The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Seeing Liuyun being hit by several shurikens, several Genin immediately showed joy.

But before they could be happy for long, they heard a muffled sound of "bang", and Liuyun's figure turned into a wooden stake.

"It's the substitution technique!!!"

The six people didn't expect that Liuyun, a primary school student who had not yet graduated, could use the substitution technique so skillfully. With this skill alone, it would be easy for him to graduate from the ninja school.

"Be careful! He's there!!!"

Someone found Liuyun's trace and immediately warned him, but Liuyun was too fast. As soon as he pointed out the direction, the other party's figure disappeared immediately!

Whoosh whoosh whoosh! ! !

A sound of a sharp weapon breaking through the air suddenly came from somewhere in the bushes. The first three and the last three shurikens flew out one after another, and the attack routes were almost directed at the three Uchiha Genin at the same time.

Facing the flying hidden weapons, two people chose to resist head-on, and one chose to withdraw and dodge.

Ding Ding Ding! ! !

The six shurikens collided with each other before being blocked or dodged. The original attack route was instantly disrupted, and the chaotic shurikens made the three people terrified at the same time.

The next moment, a scream suddenly sounded, and a shuriken successfully pierced into the shoulder of a Genin.

The second Genin was the guy who chose to dodge the shuriken. He was pierced in the left arm by the strange and unpredictable weapon.

The third Genin relied on his quick eyes and hands to successfully use the kunai to knock down the two incoming shurikens, and he was unscathed.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique!"

Uchiha Aoki directly launched the ninjutsu, and a group of fireballs hit the bush where Liuyun was at a high speed.

In an instant, the bush was completely ignited, and a shrill scream came from it.

Hearing this scream, everyone thought that Uchiha Aoki's ninjutsu was successful, and several people hurried to the bush.

But before they could get close to him, they heard a cold voice coming from the other side of the fire:

"Fire Style: Phoenix Fire Technique!"

Fireballs were spit out directly from Liuyun's mouth, and then hit the four people who were close at a very fast speed.

The fireballs he spewed out were large and hot, and their power was obviously three times stronger than Uchiha Aoki's fireballs, and even the firing speed was faster than the opponent...

This fully demonstrated his "mouth cannon" ability!

Of the four Uchiha who were coming towards him, one elite Genin used the Substitution Technique to dodge the fire the moment he was hit. Another was hit by a fireball on his arm, and he was so scared that he clapped his hands and tried to put it out.

Another one was unlucky, he was sprayed directly in the face, and his whole body was on fire.

The last one was far away, and he successfully avoided several fireballs with a few rolls and jumps.

"Ah! Help!!!"

The ignited Genin screamed miserably, and the companion closest to him hurried to help him put out the fire.

This kind of first aid cannot be slow, and people may be burned if they are not careful.

Liuyun did not stop others from rescuing, but appeared in front of Uchiha Aoki in an instant.

"So fast!!!"

The sudden appearance of the figure scared him, but as the owner of a magatama Sharingan, he could more or less see Liuyun's figure and launched a certain degree of counterattack.

Uchiha Aoki punched him in the face. Liuyun was much better at vision and reaction than him. He just turned his head slightly to avoid the punch.

While the opponent's body inertia was still there, Liuyun exerted force with both feet, raised his right knee high with force, and hit Uchiha Aoki's abdomen with one knee.

The terrible force acted on Uchiha Aoki's body. He heard a wow and vomited all the food he had eaten at noon. Then he collapsed to the ground, holding his abdomen tightly with a face full of pain.

Liuyun didn't pay more attention to Uchiha Aoki. He only saw his eyes scanning back and forth in the bushes until he found something abnormal. He disappeared from the spot and then rushed into the bushes at a very fast speed.

The next moment, a figure was kicked out of the bushes.

"How dare you, a bunch of bastards, come and block me?"

Liu Yun walked out of the bushes and casually brushed off the leaves clinging to his body. He looked at the injured Genin with contempt.

"Want to cause trouble for me? Then let Fugaku come here in person."

Liu Yun said as he walked to

, and then stepped hard on Uchiha Kazuhiko's calf.


Uchiha Kazuhiko, who was originally in a coma, woke up instantly.

The three Uchiha Genin who were less injured saw that Liuyun was strong and could not fight, so they immediately took their injured companions and evacuated.

"Save me! Don't leave... Save me!!!"

Uchiha Kazuhiko was almost scared at this moment, and Liuyun didn't seem to intend to let him go easily.

"Hold on, we will find someone to save you..." The figure running in the front shouted.

Because Uchiha Kazuhiko was stepped on by Liuyun, those people saw that they couldn't take him away, so they had no choice but to give up on him. Soon there were only two figures left in this wasteland.

"You are a bunch of disloyal bastards!!!"

Looking at the backs of several people fleeing, Uchiha Kazuhiko's face was full of grief and indignation, and he was directly desperate.

Liuyun grabbed Uchiha Kazuhiko's hair, with a grim smile on his face:

"Am I really nothing in front of your eyes?"

"Liu... Liuyun-kun... It's all... It's all a misunderstanding!"

Uchiha Kazuhiko explained with a forced smile, with obvious fear in his eyes.

"Misunderstanding? Wasn't it you who scolded the most and the loudest just now? How did it become a misunderstanding?" Liuyun put his face in front of him, pretending to be confused.

"No... It's not like that. It was Fugaku that guy who asked me to come to you. Yes, it's all that bastard..."

Uchiha Kazuhiko smiled and tried to put the "pot" on Uchiha Fugaku's head.

"Brother Liuyun, it's all my fault for being blind. Please be magnanimous and treat me as a fart... I will never be your enemy again..."

Uchiha Kazuhiko bowed repeatedly, admitting his mistakes with a very good attitude, and looked very humble.

In order to avoid a beating, he didn't even want to save his face...

"What brother Liuyun? Didn't you just call me a bastard? You called me a bastard brother during the clan meeting before, how come I'm your brother now?"

Liuyun grinned, and the strength in his hand gradually increased. Uchiha Kazuhiko's hedgehog head was pressed to the ground with one hand.

As he continued to exert force, Uchiha Kazuhiko touched the ground with his face, and was pressed to the ground and rubbed hard!

"Ah... It hurts, it hurts, I was wrong!! Grandpa Liuyun..."

Uchiha Kazuhiko cried for his parents in pain and begged for mercy.

"Now, show your pair of Sharingan." Liuyun grabbed his hair again and said with a smile.

"Wuwuwu, Grandpa Liuyun, I was really wrong! Forgive me!!!" Uchiha Kazuhiko cried with snot.


Liuyun raised his hand and gave him two crisp and loud big slaps.

"You should shine, so why are you talking so much nonsense?"

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