After lunch, the two sat in the living room, drinking tea and chatting.

"Kushina, where did the other members of the Senju clan go? Why do only you live in the Senju clan land?"

Liuyun took the initiative to ask this question. Kushina lives in the Senju clan land, so she should know the reason.

"Where did you go? Nowhere... Aren't you still in Konoha Village?"

Kushina tilted her head and didn't quite understand Liuyun's words, but after a moment she realized why Liuyun asked this question.

"Are you going to talk about why they hide their real names?"

Liuyun was a little surprised when he heard this, but he nodded quickly.

"I heard about this from Grandma Mito."

"Legend has it that the Senju clan originated in the era of the Six Paths Sage. The original origin of this surname does not refer to the descendants of a single person. Senju is not the Senju of one person, but the union of a group of people, which led to the emergence of the Senju clan..."

"A group of people's Senju..." Liuyun murmured.

In the original work, Asura, the second son of the Six Paths Sage, eventually became the successor of the Ninja Clan. There was always a group of people following him. Perhaps from that time on, the Senju clan was born.

After talking about the origin of Senju, Kushina immediately talked about the specific reason for hiding her surname.

"It is said that when Konoha was founded, the Senju clan was the largest, so many privileged classes were born in the clan."

"They believe that Konoha was founded by the Senju clan, and the Senju clan should have an absolute leadership position among all the clans, and the Senju clan should be superior to others..."

The Senju clan was too powerful back then, and the weight of this surname was too heavy, so heavy that no clan dared to offend them.

From that time on, the villagers of Konoha began to change from respect to... fear of the Senju clan!

Senju Hashirama believed that when the power of a small group reaches a certain level, it will affect or even destroy the stability of Konoha, and the more united the Senju clan is, the greater this possibility will be.

Even Senju Tobirama cannot deny this!

"They became increasingly arrogant, and all the families in Konoha were suffocated. Later, the first Hokage did not want his family to be superior to Konoha, so he took the initiative to erase the surname and disbanded all the clans despite everyone's opposition."

"Except for the second Hokage who resisted the most fiercely, the surnames of others were no longer retained, including the descendants of the first generation, who were no longer allowed to retain the surname of Senju."

Senju Hashirama was afraid that Konoha, which was established with great difficulty, would eventually fall apart, so he was cruel and dismissed everyone on the spot, and the Senju clan was separated from then on.

The original Senju clan land covered an extremely large area, and the property was countless, but after the separation, all these things were divided among the clan members. Now the so-called clan land is actually only two manors.

One is Senju Hashirama's own, and now Uzumaki Mito and Uzumaki Kushina live there, and the other is the second Hokage Senju Tobirama, and now Tsunade siblings live there.

"In fact, the Senju clan has always been there. 'It used to be a group of people, the Senju clan is now a group of people's Konoha.' This sentence was said by the first Hokage. It is precisely because of this sentence that the anonymity and the separation of the clan can be accepted by other clansmen."


When Kushina said this, Liuyun's eyes widened.

'It used to be a group of people, the Senju clan is now a group of people's Konoha.' As a time traveler who is familiar with the subsequent plot of the original work, Liuyun has to sigh that Hashirama Senju has a broad mind and a long-term vision.

The Senju clan integrated into Konoha. Although they lost their surnames and certain privileges, they actually and completely preserved everyone!

The Uchiha clan, which could barely compete with the Senju clan, replaced the Senju clan and became the object of fear by others.

The false name of 'the first clan of Konoha' made the Uchiha clan suffer from it ever since.

The Uchiha clan was still complacent, they thought their old rival, the Senju clan, had fallen... Little did they know that the clan had become the new object of fear for the villagers, and soon became the target of public criticism, hated and excluded by everyone in Konoha.

If you can't see the essence, the final result is destruction.

If the Senju clan didn't retreat, they would be the ones to die. If the Uchiha clan didn't retreat, no one would tolerate them, and extermination would become inevitable.

And the more united they are, the faster they will die.

Do the Uchiha clan really want to rebel?

Did Fujigaku really want to rebel?

No, they had to rebel because they had no way out!

It was not a good thing for a family to be too prosperous. Konoha's cake was so small. If you took one more bite, others would have to take one less bite. Over time, opposition would form. If there were no far-sighted people to resolve these contradictions, it would be inevitable for both sides to turn against each other.

I have only heard of ninja families being destroyed because they affected the village in the five major ninja villages in the ninja world. Where have I heard of a family completing a coup and replacing the village?

The family model of the Warring States period has been replaced by the village. Ninja families who do not know how to adapt and cannot see the current situation will eventually decline and perish.

'No wonder Tsunade's siblings have never really stated their surnames in more than 700 episodes of Naruto animation...' Liuyun thought secretly.

"Mito... Grandma, how is your health now?"

After roughly understanding the Senju clan, Liuyun asked the second question.

"Grandma Mito? She's fine!"

Kushina was a little surprised, not understanding why Liuyun asked about Mito Uzumaki.


"Yeah, she's in good health!" Kushina smiled and said.

Liuyun nodded when he heard that. The main reason why he cared about Mito Uzumaki was because of the Nine-Tails.

Of course, the more important reason was Kushina as the 'Nine-Tails Container'.

Becoming a Jinchūriki is a very unfortunate thing. Liuyun really hopes that Mito Uzumaki can live longer, preferably for another 10 to 20 years... so that he has enough time to grow up and finally rewrite Kushina's life.

As long as she doesn't want to become a Jinchūriki, Liuyun will not allow anyone to force her.

Although he is still very weak now, he firmly believes that as long as he is willing to work hard, relying on his own foresight of the Hokage, he will definitely be able to gain enough power before Kushina becomes the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki.

Not to mention being able to stop Konoha, but he is still confident that he can take Kushina away from Konoha.

Unconsciously, he has already regarded this little girl as his forbidden delicacy, and the importance of Kushina in Liuyun's heart has also increased as their relationship has warmed up.

They seem to be just classmates now, but their relationship has long been quietly "deteriorating".

The two of them have already had each other in their hearts, and being together every day has proved that their relationship is not ordinary.

Although it is not as exaggerated as "one day without seeing each other, it feels like three years", but they are subconsciously willing to stay with each other.

Unless Liuyun does not have any more intersections with Kushina, or wants to change his training target... Otherwise, the hurdle of the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki must be overcome.

It is obviously impossible for him to give up this little cutie in front of him!

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