Naruto: Start with the Seventh Generation Reward

Chapter 136 [I am the real copy ninja]

Chapter 136 [I am the real copy ninja.]

Social death.

Extreme social death.

Even when he was late for class and the teacher said in front of the class why he was late again, he never felt so socially dead.

Sarutobi Asuma still didn't understand it. Looking at Uchiha Obito who was extremely ashamed, he scratched his head and asked, "Obito, what's wrong with you?"

"I" Uchiha Obito wanted to say something but stopped, and finally hid on the ground with his head down, like an eggplant hit by frost.

Seeing his appearance, Nohara Rin squatted beside him and gently touched his head.

"You are not talking big, are you?" Sarutobi Asuma looked at him suspiciously.

"Obito said that he had seen the strong man who caused the explosion and thunder near the village yesterday. He said he was a very strong ninja."

Might Guy spoke beside him.

He also looked a little downcast.

Hearing his words, Asuma Sarutobi burst out laughing, "Hahaha, Obito!"

"It was Yuichi who made the noise yesterday, and you actually said such a thing!"

"I didn't expect it! Hahaha!"

He held his stomach and laughed out of breath, and at the same time, he came to Yuichi Yuuki and gave him a thumbs up, "Yuichi, you are awesome!"

Uchiha Obito was autistic, but Nohara Rin unexpectedly looked at them and asked in confusion: "Yuichi just arrived, right?"

"How did you know that the two ninjutsu yesterday were developed by Yuichi?"

Her doubts were also the doubts of Uchiha Obito and Might Guy.

Hearing her words, Hatake Kakashi stood up from the ground beside him, holding his wooden sword, and said: "My father told me."

"My father went over when the first ninjutsu broke out yesterday."

"He knew that it was the ninjutsu he developed, and told me when he got home."

He did not say that his old father asked him to learn more from Yuichi Yuki, but only said that Hatake Sakumo told him that Yuichi Yuki developed ninjutsu.

He would not learn from Yuichi Yuki!

He Hatake Kakashi wanted to be the next White Fang!

He would not admit his failure!

Hatake Kakashi secretly swore in his heart that he must surpass Yuichi Yuki!

Surpass him, this is his own ninja way!

Thinking of it, he clenched his hands and stared at Yuichi Yuki with shining eyes.

Hearing his words, Asuma Sarutobi also nodded, "Yes, yes."

"Although I don't like the old man at home, he shouldn't lie."

"When I went home last night, the old man told my eldest brother at the dinner table that the two ninjutsu were developed by Yuichi, and asked him to pay more attention."

"He said that there will be such a thing next time, and asked him to go and see, and then disperse the ninjas who were watching."

One is the son of Konoha White Fang, and the other is the son of the Third Hokage. Their intelligence and information are much stronger than Uchiha Obito, Might Guy and Nohara Rin.

Although Uchiha Obito is also a genius of Uchiha, his elders do not have powerful ninjas, and Uchiha Fugaku would not be idle to tell him this.

Even in the eyes of Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Obito should have known it a long time ago.

After all, he is very close to Yuichi Yuuki and others.

After hearing what Hatake Kakashi and Asuma Sarutobi said, Nohara Rin suddenly realized it.

Uchiha Obito beside her also looked at Yuuki Yuichi with resentment, as if asking why you didn't say it earlier.

Yuuki Yuichi shrugged when he noticed his gaze.

"Obito, don't look at me like that."

"I just wanted to tell you, but you didn't give me a chance."

He was really going to tell it when he heard Uchiha Obito bragging, but when he saw him and was fooled by Hatake Kakashi, he spoke to him in a hurry.

I can only say that it fits Obito's stupid character.

And Might Guy next to him actually believed what he said.

This made him feel even more desperate.

These two guys, one is stupid, and the other is stubborn.

"Ahhh! I'm so damned!" Uchiha Obito is now ashamed to see people, and he lies on the ground with his hands holding his head.

But not long after he lay down, he raised his head.

He took out a booklet from his chest and threw it to Yuichi Yuuki from a distance, "This is what the clan leader asked me to bring to you."

"It says that although you are not surnamed Uchiha, you also have Uchiha blood and have opened the three-magatama Sharingan, so let me bring you the clan's secret method of using the Sharingan."

