"This Magellan is really insidious, and actually put so much poison at the exit! This is a typical example of not letting people live!"

Originally, the pirates who were planning to sneak around while Lu Yu and Magellan were fighting, and others to fish in troubled waters and run away, saw Magellan's actions and immediately jumped and scolded his mother.

But after Lu Yu saw this appearance, a strange feeling flashed in his heart.

Magellan would never use his power on such a worthless thing.

In this layer, there are stones everywhere, throw the stones out with your own power, and the space that appears in a short moment is enough to escape.

Magellan must have other ideas to do this! So, what is this guy going to do?

Chapter 089 Taboo, the giant soldier of poison [Subscribe!Ask for automatic! 】

Chapter 090 Assault, Bucky [Subscribe!Ask for automatic! 】

Although Magellan tried his best to stop Lu Yu, he was still defeated by three or two moves.

At this time, Lu Yu and the others were already moving upwards.

What Lu Yu didn't realize was that he opened the prison doors on the lower floors just to create chaos.

And after those prisoners rushed out, they entered the main control room without any hesitation, and turned on all the switches of the prison doors.

This situation made Lu Yu somewhat unexpected, and now the riot in the entire advance city is not only caused by himself.

"Look at how big things are, okay, okay, it's a headache to hear these guys shout like flies, let's go, we have to catch up with Ace!"

As soon as Lu Yu's voice fell, the surrounding people moved forward at high speed.

"Get me out of the cage! Your savior, Lord Bucky, will lead you to a new route!"

After hearing this, the rest of the pirates looked at the god-like light that burst out from the man in front of them, and even unconsciously believed the man in front of them and began to escape with him.

It is precisely because of Bucky's continuous spread of power and appeal in the pirate group that Lu Yu was able to find that the progress of himself and others on the road turned out to be extremely smooth.

"It's interesting, this guy's luck is a bit powerful, and he will be torn apart. He is also a talent."

Soon everyone had broken through the obstacles of the soldiers who had entered the city, and came to the surface of the sea, finally leaving the oppressive advancing city, as if they had gained a new life.

The faces of these fugitives were filled with a happy smile, the smell of the sea blown by the sea breeze, and there was a feeling of being a new person in their hearts.

"Go and grab me all the ships that are advancing here in the city, leave the largest one, and burn the rest to block their progress!"

When Bucky saw that he had escaped from the hell-like place, he immediately shouted to the people around him and said such words.

Those people are now Bucky's savior in his heart, so naturally they will not slacken the slightest bit, and immediately act according to Bucky's words.

"Close all the passages for me as Lu Yu's figure disappeared from Magellan's eyes, and after a full twenty breaths, Magellan's body finally had its own feeling.

After forcibly breaking free, getting rid of the shackles of Lu Yu, and feeling the frantic escape of the fugitives around him, Magellan's teeth rattled with anger.

Immediately ran to the main control room and ordered the soldiers under him to release the gate.

When the emergency gate began to be released downward, everyone knew that if they didn't escape quickly, they would only be locked in this place and pushed into the city again.

Even waiting for their punishment to become: heavier, thinking of this, everyone will naturally throw their arms and legs, and run frantically towards the front.

Magellan knew in this situation that it seemed that things could no longer leave them all as he thought.

If this is the case, then you must reduce the escape rate of prisoners.

After this thought occurred in his heart, Magellan no longer wanted to fight those powerful prisoners, but instead tried his best to keep those he could keep.

However, the only thing that made Magellan feel better was that just when he was a little worried about how to keep these guys in front of him, there was a sound of shelling outside.

This kind of voice made Magellan feel ten thousand spirits in his heart, knowing that he had already sent a distress signal to the naval headquarters when he felt the fluctuation of that powerful force.

And now the generals of the naval headquarters finally came to this sea area.

"Hey, I want to see how you can leave this sea area under the pursuit of warships! Even if you can't be buried in the advancing city, you will still die in this sea!"

As the murderous expression on Magellan's face emerged, the strength in his hand became stronger, and he frantically pursued the escaped prisoners in front of him. At this time, he had turned into a killing god! , Lu Yu also felt the bombardment from the surrounding environment, and felt some helplessness in his heart.

"The speed of this naval headquarters is always so fast, but I really didn't expect it! But it's interesting."

With a smile on his face, Lu Yu put his hand in his mouth and whistled softly, and then everyone could feel that this originally calm sea area suddenly set off a huge wave! Remind you: three things to read and collect, recommend

Chapter 091 Advance, Naval Headquarters [Subscribe!Ask for automatic! 】

When everyone was wondering, they didn't expect a huge figure to emerge from the bottom of the sea.

After seeing this phantom, everyone felt an unparalleled shock in their hearts.

This guy is not other creatures, naturally it is the extremely terrifying overlord in this sea area - sea king creatures.

When everyone saw the sudden appearance of this sea king creature, they were shocked and thought it was raised by the navy, but they didn't expect that when this creature appeared, it opened its mouth directly, as if waiting for its master.

"My God, what is this guy doing, is he waiting for someone"

While he was talking, he didn't expect Lu Yu's footsteps to slowly enter the mouth of this big guy.

And when the big sea king saw Lu Yu's series of actions, an obedient expression appeared on his face.

"I'm going, these guys actually got into the mouths of the sea kings so fearlessly, aren't they afraid of the powerful gastric juices of the sea kings so that they will be digested?"

When everyone was shocked, they did not expect that the sound of shelling in the distance had become: getting closer and closer.

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