Naruto: Start with Eternal Kaleidoscope

Chapter 191 - The First Crimson Beast

Chapter 191 – The First Crimson Beast

As the blood began to flow faster while wearing, a powerful force surged into his originally weak body in an instant.

Dai’s metabolism is getting faster and faster, his body temperature is getting higher and higher, his skin cracks gradually, and the boiling blood forms red steam.

The 7 Ninja swords had never seen such ninjutsu before, because they didn’t know what they were wearing, so they didn’t dare to come forward easily, and could only watch the wearing change little by little.

A little bit forward in time, after Mo Nan separated 2,000 shadow clones, he suddenly remembered that he was a little closer to the village, and there were other marks of Flying Thunder God.

This is one of the large number of Thunder God’s marks he left along the way in order to facilitate his future actions during his previous missions.

Mo Nan teleported here and separated some shadow clones. These clones and the 2000 clones were searching in the opposite direction to the ruins of the Uzumaki Kingdom.

Maybe Kai and the others are closer to this side, it’s easier to find out from here.

The efficiency of finding people with thousands of clones is still extremely high. After a while, a shadow clone of Mo Nan sensed Kai and the other two familiar auras not far away.

Mo Nan was overjoyed. It seemed that Kai and the others were not far away from the village. He should start looking for the Mark of the Flying Thunder God from the beginning.

“Huh? No! They seem to be still fighting.”

The Chakra of the shadow clone of Mo Nan is limited, so his perception ability is relatively weak. Only then did he notice that there are a few breaths that he does not recognize beside the three chakras he is familiar with.

“Is it the Ninja 7 people? Could it be that I caught up.”

Because the combat power of the clone is limited, the clone quickly disarms itself.

After receiving the memory, the body understood the cause and effect, and immediately rushed to the place where he found Kai.

With a flash of lightning, Mo Nan appeared in front of the Kai trio and several Wu Ren, and Mo Nan looked at the fog.

The length is too ordinary, it must not be a crowd of 7 Shinobu, so did he catch up or did not catch up?Kai saw Mo Nan surprised and said: “Nan! You are here to support us!”

Mo Nan turned his head and smiled slightly at Kai: “Yes, since I’m here, you don’t have to worry about it.

I will get rid of these people first, and then I will take you back to Konoha. ”

After talking about it, there was a flash of lightning on Mo Nan’s body, and he immediately went around behind the two mist ninjas, and the speed was beyond the limit that human eyes could see.

“Spiral pill” Mo Nan sent a spiral pill on his left and right hand, which were printed on the back of the two Wuren.

The two immediately flew forward and fell under the feet of Kai’s trio. They vomited a few mouthfuls of blood mixed with visceral fragments, and they lost their breath.

The rapid rotation of the spiral pill produces a unique explosive force that can damage the inside through the surface of the human body. The two Wujin did not seem to have any trauma, but in fact their bodies were already torn apart.

Ebisu and Shiranui Genma looked at Mo Nan in horror.

Although I knew that Nan, who was only 7 years old, was already a figure in the entire Ninja world.

But it was the first time they saw how Mo Nan, who has the titles of Konoha Denko and Konoha Copy Ninja, fought.

In an instant, the two Zhongren who were no less powerful than them were killed, and the two of them were clearly killed by a single blow.

This made the two of them shudder. Unexpectedly, they ate at the same dining table with them two days ago. Nan, who seemed so gentle, treated the enemy so decisively and cruelly.

Kai was also a little surprised. It would take a lot of hands and feet for him to deal with these two Zhongren. Even the Eight Door Dunjia had to open these two doors to solve it.

Mo Nan actually ended the battle in an instant, and the two barely drew a tie when they met last time. Unexpectedly, in this short year, Nan actually improved to this point, leaving him far behind.

The remaining Wu Ren was stunned, because they had already seen Mo Nan’s identity.