As he said, he stood up and ran to the edge of the training ground, and then shouted: "I want to practice hard, I want to practice with full concentration, don't disturb me!"

"He" saw his appearance, Sarutobi Asuma frowned, with a look of disgust, "Obito is really..."

"Okay, let him be quiet for a while." Yuichi Yuuki smiled.

What is the most needed when the society dies?

Of course, it is to be alone quietly!

This is what Uchiha Obito is like now.

After the society dies, only time is needed to comfort.

Hatake Kakashi glanced at a few people, and then set his sights on Yuichi Yuuki, "I also practiced, I will definitely surpass you!"

"Even if you have developed two powerful ninjutsu, I will not give up! I will develop a more powerful ninjutsu!"

He also wants to develop a powerful ninjutsu!

He wants to surpass Yuichi Yuuki!

Thinking of the thunder in the sky he saw at home yesterday, he wants to develop a ninjutsu that can cut off the thunder!

Although he has no clue yet, he has already named it [Raikiri], which means the ninjutsu that cuts off the thunder!

Looking at him, Yuichi Yuuki thought of the Chidori he had drawn, and couldn't help but take a breath.

Will Kakashi, this guy, feel that he has been living in his own shadow in the future?

"Kakashi, I am the genius who develops ninjutsu!" Yuichi Yuuki murmured in a low voice.

At the same time, there was another sentence in his heart that he didn't say.

【I am the real copy ninja.】

"Yuichi, I'm going to practice too!" Yuhi Kurenai glanced at him, then looked at the booklet that Uchiha Obito had thrown to him before, and said, "I have to work harder too!"

As she spoke, she walked to the place where she had practiced ninjutsu before, formed seals with her hands, and began to practice the art of spiritualization.

She now has a high degree of control over the art of spiritualization.

The art of spiritualization can transform oneself into a living soul, ignore the distance and kill the enemy, and can also control the other party's body and enter the spiritual world of others.

The introduction of ninjutsu is a bit unclear, but the soul and spirit body are transformed into a spirit body, which can possess the enemy and make the enemy's spirit collapse from the inside and die.

This is the introduction of the art of spiritualization in the Book of Seals, but being able to transform the spirit body into a spirit body can be used for more than just killing people.

After becoming a spirit body, you can also sense the souls of other people. No matter how far away you are or whether you know the other party's location in advance, you can reach the other party after becoming a spirit body.

With so many characteristics, although the Spiritualization Technique is difficult to practice, in Yuichi Yuu's opinion, this ninjutsu is a high-return and high-risk ninjutsu.

As long as the main body is protected, in this world without many mental attack methods, it is an alternative invincible.

Looking at the back of Yuhi Kurenai, Yuichi Yuu focused on the booklet in his hand.

The use and development methods of the Sharingan are recorded here.

For him, it is still very useful.

Although the Uchiha Sharingan cannot master the specific opening method, they have already developed the method of use after opening to the extreme.

Generation after generation, hundreds of years of development, even trash can master the basic usage.

Yuichi Yuu opened the booklet, and then split into four shadow clones without saying a word.

The shadow clone has his memory, so it will naturally find the method to do it.

"Capitalist!" Yuuzo Yuuji snorted coldly, then took out a book from Yuuichi Yuuji, "Let me see the basic sealing technique!"

"You guys go practice!"

"Why?" Yuuji Yuuji snatched the basic sealing technique and spoke with confidence.

"Why? Because I'm Yuuzo Yuuji!"

"Fuck you, I'm still Yuuji Yuuji!" Yuuji Yuuji kicked him on the butt directly, then walked aside to read a book.

Covering his butt, Yuuzo Yuuji's face darkened, "You're going to regret it!"

"Get out!"

"Get out!" Yuuzo Yuuji shouted, then rushed over directly.

Yuuzo Yuuji and Yuuzo Yuuji watched from the side, whispering, "Fight, fight!"

"Okay, okay, you're so brave, I want to see what's in your head!"

Yuuji Yuuji and Yuuzo Yuuji fought.

Shadow clones fighting is rare in the whole Konoha.

Naturally, it attracted everyone's attention.

Even the autistic Uchiha Obito looked over with his peripheral vision.

"Yuichi, your shadow clones are fighting."

