After leaving Orochimaru's residence, Liuyun returned home and sat on the corridor to read the Ninja Scroll.

After Asuka finished watering the flowers and plants in the yard, she took the initiative to move closer to him.

My son used to like reading comics, but now he always likes to read scrolls, and he reads about learning knowledge such as ninjas and ninjutsu...

He doesn't sleep in anymore, and he practices all day long.

In the past, he would occasionally go out to play with friends, but now it seems that he has stopped socializing...

"Son... do you want to go out and play with your classmates? Give yourself a holiday occasionally. Wouldn't it be a bit boring to practice every day..." Asuka asked tentatively.

"What vacation? Isn't the school already on summer vacation?" Liuyun answered casually while looking at the scroll without raising her head.

"Mom means that you should not work too hard... You can be motivated, but you should also take a break occasionally..."

Liuyun raised his eyebrows when he heard this, tilted his head and looked at Asuka with a strange expression:

"Didn't you always advise me to be less lazy and study more before? Why do you completely change your mind now? I even doubt whether you are my real mother..."

Liuyun asked Tiangang directly, and the last "confusing" words made Asuka fall into self-doubt.

'Yes! Didn't I always expect him to work harder and study well before... My son is obedient now, why am I...'

It turns out that not only her son has changed, but she herself has changed too?

Before, she doubted whether the other party was her own son, and now he doubts whether she is her own mother... Is it the same reason?

People always change, no one is unchanging, it's just that the degree of change is different...

Asuka felt like she had gotten the hang of it!

"Go and chat with aunts or go shopping when you have nothing to do..." Liuyun continued to look down at the scroll.

"How can you go shopping and chat with me every day... People have to work..."

Asuka muttered.

Liuyun now relies on the royalties to support her family, and she doesn't have to work hard in the hot factory in the summer.

But she was not used to quitting her job. She was a little bored at home every day, and she didn't know how to pass the time...

"Grow flowers and grass, and if it doesn't work, go and buy a store... Do some small business or something."

Liuyun made a suggestion casually. His mother was too idle. Find something for her to pass the time, and she won't always nag in his ear.

"This suggestion is not bad..."

Asuka's eyes lit up.

"I'll go out and look for some suitable small businesses later."

Hearing that his mother was interested in doing business, Liuyun suddenly had an idea.

"Actually, I know two good small businesses. I wonder if you want to try them..."

Hearing this, Asuka instantly became interested.

"What small business? Tell me about it!"

"You can open a flower shop, mainly selling chrysanthemums, carnations, and lilies..."

"Open a flower shop! This is a good idea, but why should you mainly sell these kinds of flowers..." Asuka was puzzled.

Liuyun shook his head and laughed without answering.

"What is the other business?"

Asuka thought that the flower shop business was okay, but she wanted to hear what the other business was.

"You can also open a clothing store or a garment factory, mainly selling and making mourning clothes (black clothes)..."


Asuka was surprised for a while, and when she reacted, she was immediately furious.

"You silly boy, what are you thinking about?"

Asuka twisted Liuyun's ear and scolded him.

Chrysanthemums are given to the dead, carnations are given to the injured and sick, and black clothes are the clothes that must be worn when mourning the dead...

Neither of the two businesses is not sad...Asuka couldn't help beating him even if she wanted to...

"Hey hey hey... it hurts..."

Liuyun was twisted so hard that he grimaced and admitted his mistakes repeatedly. Asuka then let go of his ear in a bad mood.

Now that World War II is approaching, there will be deaths in the future. Ordinary people want to make money and don't want to commit "taboos". These two businesses are indeed not to be missed...


Liuyun felt like crying but had no tears. Why did he get beaten for no reason...

"Making money... It's not shabby. Mom, you are too sensitive!" Liuyun rubbed his

Erduo's eyes were full of resentment.

"You make a shitty amount of money. Tell me who will buy these sad things now?" Asuka glared at him fiercely.

"First find out the distribution sources. When your store is fully opened, you may not have to worry about not being able to sell them..."

Liuyun couldn't help but smile as he spoke, but the next moment Asuka pinched his cheek and scolded him severely...

Fortunately, Asuka finally listened to some of the suggestions and felt that the flower shop was worth doing. In addition, she also liked flowers, so she thought of opening a flower shop.

However, she strongly rejected the suggestion of selling chrysanthemums and white flowers.

Looking at Asuka's back as she left the house, Liuyun couldn't help but whispered:

"Stupid mother... You will soon understand which flowers sell best!"

Three days later.

A series of harsh thunders were heard by a remote river.


Liuyun held lightning in his hand, his feet burst with chakra, and he rushed forward at an extremely exaggerated speed. The blue palm covered with lightning accurately pierced into the target.


A girl's cry suddenly came from a distance. When he noticed someone approaching, the three-magatama Sharingan in Liuyun's eyes instantly faded.

I don't know if it was the joy after fully mastering the A-level ninjutsu, or the joy of seeing someone coming, Liuyun's face was full of smiles, and he waved vigorously at Kushina who was jogging over.

"You are here!" Kushina looked at him with a silly smile.

"Didn't you say you would come to see me in two days? Why are you here now?"

Liuyun took the initiative to approach her, then looked around Kushina, and then praised her with a playful smile:

"Hey! What a beautiful dress! I didn't see you wearing it when you were in school?"

Kushina smiled shyly after receiving Liuyun's praise. She wore this new dress on purpose today...

"If I don't come, won't you take the initiative to find me? How can a boy be like you? Do you have to let others come to you if you want to learn skills?"

Kushina put her hands on her hips, pretending to be dissatisfied, but the corners of her mouth were raised high, and her arrogant little look was very cute.

"Isn't it the same? I'll come to you next time, right?"

"Hehe... This is better!" Kushina hummed, with a proud look on her face.

Soon, a charred and smoking tree caught her attention.

"I just seemed to see you holding a ball of lightning in your hand!"

The tree in front of him was hit with a shockingly large charred hole, which showed that the scene just now was not an illusion. Liuyun seemed to have mastered a powerful and powerful ninjutsu!

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