Chapter 6 – Ninja school

The only thing that makes Mo Nan very strange is why Uchiha Madara didn’t send someone to stare at Uchiha Hua, and how did he guarantee that Hua would cooperate with him to complete his plan after opening the kaleidoscope.

After all, Hua just needs strength, he doesn’t have any strange ideas about world peace or creating a new world.

As everyone knows, Madara just saw Hua have a chance to become his heir, and told him a little about the secret of Kaleidoscope. Opening the kaleidoscope is about talent, and he didn’t have much hope for Huabao.

Madara left a curse on Hua’s body just to control him in case he opened the kaleidoscope. Now that the curse mark disappeared, he thought it was this trash who accidentally died.

Mo Nan didn’t know this, he was puzzled, so he had to give up and stop thinking. He has to go to the ninja school tomorrow. He missed class for a long time for no reason, so he had to think about a reason.

“Fortunately, Hua came back to kill herself secretly. No one knows that he has returned to Konoha.” Mo Nan said with joy.

If Hua was found, and he disappeared for a long time on the day he returned to Konoha, and then he disappeared, it would be really difficult for Mo Nan to explain clearly.

It’s fine now, no one knows that Hua and Nan have met, even if someone finds that Hua is missing in the future, it has nothing to do with him. After all, it is normal for a few people to be missing in the war, and the village and family will not be too prosecuted.

Mo Nan was so tired when he came back, he only now remembered that the blood on his body hadn’t been washed off, and the blood had stained the bed. Mo Nan first took a shower to wash off the blood stains on his body. Fortunately, there are clean clothes and bedding at home. Mo Nan hurriedly replaced the new one and threw away the old one.

After everything was done, it was very late…

The next day Mo Nan arrived at school at the time in his daily memory. As soon as he found his seat, he heard a voice speaking to him.

“Uchiha Nan, come to my office.”

It turned out that it was his head teacher Hideo Ito calling him.”It should be asking why I was absent yesterday,” Mo Nan thought to himself.

Mo Nan answered and then went to the office with Teacher Ito. As expected, Ito asked the first sentence when he arrived at the office.

“Nan, where did you go yesterday afternoon, why didn’t I see you in the classroom.”

I was tricked into the Death Forest by my brother yesterday, and he wanted to kill me for a kaleidoscope. And you know what? He succeeded, I am dead, and now I am not me in front of you, and I have opened an eternal kaleidoscope. Nonsense, I think it’s nonsense. But this is true, and I can’t tell you yet.

Mo Nan murmured secretly in his heart, he already had a countermeasure in his heart, and only listened to what he said to Ito:

“Teacher Ito, you also know that I am a medical ninja. I used to go to the hospital to help?”

Ito suddenly felt that as a teacher and student in charge, he had some understanding of the basic situation, and Mo Nan’s situation was still so special.

It should be understood that because medical ninjutsu is very difficult, medical ninjas are inherently few, and Mo Nan’s ability to master at the age of five caused quite a stir at the time, and Ito also heard about it.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Nan said: “The time I spent going to the hospital was reduced because I had to go to school, and then I was hit a bit by my mother. I gave up the practice of medical ninjutsu for a long time, and I didn’t go back for a long time. The hospital helped.”

After speaking, Mo Nan tried to squeeze out a few tears, looking a little depressed.

Ito knew all these things, but he didn’t know why Nan was absent from class. This was something he had never done before. He continued to listen to Mo Nan.

Since Nan’s mother passed away, Nan began to feel that medical ninjutsu was useless, thinking that only by practicing powerful ninjutsu could he be able to avenge his family and even save more lives.

So Nan gave up medical ninjutsu and began to practice hard to gain powerful strength. Nan and Hua seem surprisingly similar in this regard, should they be considered brothers?(Read more @”I used to think that I have the power to protect everything. I don’t want to lose anyone who is important to me.”

“I have been in the Ninja School for a year. After this year, I have met many friends and I have a lot of understanding.”

In fact, this year because he was troubled by the memories of his previous life, he didn’t care at all that these classmates might not even remember their names, but that didn’t prevent him from talking nonsense.

Mo Nan’s originally low mood suddenly rose.

“But now I want to understand that no matter how powerful a person is, there is a limit to the strength of a person, and the strength of the unity of everyone in the village is indeed limitless.”

“The ninjas in the village are bleeding and dying for the peace of the village. I also want to contribute to the village.

Even if I cannot go to the front line to fight now, the pressure on the front line as long as I cure a ninja in the village will be less. This is more important than how much strength I can cultivate by myself”

Ito was surprised to hear this. He didn’t expect Mo Nan to have such an opinion and such a mature idea at a young age.

Mo Nan didn’t care about Ito’s surprise, but just told himself about his plan.

“I want to continue practicing medical ninjutsu, and I don’t want to give up the opportunity to become a strong ninja. But my time is limited and it is difficult to take care of it. So I left this half day to think of a way.”

“Oh? Did you think about it?”

The war situation was very severe, Konoha suffered from the enemy on almost three sides, and all personnel were extremely nervous. Ito understands Kuan’s idea of ​​quickly playing a role in the war.

But he knows that a person’s time and energy are limited, and there are many roads to endure, but most people find it difficult to reach the peak in one aspect. Mo Nan is a genius, but if he wants to achieve in both directions, he really can’t think of any way to do it.”Think of it to me”

Mo Nan’s answer surprised Ito, and he thought of it. Ito asked quickly, curiously.

“What’s the solution?”

“I went to experiment with a ninjutsu, the art of shadow clone yesterday afternoon… I found that the shadow clone has a characteristic. After the shadow clone is removed, the memory will be transferred back to the main body, so I was wondering if it could be replaced by the shadow clone. I go to class, and my body has time left. I can take care of more things in practice.”

Ito didn’t expect that Nan’s method turned out to be the shadow clone technique. He could also use this technique. Naturally, he knew the characteristics of this technique.

In fact, some people have long thought of using this feature of the shadow clone to practice, but the shadow clone is a ninjutsu that requires a huge chakra. It is difficult for ordinary people to use shadow clones, let alone maintain them for a long time to assist their practice, at least they can’t do it.

“Do you have to maintain the shadow clone Chakra for a long time?” Ito asked Mo Nan.

“Yes, I have tried it yesterday. I practiced with the shadow clone. The shadow clone lasted for several hours. If it’s just a class, I think it shouldn’t be a problem to continue for one day. Even if you encounter a practical class, you just need to take it in advance. Nothing can be wrong when the body is replaced.”

Ito was shocked and dumbfounded. It is reasonable to say that a six-year-old child can use the shadow clone to be extremely amazing. Not only can Mo Nan use his shadow clone to cultivate, it shows that Mo Nan’s Chakra is at least above the Zhong Ren himself!

This is simply terrifying! Now that he is only six years old, it is hard to imagine what a huge Chakra he will have when Mo Nan grows up.

It was not that he had never thought that Mo Nan was deceiving himself, but after all, Mo Nan was a genius who could learn medical ninjutsu at the age of five. In other words, his Chakra was equivalent to a qualified ninja a year ago. After this year of professional training at the Ninja School, it is not impossible that his Chakra has made tremendous progress and even surpassed himself.

“I heard that a child who graduated from the ninja school a year ago became a ninja a few years ago. I want to come to Mo Nan and he is no worse than him.”

I can only sigh for Mo Nan Ito, genius, true genius!

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