Chapter 92 – New body

When Mo Nan absorbed the cosmic wave birch, she also absorbed all the abilities of the birch.

However, some of his abilities are duplicates of his own, such as ordinary writing wheel eyes and some changes in the nature of Chakra.

The Chakra attribute of Uchiha Hua is Fire and Earth Mines, among which Fire Dune is the strongest and Earth Dune is the second, and Thunder Dune is the weakest.

Then Mo Nan absorbed the birch and found that he possessed 4 types of chakra properties, namely fire, thunder, water, and soil.

Among them, Huo Dun is still the strongest, and then the strongest is Lei Dun, almost the same as his Huo Dun.

Then there are water escape and soil escape, the two are almost the same, the strength of the soil escape is no different from Uchiha.

Mo Nan speculates that Uchiha Nan’s original Chakra attributes should be Huo Dun, Lei Dun and Shui Dun.

Shui Dun and Tu Dun are attributes that the two people don’t have each other, so there is no change after the fusion, and they are still the original strength.

Both of them are geniuses of the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan is already good at Fire Dunge. After the two people merged, Mo Nan Huo Dun’s talent reached a very strong level.

But his Lei Dun can actually be compared with Huo Dun, which makes Mo Nan a little puzzled.

Originally Uchiha Hua’s Thunder Dun was the weakest of all his attributes, and it was completely incomparable with his Huo Dun.

Uchiha Nan should be stronger, but as a member of the Uchiha clan, the probability of his Thunder Dun being stronger than Huo Dun is not high.

Therefore, Mo Nan guessed that the reason why his Lei Dun could catch up with Huo Dun should be because of the human limit.

Mo Nan, who has combined the fire escape talents of Uchiha’s two geniuses, has already exploded in the fire escape talent, reaching the limit that humans can achieve.

The part that exceeds the limit cannot be brought into play at all because of the limitations of the human body.And it may be because Uchiha Nan’s Thunder Dunn talent was originally very strong, and after absorbing Hua’s Thunder Dune, he was also approaching the human limit, so Mo Nan felt that it was not much different from his Huo Dun.

In the same way, both Uchiha Nan and Hua have a kaleidoscope writing wheel, and their pupil power under the ordinary writing wheel must be much stronger than the ordinary Uchiha clan.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes merged into an eternal kaleidoscope, and the pupil power of their ordinary writing wheel eyes also merged, reaching an extremely terrifying point.

Mo Nan had long discovered that his illusion skills were plain and ordinary, but he was in no trouble when he was hypnotized to control others.

Although this is related to his own strong mental power, it is also related to his pupil power that writes round eyes and explodes.

And that extra pupil power also couldn’t be exerted because of the limitations of the writing wheel.

When using the infinite reincarnation implant for the first time, Mo Nan discovered that he could permanently transfer part of his abilities to the implanted body.

But his first clone was a tree he accidentally reincarnated, and he didn’t have time to experiment with this ability.

Therefore, Mo Nan has been wondering whether he can transfer his extra power of Zhuanyan and Huo Dun to his next clone.

When Mo Nan had just implanted his own consciousness in the pharmacist pocket, he had been administering the power of writing round eyes and fire escape to the pharmacist pocket bit by bit.

At the same time, he was carefully perceiving his own situation, and once he noticed that his pupil power had declined, he would immediately stop sharing his power to his pockets.

As for Huo Dian to be indifferent, only talents were allocated, he has already cultivated to the level of forbearance, even if it drops a little, it doesn’t matter.

The big deal is that he will cultivate a little bit slower in the future. Anyway, he will still attract others in the future, and sooner or later he will be able to make up for it.

Now that I clearly saw the pair of three-goed jade writing round eyes in this body, Mo Nan knew that he had succeeded in reincarnation.

He carefully sensed the loss of his own pupil power again, and found that the pupil power of his writing wheel eyes was only slightly weaker, which was harmless.(Read more @ Nan has two pairs of kaleidoscopes, and the pupil power of the ordinary writing wheel is not important to him.

