The current that Liuyun used at this moment was far from being able to penetrate objects. It was not because his chakra was insufficient, but because his palm would be injured by the current.

This made Liuyun puzzled. Kakashi in the original work did not seem to have this problem...

This was the difficulty Liuyun was facing at the moment. Only by overcoming this difficulty could Chidori be developed.

"Thunder itself is a very difficult force to control. If you want to make it attached to the palm of your hand without hurting yourself, and also have the penetrating power of thunder, this is theoretically difficult to do..."

Orochimaru could not think of how to solve the difficulty raised by Liuyun for a while.

Liuyun was not surprised by this. Chidori was an A-level ninjutsu after all, and its difficulty was comparable to that of Rasengan. The original book only mentioned it briefly, and the key problem still depended on their own exploration.

Now he handed this difficult problem to Orochimaru, hoping that this ninjutsu master could help him find the way out.

"Write down the order of the seals just now, I will go back and study it, and you can find me at my house tomorrow morning..."

Liuyun's seals were very fast just now, and there were many seals, so he didn't look at them carefully, so he asked Liuyun to write them down.

Liuyun nodded, took out a pen and paper from his schoolbag, and Orochimaru also reported his home address at this time.

Taking the paper, Orochimaru looked at the seals on it thoughtfully. He chatted with Liuyun again for a few words and then said goodbye and left.

The new ninjutsu aroused his interest. He felt that there was a possibility of success, so he couldn't wait to understand and try it at this moment.

Liuyun returned home, put down his schoolbag, and after saying a few words to Asuka, who had quit her job to grow flowers at home, he strode out of the house again.

He trotted all the way from home to Konoha Hospital, and then paid the registration fee and found a medical ninja.

"My palm was injured by electric shock. Please use medical ninjutsu to treat me."

Liuyun took the initiative to tell about his injuries.

"Uh... let me see..."

The female medical ninja carefully looked at the palm and confirmed that it was indeed an electric shock injury. She immediately used medical ninjutsu to start treatment.

"Little brother, how did you get injured like this? And judging from the appearance of your palm, it shouldn't have been caused on the first day, right?"

The female medical ninja frowned and asked while treating.

"Yeah, sister guessed well, but the specific reason is inconvenient to disclose..." Liuyun replied with a smile.


The female ninja was a little surprised by Liuyun's answer. She just nodded lightly and didn't ask any more questions.

Ten minutes later, Liuyun felt that the pain in his palm had obviously subsided a lot.

"Sister, I just saw that the hospital lobby is recruiting medical ninjas. Do you have to be a Genin to learn medical ninjutsu?"

Liuyun raised this question out of curiosity about medical ninjutsu.

"Why? Are you interested in medical ninjutsu?"

"Yeah, I am interested. I think medical ninjutsu is the angel in the ninja world." Liuyun flattered the female ninja.

"Haha... If you don't pursue powerful ninjutsu, how can you think of learning medical ninjutsu?"

"If you want to be a medical ninjutsu, you must have a forehead protector. If you are not even a ninja, you may not have chakra, so how can you learn medical ninjutsu..." The female ninja replied with a smile.

"Is that so..."

Liuyun whispered. He really wanted to learn medical ninjutsu. After all, more skills are better than less. Medical ninjutsu is still very useful at critical moments.

Moreover, his mental strength is very strong, and with the help of the shadow clone, he can learn anything very quickly, and he doesn't have to worry about lack of energy at all.

Especially now that there is a summer vacation, it is just right to prepare a few more training projects.

Unfortunately, medical ninjutsu requires a ninja identity to sign up... If you want to learn, you can only wait until you get the Konoha forehead protector.


Soon, the female ninja healed Liuyun's injury.

"Your injury is not serious, but it is best to reduce hand activities and don't hurt your palm again..." The little sister kindly reminded.

Liuyun has a lot of calluses on his hands, and they are also very rough. At first glance, he is not a simple little boy.

"Okay, thank you, little sister, I will pay attention."

Liuyun bowed slightly and stood up to say goodbye.

It is impossible for him to give up the development of Chidori.

The next morning, Liuyun completed his daily morning exercise task as usual. He went home to have breakfast and then hurried to Orochimaru's mansion.

Orochimaru is a warrior.

Zheng was an orphan, and he was the only one living at home. The mansion he lived in was not small, and the location was also very remote.

Whether it was intentional or unintentional, the area where his family lived was just very close to the cemetery of Konoha...

"Lord Orochimaru!"

When he saw Orochimaru, Liuyun bowed and saluted.

"No need to be polite, come in." Orochimaru waved his hand, and the two came to the garden together.

Liuyun saw a lot of strange snakes in the garden, all colorful, which made people feel a little scalp numb.

I saw Orochimaru waved his hand, and the snakes in the garden immediately scattered to the corners and disappeared.

"I have learned about the new technique yesterday. I have to say that Liuyun-kun is really a ninjutsu genius. At such a young age, you have already preliminarily understood the changes in the form and nature of chakra..."

Orochimaru couldn't help but exclaimed, but Liuyun didn't feel much when he heard this.

After all, he was just copying homework.

In the original work, Kakashi explained the concept of chakra nature change and form change more than once. With the help of various ninjutsu knowledge in the school, it was not difficult for Liuyun to understand.

He invested a lot of time and energy in the development of Chidori, and a large part of this energy was put on the basis of studying the nature change and form change of chakra.

These two points are the basic prerequisites for creating Chidori.

Although Liuyun's hand-gathering electric current performance yesterday seemed simple, in the eyes of ninjutsu experts like Orochimaru, it takes extremely high ninjutsu attainments to perform this method.

Only Orochimaru, who has a deep understanding of this new technique, knows how extraordinary this elementary school student is.

Liuyun's understanding of chakra and ninjutsu far exceeds that of his peers. The two sides are not at the same level at all. Outstanding is not enough to describe his specialness.

He is like an alien hidden in the crowd, even if he has been in the ordinary crowd for many years, he can not be seen through.

This is very scary to think about it, even Orochimaru has some inexplicable fear of it.

If he hadn't just seen Liuyun defeat the seven Uchiha disciples, he probably wouldn't have known that there was such an outlier hidden in the ninja school!

"I already know the difficulties you mentioned yesterday. In fact, your new technique idea is fine, and there are basically no major problems with ninjutsu and seals..."

"The reason why you hurt yourself is because you are too conservative... Of course, it may also be because you don't have enough chakra, which makes the new technique unable to take shape..."

Hearing Orochimaru say this, Liuyun hurriedly asked for the specific reason.

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