The story is about the past, and the present is about the present.

[Learning from the experience and lessons of the previous book, this one should be written better]

In the Konoha Village Ninja School.

A mixed-haired (black with purple) boy from the Uchiha family suddenly woke up from his desk.

Uchiha Liuyun held his head with both hands and looked painful, and a large amount of unfamiliar memories poured into his mind.

Not long after, the two different memories merged with each other.

In that little head, the consciousness spirit body caused some kind of mental change after fusion.

The vast spiritual power "prised" the blood power in the body, and the next moment Uchiha Liuyun's eyes showed a scarlet.

The first, second, and third black magatama appeared out of thin air around the pupil.

Not far away, a red-haired girl discovered something unusual here.

It was lunchtime, and there were only two of them in the classroom.

Seeing her deskmate holding her head in pain, she patted Liuyun's shoulder and asked kindly:

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Uchiha Liuyun turned his head and looked at it. His blood-red eyes scared the red-haired girl to the ground.

"Is this... hell?"

All he saw was blood, and with his own memory of death, he thought he had come to hell.

"No, I'm not dead!"

"No, I'm really dead!"

Ye Liuyun looked at his little hand and muttered to himself in horror, his blood-red eyes full of disbelief.

This state of talking to himself scared the red-haired girl next to him pale.


She screamed, and then hurriedly got up and ran out of the classroom.

This little deskmate was crazy, she was going to find the teacher.

"Uzumaki... Kushina!"

Looking at the back of the red-haired girl, a familiar name emerged in Ye Liuyun's mind.

"Konoha Village, Ninja School, Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Clan..."

"So that's it!"

After a brief thought, he gradually understood what was going on.

"After my death, I actually traveled through time..."

His soul traveled to the world of Naruto (Ninja), and was reborn in the body of Uchiha Liuyun, who had the same name as him!

The two consciousness spirits, one large and one small, merged together, and Ye Liuyun, the large spirit with more than 20 years of memory, took the lead.

"Young body, eyes full of pupil power..."

Liuyun sometimes looked down at his tender body, and sometimes stroked his three-magatama Sharingan.

The corners of his mouth began to rise gradually, and the expression on his face gradually became excited.

"My life of mediocrity ends here, and a new life begins. From now on, I am... Uchiha Liuyun!"

In just a short time of more than ten minutes, Liuyun has already accepted the result of death and time travel.

In fact, it is not up to him to accept it or not, he can only say "make the best of it".

"Teacher Oda, come with me quickly, Liuyun is crazy, his eyes are so scary..."

Kushina hurried over with the Chunin teacher.

As soon as they stepped into the classroom in a hurry, they saw Uchiha Liuyun doing eye exercises as if nothing had happened.


Kushina suddenly felt that something was wrong. How did this guy suddenly return to normal?

After thinking for a while, Kushina quickly walked to Liuyun's side, and then pulled his palm down.

"Huh? What are you doing? Kushina..."

Liuyun opened his eyes and looked at Kushina with a "confused" face.

A pair of big eyes are bright and energetic, where is the terrible conjunctivitis?

"Your eyes, they were not like this just now..." Kushina was a little dumbfounded.

"What are you talking about? What's wrong with my eyes?"

"Your eyes were bloodshot just now, how come they suddenly returned to normal?" Kushina asked hurriedly.

"Ah... are they very red?"

"Maybe it's because I didn't sleep well last night... I was wondering why they were sore... Look, I'm rubbing my eyes (doing eye exercises) to relieve them!"

Liuyun explained with a wry smile.

The fact that he opened the Sharingan cannot be easily exposed, so he can only wrong Kushina.


Hearing this, Kushina's face froze. She instinctively felt that something was wrong, but Liuyun's explanation was reasonable, which made her a little suspicious...

"But what about the nonsense you said just now? You said this is hell, and you said you were dead for a while, and then you said you were not dead. Are you crazy about gains and losses?"

Kushina spoke in a hurry, and the side

The Chunin teacher, who didn't know what happened, looked at Liuyun with surprise.

"Ah... wasn't I taking a nap on the desk just now? I was daydreaming and was confused. I thought I was dead and came to hell." Liuyun smiled 'awkwardly'.

This explanation is flawless and the echoes are irrefutable.

"So I was confused... Kushina, you are making a fuss, right?"

"You two should go to rest, don't be crazy all day long..."

After scolding the two of them, Teacher Oda left the classroom with a dark face.

Kushina scratched her head and sat back in her seat, her brain falling into self-doubt.

"No, that's not right! It's not like that. I just saw three red eyes..."

Before Kushina finished speaking, Liuyun hurriedly covered her mouth. At this moment, Teacher Oda hadn't walked far away, so she couldn't let anyone hear her.

"Be quiet..."

This damn girl is obviously not easy to fool!

When the boy of the opposite sex covered her mouth, Kushina's pretty face suddenly flushed, and she quickly pulled away Liuyun's palm.

"Tell me clearly, what's going on?" Kushina asked curiously.

"Don't ask, just keep it a secret for me..." Liuyun didn't want to explain too much.

"What do you keep a secret for? Those three black beans like magatama? Why should I keep a secret for you?"

Kushina asked with her beautiful big eyes blinking.


"You have been playing dumb just now, right? You made me scolded by Teacher Oda for no reason, and now you want me to help you?"

"You are probably dreaming, I will explain it to Teacher Oda later..." Kushina sneered and threatened.

"Don't... Auntie, I was wrong!"

Liuyun was so scared that he apologized repeatedly. Are elementary school students in the ninja world so smart?

Kushina couldn't help but feel funny about Liuyun's subconscious address.

"It's okay if you want me to keep a secret. Tell me what the eyes are about first?"


After a long silence, Liuyun sighed helplessly.

"Have you heard of bloodline limits? The bloodline limits of the Uchiha clan."

At this time, they are in the fifth grade of elementary school, and the knowledge of bloodline limits has been popularized by the Chunin teacher.

"You mean, you have awakened the bloodline limit? The Sharingan, which is as famous as the Hyuga Byakugan?" Kushina widened her eyes in disbelief.

At school, she often heard the Hyuga clan and the Uchiha clan arguing about whose eyes were more powerful, so she naturally understood what Liuyun was talking about.

Hearing this, Liuyun did not argue, but smiled faintly and nodded slightly.

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