Might Guy poked Yuichi Yuki who was reading a book.

Yuichi Yuki looked up at the two fighting shadow clones and shook his head, "It's okay, let them fight."

"I am determined to be a quiet and handsome man."

Just as he was speaking, he suddenly paused and looked in the direction of their fight.

"You kid, can you challenge me, Yuji?"

Yuichi Yuki patted the dust off his body, then picked up the book on the ground, "I am the second leader!"

He beat Yuzo Yuki to death.

"You are cheating!" Yuichi Yuki just summoned Yuzo Yuki and he jumped up.

"We are ninja reserve, what's wrong with me using Thunder Release Rasengan?" Yuji Yuki snorted coldly.

"Stop arguing! Go practice quickly!" Yuichi Yuki, who is determined to be a quiet and handsome man, couldn't hold it anymore.

As he spoke, the shadow clones became obedient.

"Hmph, you will regret it! Shit Yuuji!"

"I am the second brother! Stupid Yuuzo!"

Hatake Kakashi looked at his shadow clones, and his mouth twitched. It is said that shadow clones can reveal a person's character. He competed with such a guy?

Although I knew that Yuuichi Yuuichi was a bit abstract, I didn't expect his shadow clones to be so abstract.

He is still practicing the shadow clone technique, thinking secretly in his heart that even if he succeeds in practicing in the future, he can only split one or two shadow clones.

He doesn't want to have a fight between shadow clones like Yuuichi Yuuichi.

If Yuuichi Yuuichi knew his thoughts, he would probably laugh his teeth off.

《Kakashi》《Shadow Clone》《Just》《One or Two》

There are many keywords, but putting them together is not something that Kakashi Hatake can link.

The Shadow Clone Technique is reduced according to the percentage of chakra in the body.

Only with a huge chakra like Yuichi Yuuki and the endurance can there be four or more Shadow Clone at the same time.

There is no need to compare with Naruto Uzumaki.

Because of the time travel, Yuichi Yuuki's mental strength is still growing with the growth of his body.

This is also one of the reasons why he can bear four Shadow Clone.

After sending the Shadow Clone to practice, Yuichi Yuuki continued to look at the booklet in his hand.

He benefited a lot from the usage recorded on it.

He always thought that the Sharingan only needed to be opened and then used according to his own way.

But when he saw this booklet, he realized that he was a little bit of a frog in the well.

The Sharingan with one magatama and the Sharingan with two magatama are also powerful, but in fact they are just like that.

The three magatama are the culmination of the whole.

All three stages of ability are available, and they are enhanced versions.

But after reading this booklet, he found that he had been using it wrong before.

Although the one-magatama and two-magatama are not so powerful, when they are used to assist in releasing illusions and to enhance insight and illusion abilities, their power will be greatly enhanced.

This is also the source of the saying that the ninja world cannot fight Uchiha one-on-one.

In addition to enhancing insight, assisting illusions, and enhancing illusions, the role of the one-magatama and two-magatama is that they can slightly copy the enemy's actions.

Although not as powerful as the three-magatama, the enemy's physical attacks and low-level ninjutsu can be copied.

After reading the booklet, Yuichi Yuu looked at Uchiha Obito who was practicing quietly alone, and then shifted his gaze.

This booklet should have been written by Uchiha Fugaku.

Because there is a sentence in the middle.

[The three-magatama Sharingan is called the Mangekyo, and those who have the talent to open the eyes can only open it under strong emotional stimulation. 】

The use of the Sharingan records the things about the Mangekyo, and he doesn't believe it.

And if it was really recorded, Uchiha Obito would have come out to brag about his ability to open the Mangekyō.

He knew Uchiha Obito's character very well.

Obito didn't say anything, so it didn't exist.

"Are you trying to sell yourself a favor?" Yuichi Yuichi murmured in a low voice, and then threw it not far away.

He quickly formed seals with both hands, "Fire Style: Great Fireball Technique!"

The Great Fireball swept away directly, and the booklet on the ground turned into ashes in an instant.

Hatake Kakashi noticed this scene nearby, and his eyebrows jumped. Such a powerful fire style ninjutsu, it seems that he really needs to practice a defensive ninjutsu.

Thinking of the earth flow wall that Yuichi Yuichi talked about with him last time, he had an idea in his mind.

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