The two of them were in a mess, and the two of them were in a mess.

Inside the Ninja School.

"Kazuhiko, that heartless ungrateful bastard, I got beaten up by a little bastard for him, and he didn't thank me, and he even blamed me for causing trouble for him... Who the hell am I doing this for?"

On the playground, the Uchiha clan gathered together, and Uchiha Yuta looked ugly and cursed.

"Ah! Did he come to find you too?" An Uchiha disciple was very surprised.

"He also came to me. Not only did that bastard not care about our injuries, but he also complained about us meddling in his affairs, saying that we would 'ruin' him and prevent him from becoming a ninja in the future..."

Uchiha Yan spoke with red eyes. He was disgusted last night and did not sleep well all night.

Uchiha Kazuhiko went to eight people in one night, and his efficiency was absolutely first-class.

"He was also afraid that he would not be forgiven by the little bastard and would not be able to become a ninja, so he did that... We did not inform him in advance, so things became a mess..."

Uchiha Qianye sighed.

"What bullshit are you talking about? Is it our fault?" The hot-tempered Uchiha Yuta was directly angry.

"That's not what I meant... I mean that this matter cannot be blamed on anyone..."

"Bullshit, stop trying to 'make things smooth' here, this matter is all the fault of Kazuhiko, the bastard, if he hadn't taken the initiative to call the little bastard a bastard, how could there be so many things?"

An Uchiha stood up to express his dissatisfaction.

"Yes, it's all that ungrateful bastard's fault!" Uchiha Yuta echoed.

"I was lying in bed all day yesterday to recover from my injuries. My mom asked me how I got hurt, but I didn't dare to tell the truth..."

The Uchiha who was hit in the shin bone by an elbow the day before yesterday stood up and spoke.

They all spoke in unison, and none of them dared to say that they were beaten.

They couldn't say that they were beaten to the ground by someone when they were eight against two. Even if they did, their parents might not stand up for them.

They were so cheap that they beat others, but the key was that they couldn't beat them with so many people. Any parents with a bit of face would not trouble the Liuyun family because of this.

Moreover, ninja is a fighting profession. It is normal to be beaten by classmates or beat others. As long as it is not too excessive, parents of students generally will not make a big deal out of it.

"I reminded you the day before yesterday not to cause trouble to the little bastard, but you all claim to be righteous and want to uphold justice for an idiot like Kazuhiko..."

A sixth-grade elementary school student named Uchiha Qingmang sneered. He was one of the few people who opposed bullying the little bastard.

But his words were ignored before, and he was criticized by many people.

Now the facts prove that he is right. Seeing that this group of tribesmen did not listen to his advice and got humiliated, he felt inexplicably happy in his heart.

"To put it bluntly, don't you just think that the little bastard is easy to bully? You want to step on his reputation and prove your status to the lower-grade tribesmen, but you were beaten up, and now you are not pleasing to both sides..."

Uchiha Qingmang slapped everyone in the face in public, and told the bloody truth without concealment.

His words instantly caused the anger of several people.

"Asshole, stop bragging here! Aren't we doing this for our clan members?"

"Yes, aren't we doing this to protect the reputation of the Uchiha clan? Qingmang, stop being so sarcastic and accusing others!"

Uchiha Yuta, Uchiha Yan and others all looked furious.

"But Brother Liuyun is also a member of our clan!" A junior Uchiha whispered.

"Protecting the reputation of the Uchiha clan? To me, you are ruining the reputation of the Uchiha clan."

"The little bastard is originally a member of our Uchiha clan, and his affairs with Kazuhiko are also personal affairs. It was you guys who claimed to be righteous who embarrassed him in public, forcing the little bastard to have no way out and had to choose to break with the Uchiha clan. Why do you still think you are not wrong now?"

Someone else stood up to speak for Liuyun.

"Yes, you are not for Uchiha, you are just using the name of Uchiha for yourself, for the idiot He Yan, you deserve to be beaten, you deserve to be blamed!"

"Asshole, if you have the guts, say another word!"

"What's wrong? Do you have to fight when you can't reason with others? A clown like you, are you qualified to be fair?"

"That's not the case, listen to me..."

For a while, the Uchiha clan in the school was in a mess because of Liuyun's matter. The clan members who were originally barely united were divided because of their different

Concepts, began to blame each other, abuse each other, and even fight...

Their movements here attracted many people to watch, and Uchiha completely became a laughing stock in the school.

When Liuyun stepped into the campus with his schoolbag, he instantly noticed the abnormality on the playground.

The Uchiha clan was actually fighting in public, and even fighting each other!

His name and nickname occasionally appeared in the mouths of some clansmen.

It seems that the matter was caused by him, and the grievances of the day before yesterday continued to today.

Liuyun looked at the group of Uchiha on the playground with cold eyes, and he had no intention of coming forward to calm the storm.

In fact, if he stood up and spoke at this time, he could completely win over the hearts of the people, and even Uchiha Yan and Uchiha Yuta might be subdued.

Unfortunately, he didn't have this idea.

No one stood up to speak for him the day before yesterday, so why should he stand up to calm the storm today?

The fact that he pressed those Uchiha to the ground proved a fact: the so-called human heart and justice are worthless in front of power!

Besides, what's the use of subduing a group of Uchiha brats? Being the leader of children? There is no practical benefit except being able to show off in the city.

And today's result was caused by him on purpose.

They were treated as stray hairs and outsiders by the Uchiha clan, so he naturally would not degrade himself and cater to this group of people.

On Earth, when you have money, you will not lack friends around you; in the ninja world, when you have strength, you will never lack friends or even followers around you.

Liuyun's current plan is to secretly play involution without telling anyone. He must first build up and consolidate the foundation of power.

If possible, he doesn't want to expose his abilities other than physical skills in front of others, nor does he want to bring anyone other than Kushina to play with him.

"Class is about to start, why aren't you going back to the classroom?"

Liuyun saw Kushina in the crowd. Her red hair was so conspicuous that it was hard not to notice her.

"Ah... you're here! Yes, yes, yes, let's go to class..."

Kushina couldn't hide her joy when she saw him. She smiled and followed Liuyun. The two of them ignored the crowd and walked towards the classroom together.

"Let me tell you, that group of Uchiha just now..."

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