The two of them left, and the two of them left.

"Ah, you abandoned your companions and left by yourself?"

Jirofang did not stop the two from leaving. After all, in his eyes, only Akimichi Chouji had good fighting power among the three people, and fighting with the strong was the most interesting.

"It's not abandonment, it's an agreement!" Akimichi Chouji wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his backhand: "This is an agreement with my companions! We will meet up after killing you!"

"Ha! How shameless!" Jirofang's face turned cold: "Then I will kill you directly!"

Among the four Sound Ninjas, Jirofang's strength is the lowest, so he usually has no say. On the surface, they are all containers of Orochimaru, but in fact, the Snake Cave speaks according to strength.

So Jirofang doesn't believe in the so-called companions at all! Any "companion" speaks with strength. If you are weak, you can only die!

"I should say this." Akimichi Choji reached out and took out a small box with three pills inside.

This is the secret medicine of the Akimichi family! Bet on everything for a fight!

The pills are divided into three colors. Different colors have different medicinal strengths and side effects.

The first one is a green spinach pill, the second one is a yellow curry pill, and the third one is a red pepper pill.

The advantage of the first pill: a short burst of 30% of human's own movement potential. Strength can be increased by more than 3 times its own limit. The disadvantage is that there is a short-term burst potential and a short-term painful return.

The advantage of the second pill: strong body, nourishing qi and blood, warming the gate of life. The disadvantage is that it is easy to cause general weakness after taking it.

The advantage of the third pill: enhance its own strength by 100 times, and the chakra will form a butterfly shape when used. The disadvantage is that taking the third pill will cause excessive load on the body as its own strength increases, leading to death.

Akimichi Choji opened the small box, took out the green spinach ball and swallowed it, then took out a roll of kunai connected by silk thread, and wrapped the silk kunai around his body.

"Meat Bullet Needle Car!!"

Akimichi Choji's body grew bigger again! As his body grew bigger, he also supported the kunai. Like a hedgehog.

No fancy temptation! A real man will do it hard.

The meat bullet needle car blessed by the multiplication technique rushed forward without hesitation.

"Can you use the same trick on me twice?" Jirobo snorted coldly, and with a earth escape·earth land return, he blocked it again!


But this time the meat bullet needle car exceeded Jirobo's imagination. The force formed by the sharp-toothed kunai under the crazy rotation directly tore the barrier! It attacked Jirobo directly.

Jirobo was shocked, and the earth attribute chakra covered his palm and began to resist!


His palm was instantly pierced, and Jirobo was pushed out and fell on the boulder.

The flesh-shot needle car slowly stopped! Jirobo on the monk was bleeding profusely, and there was no intact part of his body.

Before Jirobo could catch his breath, Akimichi Choji, who had stopped transforming into a tank, almost couldn't stand.

This spinach ball can instantly improve his various abilities! But the loss is also doubled.

"Ahem!" Jirobo coughed up blood and said, "It seems that you have reached the end of your strength first, and I am the winner!"

Jirobo dragged his wounded body to pick up the kunai on the ground and was about to kill Akimichi Choji.

"The end of your strength? The winner is you?"

Akimichi Choji slowly raised his head, and the killing intent in his pupils was determined.

"I have a trusted companion, how can I lose? How can I repay Shikamaru's trust? So I should be the winner!!"

Akimichi Choji roared, and stuffed the yellow curry ball directly into his mouth. The pill melted in his mouth, and the warm medicinal power instantly soothed the pain and filled the chakra!

"Super Multiplication Technique!"

Akimichi Choji used the family forbidden technique directly in the limited time of the medicinal power!

The surrounding ground sank instantly and fell apart!

Akimichi Choji's body stretched to dozens of meters, looking at Jirobo like an ant!

Jirobo was in a bad state! How can he fight this!

The kunai fell to the ground, and Jirobo was about to run, but how could he escape?

Akimichi Choji punched out! The forest in front directly opened up an amazing gully!

The huge power directly swallowed Jirobo!


Under the power, Jirobo's body turned into nothingness!

So far, two of the four members of the Otonin group have died, and the greater crisis has already started from the snake cave.

After doing all this, Akimichi Choji also fell on his back, super

When the multiplied state was lifted, he lay on the ground helplessly.

Every part of his body was in severe pain as if it was torn apart! The yellow curry ball instantly suppressed the pain and filled the chakra, but the price was also huge.

Akimichi Choji's eyelids became heavier, but a smile hung on the corners of his mouth!

"Shikamaru! I did it."


On the other side, Nara Shikamaru and Uzumaki Naruto were moving at full speed. He had to travel day and night to make up for the time delayed by Jirobo.

"Shikamaru, is Choji okay?" Uzumaki Naruto said worriedly.

"No, I believe in Choji, he is very strong."

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