Naruto: Start with Eternal Kaleidoscope

Chapter 163 - Science things, how can you say stealing

Chapter 163 – Science things, how can you say stealing

Mo Nan had always been thinking about increasing the strength of these warriors themselves, but he had never thought of relying on external abilities to increase the strength of his men.

He almost forgot how he got his 100 puppet abilities? He can use Greer’s Stone for the warriors.

Couldn’t the Stone of Greer allow the samurai to obtain ninjutsu equivalent to that of the ninjas?

It can also give the user a strong vitality, and it just so happens that the samurai have a huge advantage in the close combat that they are good at.

Kimura was still looking at Mo Nan with hopeful eyes, hoping to get an affirmative answer from Mo Nan.

“Actually, there is no other way, since you said no matter what it is…”

Mo Nan stopped in the middle of talking. What he wanted to say was that since you are willing to pay any price, I know a treasure.

Implanting it into your body can give you instant power, but Mo Nan thinks about it carefully and feels wrong.

All the samurai, including Kimura, belonged to the daimyo of Tanokuni. Although Mo Nan has a good relationship with daimyo Tanokuni, it is because they are currently a community of interests.

But if there is any conflict between the two people in the future, the samurai who is still obedient recently, I am afraid that he will immediately turn his gun and become his enemy.

If he had directly inlaid the Greer Stone into his body, if they had a conflict, it would be difficult for Mo Nan to retrieve the Greer Stone.

So Mo Nan felt that he had better make some kind of ninja, and then let the samurai use the power of the Grayer Stone through the ninja.

He can also leave a psychic contract on the ninja, so that if the two sides do not agree in the future, Mo Nan can summon all the ninjas back in an instant.

When Kimura heard that Mo Nan could do something, his face showed excitement, but Mo Nan stopped halfway through his words, and asked anxiously.”What kind of method is it? I ask the adults to tell me. In any case, I must try it. Even if this method is dangerous, please don’t worry about it.”

Kimura thought that this method was very harmful, so Mo Nan was reluctant to tell him.

“It’s not that this method is dangerous. I just remembered that in ancient times, someone had invented a super weapon that could give ordinary people the power of a ninja, but the method of making this weapon has been lost.”

It turned out that this was the case, and Kimura showed a disappointed expression on his face.

“I once got some information about this super weapon, but because this super weapon is of little significance to people who know how to ninjutsu, I haven’t studied it in depth.

But now that I want to come, I can study in depth, restore this weapon and mass-produce it, so that it can also increase the strength of my Otonin Village. ”

Mo Nan’s conversation turned and gave Kimura another hope, and he hurriedly asked again:

“Also, after Shadu Daren has developed this super weapon, he must let me be his first user. I am willing to test his power for adults.”

Mo Nan nodded with satisfaction: “Don’t worry, even if you didn’t say that, I originally planned to let you be his first user. After all, you are the strongest one of my samurai.

I put up that information, and I have to turn it out and study it.

During this time, you should stop wasting time on meaningless ninjutsu training, and focus on improving your martial arts. ”

Kimura quickly nodded and agreed, and after hearing Mo Nan’s words, he stopped trying to practice Jie Yin, but began to train his own physical skills and swordsmanship.

Mo Nan returned to the audio and video office and began to design the weapon he said.

This kind of weapon may actually exist, and the Greer Empire should have a method of using the Greer Stone to make weapons.

However, these methods should be recorded in Greer’s Book, and Mo Nan has no way of knowing.(Read more @ fortunately, the knowledge in the mind of the Red Sand Scorpion about creating human puppets is not a joke.

Each of his puppet’s transformation equipment was designed by himself, and it is not difficult to design such a weapon.

Just how to make the most of the energy in it, Mo Nan needs to think about it.

It is definitely not possible to inlay it directly on the samurai swords of the samurai. The quality of Tanokuni’s weapons is too poor, and 80% of them were made by Tanokuni’s craftsmen.

It is completely incomparable with the ninja made in the artisan village used by the five major countries.

Thinking of the Artisan Village, Mo Nan thought of those particularly powerful wares created by Qingming, the founder of the mountain in the Artisan Ren Village.

Those ninjas seemed to have the ability to magnify Chakra, which left a great impression on Mo Nan.

With these ninjas, the four-day elephants didn’t look very good. Except for the ninjas’ built-in abilities, they hadn’t used other ninjutsu.

After all, it is also a small country ninja, and the craftsman ninja village is not a battle ninja village. What strength can the ninjas there?

But they were just like this, they were able to suppress Konoha and Sanin’s three middle ninjas alone, all relying on the merits of those few ninjas.

Although the last few people had too little combat experience, they were defeated by Shikamaru and the others. But it is enough to see that these 4 ninjas can at least give the user the power of ninja.

A complete Stone of Greer itself can make the user’s ability quite close to the upper end, and if the user’s ability itself is strong, the power will be even greater.

If you can get the technology to make the four ninjas of Qingming, and then combine it with the Greer Stone, the weapons you can make will exceed everyone’s imagination.

It is estimated that it can instantly let any one person have the ability to be more than forbearance in power alone.”It looks like I need to go to the Craftsman Village. Since I was stealing technology…

No, how can a scientist’s affairs be said to be stealing? I just learn from the advanced experience of others, to learn from technology.

Mo Nan shamelessly beautified an impending theft.

Of course, because there are too many stingy people in this world, many people are unwilling to share their advanced experience with others, so Mo Nan still needs to sneak into this matter.

So since it was such a sneaky thing, it must be impossible to do it as the shadow of a village, Shadu.

Of course, it is even more impossible to use Mo Nan’s original identity to fight, this kind of thing can only be left to the red sand Scorpion and Uchiha Hua who were not well-known.

These two people can actually be either, but Mo Nan suddenly remembered that Scorpion actually had a spy planted in Takumi Ninja Village.

Because he has too many puppets, although the weapons and equipment above are all designed by him himself.

But he couldn’t make every piece by himself, so most of them were entrusted to Takumi Shinobu.

At the same time, in order to avoid revealing his identity and to save some money, he wanted to make it easier to plant a person of his own in the village of Takumi Ninja.

Someone is easy to do things, it is much more convenient to do this as a scorpion.

Since it was just borrowing technology, there shouldn’t be a battle, and there is no master at Craftsman Shinobi, then Mo Nan’s body doesn’t need to go there in person, just let the puppet go.

After receiving the order, the puppet scorpion in the country of Sichuan took off directly to the east.

Takumi Ninja Village is located in the country of Takumi, an island country on the sea east of Konoha.

After Mo Nan arrived at the beach, he wanted to fly over directly, but if he thinks about it carefully, he should keep a low profile. After all, his identity is still a traitor.

So Mo Nan honestly rented a boat to go to the country of craftsmanship.

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