The old man was very happy.

"I feel a little touched... but that's all... Ninjas must go through the test of blood, and fear must be overcome. It's a matter of time..."

As Liuyun was talking, he discovered Kushina's abnormal state.

"Nana, what's wrong with you???"

At this moment, Kushina's face was pale and her body was trembling slightly. The destruction of Uzushio Village had caused a great shock to her young mind. This psychological shadow may fade with time, but it will never dissipate.

"No... nothing..."

Kushina smiled stiffly.

'Are you scared by what I said...'

Liuyun was a little surprised. He didn't know that Kushina would think of going to Uzushio Village. He thought she was scared by the future 'blood test'.

"Don't be afraid... I will accompany you to face all difficulties in the future."

Feeling her nervousness, Liuyun reached out and held her palm, with a sunny smile on his face.

The warmth and strength from his hand instantly stopped Kushina's trembling, and the fear in her heart also dissipated a lot.

"Thank you, Liuyun-kun..."

At this moment, Kushina seemed to understand what dependence is and what... love is!

"Let's not go to the river to practice for now. Come home with me, take a rest in the morning, adjust your state, and start learning "tree climbing" in the afternoon."

Kushina's dark circles were a bit serious, her little face could not hide her fatigue, and her mental state was very poor. Liuyun guessed that she might have insomnia again last night.

"Okay... okay... I'll listen to you..."

Hearing Liuyun say to rest in the morning, Kushina subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, she also knew that she was not in good condition and really needed a good rest.

But when she thought about going to Liuyun's house to rest, her little brain began to think uncontrollably...

'Liuyun's meaning, shouldn't... be... to let me sleep at his house! '

When she thought of this possibility, Kushina suddenly felt flustered, and her pretty face gradually turned into a large tomato.

"Liu... Liuyun, um... is Auntie at home?"

When she came to the door of Liuyun's house, Kushina was still as nervous as usual.

"It just so happened that she was not at home in the morning. She said she wanted to go to a few stores and observe which one would be more suitable to open a flower shop..."

Liuyun explained with a smile, and Kushina quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and subconsciously straightened her back when she entered the door.

"Has Auntie not gone to work? Why is she thinking about opening a flower shop?"

The two sat in the living room, and Kushina asked casually.

"She quit a long time ago. I asked her to quit..."

"As for opening a flower shop? It's mainly because she was bored at home and wanted to find something to kill time..."

Liuyun brought out a lot of snacks to entertain Kushina, and most of the low table was almost full of delicious food.

"What? You asked her to quit?" Kushina thought she might have heard it wrong.

"Yeah, her previous job was very hard, so I asked her to quit... Anyway, I can support her..."


Kushina found that she did not hear it wrong just now, and Liuyun seemed to be getting more and more outrageous...

We are all just elementary school students who have not graduated yet, where do you get the money to support your mother?

Besides, doesn't she know whether Liuyun has a job or not?

Kushina thought about this in her heart, and then suddenly remembered the night when they went to the night market together.

At that time, Liuyun spent tens of thousands of dollars... Where did his money come from?

Seeing Kushina full of questions, Liuyun told her about his writing and creation.


Kushina's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

Liuyun's words were nothing but a fairy tale to her, it was simply: 'Outrageous, he opened the door to outrageous, outrageous to the extreme'!

Kushina was in doubt for a while.

It's not her fault that she didn't believe it, it was just that Liuyun's words were too incredible. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, no one would believe that a primary school student could make a lot of money by writing.


Looking at the surprise on her face, Liuyun picked up a comic book from under the low table.

"This is a comic book adapted from my story. You can see what the story writer signed it as."

Liuyun threw the comic book in front of Kushina casually.

"It turned out to be... "Dragon Ball"!"

Kushina couldn't help but exclaimed. She vaguely saw that Rope Tree had read this book, and she had heard many classmates talk about this comic.

Although she had no interest in comics, she also knew that this comic was now

The picture book is very famous in Konoha.

‘It… can’t be true! ! ! ’

Kushina picked up the comic book with trembling hands, and when she saw the lower right corner of the cover, she subconsciously widened her eyes.

There are a few lines of small words and two names in the lower right corner of "Dragon Ball":

Comic author: Wu Shanming

Story writer: Ye Liuyun

Character production: Ye Liuyun

This comic is jointly created by the above two people.

Originally, the author of this book should have been marked directly as "Ye Liuyun", but because the copyright of the comic belongs to the two people, and Wu Shanming wants to be famous, so his name was added.

Liuyun didn't care about this. He didn't want to become famous by "copying books", and the fame of "Dragon Ball" was not unexpected. In the future, someone will inevitably show up, and it's no big deal to give half of the fame to Wu Shanming.

Liuyun always wants money.

"Ye...Ye's really you!" Kushina stuttered.

In fact, some students on campus had used the name 'Ye Liuyun' to make fun of Liuyun before, and Kushina had heard about it a little bit at that time.

But she didn't know what Ye Liuyun represented, because she didn't know much about comic books.

Moreover, she vaguely remembered Liuyun smiling and admitting that this name was him, he was Ye Liuyun.

Kushina remembered that there was a group of annoying people laughing at him at that time, and there were even bad guys who didn't know how to live or die and called him a pretentious dog... Kushina beat that person up to vent her anger for Liuyun!

Now thinking about it carefully... Could it be that this 'Ye Liuyun' is really him?

"Well, you can think that Ye Liuyun is my pen name."

Liuyun answered casually while eating snacks.


Kushina subconsciously covered her mouth, and the shock in her eyes when she looked at him gradually turned into admiration!

Others think that Liuyun is a pretentious dog, and it is impossible for him to have the intelligence and ability to create the "Dragon Ball" comics, but Kushina believes that he has this talent!

If she hadn't seen the name, Kushina might have doubted it. Now that she saw the name, she completely believed that this comic was written by Liuyun.

Uchiha Liuyun and Ye Liuyun, how could there be so many coincidences in the small Konoha Village?

The talent shown by Liuyun, Kushina just counted on her fingers, I'm afraid she couldn't count it...

'Treasure boy' is not her imagination, Kushina can't even see the limit of his ability until now.

The key is that Liuyun is extremely "low-key" on weekdays, and it seems that she is the only one in the world who has discovered this "treasure boy"...

Thinking of this, Kushina was secretly happy, and subconsciously laughed like a pig...


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