Naruto: Start with Eternal Kaleidoscope

Chapter 167 - Yes, I started solving it so soon

Chapter 167 – Yes, I started solving it so soon

It is impossible for Mo Nan to completely copy Qingming’s technology to create his kind of super ninja.

Because that kind of ninja needs to be like a human puppet, collecting human chakras into it, where can Mo Nan find so many chakras of ninjas.

But Mo Nan can also learn from the technique of sealing chakras into the ninja and amplifying it, so that the ninja he designed can temporarily absorb the chakra of the holder and exert greater power.

Of course, it can’t be absorbed all, otherwise people will die.

This kind of super ninja designed by Mo Nan is still based on Greer’s Stone.

The reason for using the chakrali of his own is just to let some samurai with special talents in chakra, not to waste that huge power.

Mo Nan has been studying how to use the energy of Greer’s Stone for a long time.

First of all, the Stone of Greer must be inlaid on the guard, connected with the user by a wooden handle.

The reason why a wooden handle is used is not only because the samurai are used to using the katana with a wooden handle, but also because the wood has meridians through which chakras can pass.

And because of the different physiques of the samurai, the strength of the Grayer Stone that their bodies can withstand is also different.

Therefore, it is not necessary to install a complete gem on each knife.

Moreover, it takes too much time to make so many Glenelg Stones.

Therefore, Mo Nan plans to install a complete Grel Stone on the super ninjas used by those samurai with a physique above the middle level.

The others should be enough with some small pieces.

It took about half a month. In the end, Mo Nan completed more than 1,800 pieces of Grayer’s stone inlaid, and there were no samurai swords with other functions.

The samurai holding these samurai swords can exert their power and possess the abilities of the ninth level.There are also 150 inlaid complete Grel stones, allowing the holder to exert a power close to the upper end.

And Mo Nan also made thirteen special-edition samurai swords made with Qingming technology, which can not only use the power of Greer’s stone, but also use the owner’s own chakra and use ninjutsu.

If the user matches the ninjutsu attributes reserved in the sword, he can use it to exert a power equivalent to that of the upper ninjutsu.

It’s not that Mo Nan doesn’t want to make more special edition samurai swords, but the materials needed to make special edition samurai swords are extremely precious and difficult to buy, and very expensive.

Although the scorpions have some inventory, they can only make 13 of them. As for whether they can make more in the future, it depends on how much materials Mo Nan collects later.

After completing the super ninja, Mo Nan decided to give it a name.

The sword that allows the samurai to use ninjutsu sounds familiar, like the Zanpaku sword used by the gods of death next door.

Then these samurai swords made by yourself are better called “Zhannin swords”…

Mo Nan shook his head quickly, feeling that this was not good.

I am a ninja, and Zhannin sword sounds uncomfortable like Zhan himself. Otonin also has many ninjas, so it is obviously not appropriate to give Ninja a name like this.

In the end, Mo Nan decided to call it “Ninjuan Dao”. For no reason, he just replaced the word cut with hyphenation, and put it after the word forbearance, so that it sounds better…

Mo Nan just picked a few to test it, and it feels pretty good, but because of the characteristics of the puppet created by the three generations of Fengying, the power that Mo Nan exerts with each knife is all the power of Yin Dun.

Moreover, he himself is too good at controlling all kinds of chakras, so he doesn’t know what others will use.

Mo Nan sealed the completed more than 2,000 knives into a space scroll and sent them to the audio and video office where the main body was located. He wanted to find someone to test the power of these forbearing knives.

Because he had agreed to make Kimura the first user of these weapons before, Mo Nan ordered him to bring him.

At this time, Kimura was listening to Mo Nan’s words, cultivating physical skills and martial arts to improve his physique.

Hearing Master Audiovisual’s call, hurried to the Audiovisual Building.(Read more @, Mo Nan has been immersed in designing a forbearance knife, and Kimura has not seen him for nearly a month.

“I suddenly summoned myself today. Could it be that the super weapon that the adults said before has been designed?”

Kimura reacted, Master Audiovisual’s purpose for summoning him might be this, and he was a little bit more pleased in his heart, and the pace under his feet accelerated a lot.

After a while, the people from Kimura rushed to the audio-visual office and saw Mo Nan. He suppressed his excitement and said in a trembling voice: “Master Audio-visual, you suddenly summoned me. Have you finished the super weapon you mentioned earlier?”

Mo Nan looked at Kimura impatiently and let out a low laugh:

“That’s right, Huang Tian has paid his attention. After more than a month of research, I finally completed the ancient super weapon and made some improvements.

I’m calling you this time because I want you to test how powerful a samurai can be when using it. ”

Said that Mo Nan took out a scroll and summoned 13 samurai swords of different shapes from it.

These thirteen knives are special-edition samurai swords made by Mo Nan, and each one is designed and manufactured by Mo Nan himself.

“This is called Ninjuan Knife. These 13 knives have been specially designed and strengthened.

In addition to possessing the full power of the ancient weapons, I also added unique functions.

Only truly powerful fighters can exert their true power. “Mo Nan introduced to Kimura.

Kimura looked at the 13 differently shaped knives, and was even more excited when he heard Lord Mo Nan’s words:

“Master Audiovisual meant to give me a handful of them”.

Mo Nan nodded, “You can come up and feel it first, and see which knife fits you best. The easier it will be for you to realize the full potential of that knife.”

Following Mo Nan’s instructions, Kimura held each knife in his hand one by one.At the same time, in accordance with the method taught by Mo Nan, try to inject his chakra into the Ninjuan Knife to establish a connection with the knife.

The solid wood village was also a little worried, for fear that none of these thirteen knives would suit him.

Although Mr. Yin Ying said that he has other ordinary ones that are suitable for everyone to use, so that he does not need to be nervous, these thirteen are obviously more powerful.

As he failed to connect with one after another, Kimura’s heart gradually became heavier:

“I don’t know how to recite like this.” Fortunately, when he tried the seventh knife, Kimura finally sensed the feeling Mo Nan said.

Kimura was delighted to pour more chakras into the knife, and suddenly the knife burst out with a blue light.

The cyan light quickly spread across the blade, and at the same time, a part of it was transmitted into Kimura’s body along the handle.

Cyan runes appeared on Kimura’s body, and then these runes spread all the way to his head, Kimura’s opened eyes have turned blue.

The Menan version of Greer will not force the user’s eyes to completely turn into a uniform red, but will change to different colors according to the different physiques of the users.

And Kimura’s blue eyes indicate that in this state, he has been connected to the Greer Stone installed on the hilt.

If it is any other Ninja knives, you can connect with it as long as you hold it in your hand, but these 13 knives were specially designed by Mo Nan.

Only when the Chakra attributes in Kimura match the ninjutsu attributes reserved by Mo Nan in the knife, can the seal on the knife be unlocked and connected with the Grel Stone.

Mo Nan could feel that after the Chakra in Kimura’s body was injected into the knife, the technique engraved in the Ninjuan Knife became more condensed and more powerful.

Mo Nan estimated that the degree of cohesion of this chakra was almost the same as when he first stepped on the battlefield, and it had definitely reached the level of supreme tolerance.

At the same time, Kimura’s body is flowing with another kind of energy different from the blue chakra, the turquoise chakra energy of the Glenelg Stone.

The energy of the knife is injected into the body, and the energy in the body is injected into the knife, the connection between the two is closer, and a stronger aura erupts.

Mo Nan nodded in satisfaction and praised: “Yes, I didn’t expect you to enter the initial solution state so quickly.”

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