As soon as Liuyun entered the flower shop, he saw the two women he wanted to see the most.

"Mom, Kushina, you are both here!"

Because the new shop opened and the traffic on this street was not large, Asuka and Kushina were very idle in the shop.

When the two women saw Liuyun, they almost showed ecstatic expressions on their faces at the same time.



Asuka quickly stepped forward and took her son into her arms. She was so happy that tears fell from her eyes...

"Why did you take so long? Mom was so worried about you!"

Liuyun had never left her side for so long since he was a child. Because she was very worried about her son's safety, she went to the Hokage Building to find Sarutobi Hiruzen two or three times!

"Because the mission is in another country and it takes a long time, I waited until now..."

Liuyun broke free from Asuka's arms with a red face, and then explained it roughly.

However, since S-level and A-level missions are confidential, even if he completed the mission, it is theoretically not allowed to leak.

"What? You went abroad!"

Asuka seemed very surprised. She thought her son was doing missions with Orochimaru in China... According to ordinary people like her, foreign countries are very chaotic and dangerous.

"Yeah! I'll tell you in detail when we get home..."

Ninjas have confidentiality rules. Although he is not a ninja yet, he cannot discuss missions in a flower shop.

"Let's go, let's go home now. We won't open the shop today... there are not many customers anyway..."

Asuka was already packing up and preparing to close the shop as she spoke.

Liuyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry about this.

"Little Tomato..."

Liuyun walked to Kushina's side and then took her hand directly.

The girl was very happy to see him, but because Asuka was there, she needed to be a little reserved, so she only dared to move forward. She didn't dare to interrupt when the mother and son were talking...

At this moment, facing the intimate greeting of Liuyun, Kushina's cheeks blushed for a while, but she smiled very happily.

"Do you miss your brother..."

Liuyun teased her as usual.

Kushina stole a glance at Asuka, and seeing that she was packing up and didn't notice this, she couldn't help but complain in a low voice:

"You've been gone for more than a month, and Auntie couldn't sleep well because of worry..."

"What about you? Nana, are you worried about me?" Liuyun leaned close to her ear and asked in a low voice.

"Don't always ask when you know the answer... You bad guy..." Kushina glared at him shyly.

That shy and cute look made Liuyun laugh out loud.

"What are you laughing at? Go outside quickly, I'm going to close the shop..." Asuka came over and pushed the two young people out of the flower shop.

After locking the door, she didn't ask Kushina's opinion, and held one hand in each, happily pulling them towards home.

Liuyun and Kushina couldn't help but smile at each other behind her.

After arriving home, Liuyun talked about his mission in a roundabout way, without explaining the level of the mission, and then asked about their situation:

"Kushina, why are you in the flower shop?"

"Nana has been helping me run the flower shop recently. She was afraid that my mother would be too bored, so she has been coming to the shop to accompany me!"

Asuka made two cups of fragrant tea for the two of them and took the initiative to take over the conversation.

"No, I didn't help my aunt with anything... It's mainly because I like flowers and there's nowhere to go..." Kushina smiled and explained in a low voice.

Aunt Asuka treated her very well and valued her very much. Kushina felt the long-lost maternal love from her.

In addition, Liuyun had been away for a long time, so she went to the flower shop almost every day to keep in touch with Aunt Asuka while waiting for the little bastard to come back.


Liuyun looked at her with a smile, staring at her so hard that she felt a little embarrassed.

"Oh, son, Wu Shanming comes every day to ask about your whereabouts. He said that if you don't resume updating, and the Dragon Ball comics are discontinued, he will hang himself at our doorstep..."

Asuka smiled and told the news.

"And recently he sent a large sum of royalties, saying that it was a share of the profits. A lot of it was his personal reward to you. I just hope you can update the subsequent plot as soon as possible..."

"I forgot about this..."

He didn't expect the task to take a month, and Wu Shanming was anxious because of what he did.

It is inevitable.

Soon, Liuyun created a shadow clone to write articles and sent them to Wu Shanming.

This is his way of making money, and he can't just stop it. The current income from royalties is already considerable, and as the Dragon Ball comics gradually spread to more and more places, his income will only increase.

"One more thing, your brother Dai got married a few days ago... He wanted to invite you to the wedding."

Asuka directly told a heavy news.


Liuyun was shocked and stood up from the sofa.

"How long has Brother Dai been with his girlfriend? Getting married now?"

Matt Dai's flash marriage was unexpected for him, but if he thought about it carefully, it was not strange for Old Dai to do such a thing...

A sudden little touch might be enough to make Old Dai shed tears and take the initiative to propose...

"Then... Mom, did you give me a gift money???" Liuyun asked hurriedly.

"Of course I did. He came to inform you formally, how could I be rude!"

"But he kept refusing, so I finally gave the money to his wife..."

Asuka explained the general situation.

"Yeah, that's good... But it's not enough. I still have to visit him later and prepare another wedding gift for him..."

Might Dai can be regarded as half of his master, teaching him a lot of physical knowledge. Now that he is married, he can't just give a share of the money.

'Brother Dai got married in a flash, so it's probably not far from Might Guy's birth...' Liuyun thought of this silently in his heart.

"Nana, have you completed your 'tree climbing' training?"

On the bench behind the house, the two sat together intimately, and Liuyun took the opportunity to ask about her homework.

"Of course! How can a mere 'tree climbing' stump me? The day after you left Konoha, I successfully mastered this chakra control technique!"

Kushina held her head high, with a proud and coquettish look of 'come praise me', which made Liuyun laugh.

"Is it fake? Nana is really that amazing?"

This practice, the more chakra you have, the harder it is to master. After graduation, Naruto and Sasuke took several days to master this practice, but Kushina mastered it in less than two days?

In fact, she was thrown down for five days before she mastered this practice.

The reason why she said that was because Liuyun mastered it in one night. If she told the truth, Liuyun might look down on her, and she would be very uncomfortable if he used this matter to make her angry in the future...

"Of course... it's true... who do you think I am?"

Kushina gritted her teeth and laughed awkwardly.

"Wow, look at how capable you are..."

"Since you have a preliminary understanding of chakra control, I will teach you to further control it tomorrow, that is, 'treading water' training..."

Liuyun said, with a little pig brother smile on his face.

Swimsuit Kushina? Or wet Kushina? He is already looking forward to tomorrow!

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