If it is an opponent who cannot be dealt with by the current pupil power, he will still be unable to deal with it when his pupil power is intact.

From this we can also see how powerful the pupils of Uchiha Nan and Uchiha Hua, two people with kaleidoscope writing round eyes are.

In the case of not much loss of himself, he was still assigned to this body, enough to open the pupil power of the three-gou jade writing wheel.

After the phaseless rebirth succeeded, Mo Nan’s kaleidoscope returned to the ordinary three-hook jade state, and carefully looked at the pocket in front of him.

And Yakushitou also sat up and looked at Uchiha Nan.

This feeling is very strange. The two eyes are looking at each other, but Mo Nan’s mind receives two pictures at the same time.

No matter whether it is Uchiha Nan’s body or Yakushi’s body, he doesn’t need to be distracted to manipulate it, and he doesn’t feel uncomfortable with being divided into two people at once in the novels of other clones.

Because fundamentally speaking, these two bodies are controlled by their own brains.

Phaseless rebirth is just a miraculous assimilation of the consciousness of the medicine master into Mo Nan, and at the same time connecting the two brains together.

Mo Nan had already had a clone of that tree before. Although the tree could not think, Mo Nan could perceive everything around the tree through the connection of Chakra.

And I don’t know why, through that tree, Mo Nan’s perception ability has become extremely powerful, and he can almost have a panoramic view of the whole situation of Konoha Village.

Even Mo Nan, who was far away on the battlefield of the Kingdom of Wind, could still perceive Konoha’s current situation through that tree without any delay.

He and Pharmacist’s body should also have the same connection. According to Mo Nan’s guess, the principle of this unique connection should belong to quantum entanglement, and no matter how far away there is, there will be no delay.

After the two bodies observed each other for a while, Mo Nan discovered something wrong.Uchiha Nan’s body has very strong pupils, so he can see clearly even in the dark.

However, he found that the body of the medicine master could see more clearly in the dark night than he did.

How is this going? The pupil power in this body should be only the level of the ordinary Uchiha tribe, how can it be clearer than Uchiha Nengnan’s, is it?

Thinking of a possibility, Mo Nan hurriedly manipulated the body of the pharmacist to open the curtain of the tent and looked in the distance. As a result, he could not see clearly.

It is reasonable to say that this is impossible. Although the telescopic vision of Shalanyan is not as good as that of white eyes, it is also stronger than ordinary people. But Mo Nan found that the pharmacist was 5 meters away and couldn’t see anything clearly.

Mo Nan hurriedly put on the glasses in his manipulator pocket, and sure enough, if he put on the glasses, he could see quite clearly.

It’s just that everything seems to be shrunk a lot, but this is not a problem for writing round eyes.

Only then did Mo Nan remember that he was highly myopic, and he couldn’t see clearly without glasses.

Mo Nan was like this in his previous life. Because he studied too hard, he suffered from high myopia. In the evening, he would see things close up more clearly than ordinary people, but he would see nothing in the distance.

This is because the eyeballs of myopic people are stretched to absorb more light, and the physical laws of the previous life are also applicable in this world.

As Mo Nan shifted his pupil power, he noticed that Mo Nan’s aimless reincarnation was also quietly transforming the body and eyes of Yao Shi’s pocket, so that he could adapt to the pupil power of the writing wheel eyes.

But it is clear that this transformation is not effective for myopia.

People of the Uchiha clan do not have myopia so far, because their eyesight is very strong, so they don’t overuse their eyes.

Unless you turn on the kaleidoscope to write round eyes later, your eyesight will deteriorate, or your natural eyesight is very poor, like Zuoranna in the blog.

And the pharmacist Mo Nandou, who possesses the writing wheel eyes, can also be regarded as a member of the Uchiha clan with unknown reputation.

Congratulations to the Uchiha clan for gaining the first myopia and writing wheel eye owner in advance.

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