Chapter 129 – Split

The color of the Greer vein looks very similar to the Greer Stone, and it is also blue-green.

It just doesn’t look so translucent, and it contains a lot of impurities.

Judging from the edges and lines above, this vein is somewhat similar to the outside of a coal mine.

Therefore, the formation of the Greer veins is probably similar to that of coal mines, which is similar to what Mo Nan had previously inferred.

It should be that ancient plants were buried deeply in the ground through the changes of the earth’s crust, and then after countless years, they were formed by absorbing a lot of natural energy.

However, its formation is definitely much more difficult than coal mines. Coal mines were almost everywhere in Mo Nan’s previous life, enough to last for hundreds of years.

And if this Greer vein is very common, it is estimated that it has been developed and utilized long ago, and it is impossible to have it only here.

Combined with the fact that there is no coal mine in the Ninja World, Mo Nan has an inference.

Probably because the ancient plants of this world have formed veins similar to those of Greer.

It’s just that because it was buried too deep and the number was small, it was not noticed by humans. The discovery of this vein was completely accidental.

Mo Nan began to consider how to use this vein.

The energy nature of this vein is quite stable and will not be released randomly, so a certain method is needed to guide the energy out.

It is of course impossible to ignite like burning coals, and the ninja must of course be used in the ninja world.

Maybe I can use a certain technique like the Greer Empire to draw out the energy.

Menan also has the technique of absorbing Chakra from an object, which is his technique engraved on the regenerative core, from the study of the Red Sand Scorpion.

Thinking of the regeneration core, Mo Nan glanced at the puppet scorpion he had forgotten just now.

But found that the state of the puppet is not quite right, and the whole body develops a green light.

Mo Nan hurriedly opened the outer shell of the puppet clone and found that it was the regenerative core inside that was glowing.What shines is the technique of regeneration and the surface of the nuclear, and it seems to be desperately extracting something from the inside of the regenerating nucleus.

Mo Nan looked closely and understood what had happened.

Because Mo Nan had no way to actively control the chakras of the tree clone, Mo Nan changed the technique of passively outputting chakras on the surface of the regeneration core to the technique of actively absorbing chakras.

And the method that Mo Nan uses to control the regenerative core is actually to use the little chakra that connects himself and the tree clone to control the technique on the regenerative core.

At the same time, there is another function. Because there is chakra flow in the heart of the tree clone, it is still possible to grow even without the bark.

Once it grows up, it will cause damage to the outer shell, so this technique also has the effect of forcibly extracting too much energy and inhibiting the growth of the tree’s core.

This mechanism has been activated, and is now desperately extracting the energy of the tree’s heart.

From the blue-green light on the technique, it can be seen that the extraction should be the energy of the Greer vein that Mo Nan inadvertently absorbed just now.

This is not normal, because Mo Nan cannot control the Chakra of the Tree Clone, so the Chakra of the Tree Clone has never been condensed.

For a creature that has never exercised Chakra, logically it should not be able to absorb the energy in the mineral veins like the group of people in the Greer Empire.

How could it absorb such a large amount of energy in such a short period of time.

Mo Nan remembered what He Yan said in the original work.

The Empire City of Greer used the energy of the Stone of Greer to create a crop that could mature in a day.

This shows that plants are more qualified for the energy of the Rael Stone than humans, so the tree clone can absorb the energy overflowing from the mineral veins.

This should be a good thing, because in fact, the number of chakras in the tree clone itself is quite large, after all, it is the result of accumulation for hundreds of years.

Only because Mo Nan could not exercise, the total amount of Chakra of the tree clone was very small.

Since Mo Nan can absorb the energy of the mineral veins and skip the exercise process to directly increase the size of the Chakra, the tree clone should also be possible.

It doesn’t need to be too much, as long as the Chakra of Regenerative Nuclear can be strengthened to the point of being a Shinobi.(Read more @ the Chakra of Shangren, the efficiency of inputting chakra into the yin seal of the puppet scorpion will be greatly improved, and Mo Nan will not need to constantly charge it.

It’s just that the fit between the tree clone and Greer is too high, so it absorbs too much energy.

Now not only the Chakra of this part of the tree clone has been blown up, but Mo Nan can feel it now.

After the chakras in this part of the tree have grown to a certain level, they seem to have reached a certain limit.

Stimulated by the energy and vitality of the Greer vein, the cells are dividing and seem to want to grow.

This is not easy, in fact, it doesn’t matter if the tree heart wants to grow.

The big deal is to burst the outer shell of the regenerated core, and Mo Nan can make a new one.

But now the regenerative nuclear is still installed in the puppet scorpion.

The puppet scorpion was made from Fengying’s corpse. When will Mo Nan encounter such a good material next time, it is not necessarily true. It would be bad if it was burst by the tree core.

So Mo Nan hurriedly took out the regenerated core from the puppet clone to avoid that the growth of the tree core would destroy the puppet clone.

Although the outer shell of the regenerated nucleus is not valuable, the small mosquito is meat.

In line with the principle of no waste, Mo Nan still actively stimulated the technique on the outer shell to enhance the efficiency of absorbing internal energy.

Mo Nan’s efforts have had an effect, and he can feel that the tendency of tree core cells to divide has slowed down.

In the end, due to a large amount of energy being pumped away, this small tree clone did not succeed in dividing the cells to grow bigger without energy support.

Mo Nan also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like he had earned the money to make a new shell.

After he felt the Chakra of Regeneration Verification, he was even more delighted.

Mo Nan discovered that the Chakra, who was a clone of this small tree, actually swelled to an astonishing two cards, which is equivalent to the endurance of the elite.

You should know that the chakras in this short clone are only less than 110 of the complete tree clone.Doesn’t this mean that the chakra of the tree clone is at least 20 cards or more? It is hard to imagine that an ordinary tree in the Ninja world would have so many chakras.

The first generation of Hokage waved his hand, but it was a big forest. It was possible to create so many trees. Is it possible that the first generation of chakras with several million cards? Of course it was impossible.

The trees made in the first generation were all made instantly, and there were not many chakras among them.

Unlike Mo Nan’s tree clone, which has been growing for hundreds of years, its cells draw a lot of energy from the earth, air and sunlight.

And afterwards, Mo Nan injected his own spiritual energy, so there is such a big potential Chakra.

With so many chakras, the puppet scorpion no longer needs Mo Nan to charge him.

Because it is impossible for Mo Nan to distribute all the chakras to the puppet scorpion, he only inputs half of it each time.

There are almost so many Chakras for Puppet Scorpion now.

Mo Nan thought of his own puppet clone army plan again.

The biggest restriction of the original plan was that the tree clone could not provide so many tree cores containing chakras and the source of chakras for puppets.

Now with the Greer vein, the source of Chakra has been resolved.

The only restriction now is that the tree clone is not that big.

But Mo Nan thought of the massive amount of energy contained in the Greer vein in the eyes of the kaleidoscope writing wheel, and had another idea.

The problem of where to put this energy is considered solved.

Mo Nan wanted to seal all these energies into the tree clone.

The clone should be able to rapidly divide and grow very tall in a very short period of time under the stimulation of these energies.

At the same time, the Chakra of the tree clone will also be greatly developed.

In this way, Mo Nan can directly obtain the heart of the tree with a large number of chakras.

The two problems that the puppet army plan had to face were solved at once.

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