu and the others leave.

The loess and the other Iwaki ninjas looked at each other, and some of them didn't understand what medicine was sold in Liusheng's gourd.

"Liu Sheng, tell me what you want to do!"

After hesitating for a moment, Huang Tu said to Liu Sheng with a cold expression.

"Actually, nothing."

"You saw it, Chiyo and Sandai Raikage were all killed by me."

"Wouldn't it be a pity if no one preached such a glorious deed?"

"So you are lucky enough to be chosen as storytellers by me, so I decided to let you go."

Liu Sheng explained lazily, making the faces of Huang Tu and the others dark.

It was because of this reason that they were spared. Although there was an inexplicable sense of grievance in their hearts, Huang Tu and the others were very wise and did not commit suicide.

"Can't they be storytellers?"

Loess glanced at Tsunade and the others in the distance, and said to Liu Sheng with a sneer.

He didn't believe that Yagyu didn't notice Tsunade and the others.


"But it's still not enough to let them serve as witnesses!"

"After all, human beings are very short-sighted creatures, and they may not believe that I have such strength."

"Maybe your village will put your death on Konoha's head."


Liu Sheng casually looked at Huang Tu and the others, and explained to them lazily.

"I see!"

Loess gave Liu Sheng a deep look, then turned to look at Tsunade and the others, and a trace of hatred flashed in the bottom of his eyes.

We do not suffer from widowhood, but we suffer from inequality! We all come together, and we all come with the same purpose.

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