“A 7-year-old boy from the Uchiha clan, and the lightning on his body and the fast moving speed, are you the Konoha copy ninja Uchiha Nan.”(Read more @ at the horrified expressions of these Wu Ren people, Mo Nan thought proudly:

“It seems that the light that God has given me is too strong, even if I keep a low profile to this point, it is still but it is still difficult to conceal the brilliance of my body.”

Mo Nan also smiled at several Wujinxiemei: “Yes, I am Uchiha.”

After obtaining Mo Nan’s confirmation, these passers-by were shocked and immediately went into confusion, their voices trembling:

“It’s really a Konoha copy ninja, Uchiha Nan! Mizuki-sama has explained that you must not fight him when you encounter this guy, we have to withdraw quickly!”

The Wu Ren people tried this retreat backwards, trying to distance themselves from Mo Nan. Mo Nan saw their intention at a glance, and sneered: “If you want to escape, then you really think too much.”

Then Mo Nan flashed to the midst of several Wujini at a teleportation speed. In their horrified eyes, using a 10-meter-long Thunder Escape Chakra sword flashing with electricity, they instantly stopped them at the same time. Cut off.

The Qiandiao sharp spear trick, Mo Nan, has long been a copycat, and has also been modified to be suitable for hacking.

When did the few Wuren who had been severely cut off have seen such a ninjutsu, with incomprehensible eyes in their eyes, it seemed that they didn’t understand how they were all solved in an instant.

Mo Nan curled his lips when he saw this, who made you stand so close!

His chidori sharp gun can only extend 10 meters at most, and the total distance between these mist ninjas is only about 8 meters, so he can kill with one blow.

Mo Nan’s move was slashing diagonally, and the heights of these Wunins were also different.

The location where each person was cut is different. Some people were cut off their heads or cut off in the chest. These people died on the spot, and the worst were those who were cut off from the waist.

The intestines and blood flow all over the place, but because the important heart, lungs and brain are not damaged, they can live for a while before the blood flows out.

Seeing them crawling on the ground painfully and hard, dragging out a long blood stain, Mo Nan was also a little unbearable, and quickly went up to repair a knife to end their pain.

“Ε=(´ο`*))) Alas! This is also a war, and I can’t help it. After the war is over, I can’t casually hurt people’s lives.” Mo Nan vowed secretly.Mo Nan looked at the three people Kai and said after solving these Wu Ren: “It’s solved, I’ll take you back to the village!”

Ebisu and Shiranui Genma were dumbfounded by Mo Nan’s relaxed and free manner. He didn’t seem to have experienced a battle at all, but as if he had crushed a few ants.

“Okay, let’s go, otherwise, there may be other people from Wujin who will surround me in a while, and I will have to hurt people’s lives when I have to. This is really not in line with my kind-hearted character.

Grab my shoulders and I will teleport you back to the village directly. ”

Saying that Mo Nan walked forward, but he noticed how Kai hesitated and stopped?

“Then if it’s Nan you, you should be able to save my dad! He fought with the 7 Wuyin Shinto swords in order to delay us, please help him!” Kai suddenly asked.

“What! Have you run into the 7 Ninja swords, in which direction are they?”

Mo Nan was shocked to realize that he was already late, and Kai and the others had already seen the Ninja Seven.

And Kai and the others are already here, which means that Dai should have already fought against the 7 Ninja swords.

Kai raised his finger to the direction they ran over just now, it was Mo Nan’s eyes suddenly condensed.

At this moment, he felt a powerful chakra in the direction of Kai’s finger.

This chakra gave Menan the feeling of boiling, burning, and explosion.

Although in terms of quantity, it is not as good as the tailed beast’s Chakra, but its explosive power is unprecedented in Mo Nan.

“Could this be the Chakra produced after the Eight Door Dunjia fully opened!” Mo Nan had a guess.

“Damn it, I didn’t expect I would be late.” Mo Nan didn’t rush to shoot in that direction.

Dai’s skin has been burnt black, but his whole body is wrapped in red steam, plus the burning lines on his body, it seems that he is transformed into a mysterious red beast.

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