
At home.

Liuyun covered his slightly red cheeks and listened carefully to the red-haired teacher's explanation of the sealing technique.

He had just been slapped hard by the red-haired teacher for being a hooligan.

Kushina allowed him to hug her, even allowed him to smell her... but Liuyun dared to kiss her neck without knowing the consequences... then she really couldn't tolerate it anymore!

"Try it and see if you can use chakra to visualize the sealing technique..."

After Kushina explained the methods and techniques clearly, she prepared to let Liuyun try it on a blank sealing scroll.

"I'll try..."

Liuyun nodded and immediately covered his hands on the blank scroll.

"Close your eyes, concentrate, first imagine the sealing technique in your mind, then control the chakra through your mind to change it, and then release it..."

Kushina patiently guided him, and explained every step in detail.

In fact, it is not so easy to learn the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan. Some problems even involve the nature of chakra, which Kushina herself does not quite understand...

Grandma Uzumaki once told her that certain specific Uzumaki sealing techniques can only be used by her clan, and the prerequisite for mastering those sealing techniques is to have strong Yang attribute chakra.

The Uzumaki clan is born with more or less Yang attribute chakra. Only by awakening a certain degree of Yang escape power can they learn advanced Uzumaki sealing techniques.

If a person does not have this attribute of chakra, then no matter how much he studies or how much others teach him, he will probably not get much benefit.

Kushina ignored this point. She believed that the sealing technique alone would not be able to stump Liuyun, so she was too lazy to remind him and started to teach him some core skills directly...

A few minutes later.

A series of strange characters appeared under Liuyun's palm. Seeing this, Kushina's face instantly showed surprise.

"It worked in one try! Liuyun, you are really amazing!" Kushina couldn't help but speak excitedly.

It took her several hours to make the sealing technique appear, and she was praised as a genius by Mito's grandmother... Unexpectedly, Liuyun did it in just a few minutes...

Her treasure boy is really not to be covered!

As Kushina's voice fell, the sealing technique seemed to have life, squirming left and right for a few times, and then retracted part of it again.

"Hey hey hey... hold on, hold on, don't let Him retract into the body..."

Kushina exclaimed and reminded quickly.

But it would have been better if she hadn't said it. As soon as she spoke, the sealing technique shrank faster until it completely disappeared.

Liuyun opened his eyes and glared at her: "Don't bluff me..."

"Ah... sorry sorry!" Knowing that she had affected Brother Liuyun, Kushina quickly apologized with a smile.

She stretched out her hand and completely extended the sealing scroll on the ground, and then motioned Liuyun to continue:

"Extend the sealing technique from the beginning to the end, and finally disconnect it to let it take shape. You will have completely mastered the knowledge of sealing techniques taught today!"

Liuyun nodded gently. In fact, he didn't think it was that difficult.

He has a small part of the blood of the Senju clan, and he actually has the power of Yang escape.

The sealing technique in his hands is more "flexible" than when Kushina first visualized it, as if it really has life!

Just when Liuyun was concentrating on learning skills at home, a roar of anger came from the Uchiha clan:

"Waste, seven Genin can't beat a primary school student, what use do I have for you waste?"

Uchiha Fugaku glared at the people in front of him with red eyes, and the whole person looked a little exasperated.

"Wuwuwu, Brother Fugaku, you have to make a decision for me, that beast can't awaken the Sharingan, and he is jealous and throws sand in my eyes, Brother Fugaku, look at my eyes..."

Uchiha Kazuhiko's eyes were red and swollen at this moment, and several teeth were knocked out. He had a lisp when speaking, and looked extremely miserable...

Seeing that his 'loyal' brother was made into such a ghost, Uchiha Fugaku no longer had the mood to continue blaming him. He rubbed his eyebrows and then ordered someone to fetch a small bottle of good eye drops.

"You just graduated not long ago, your strength is not good enough, I told you not to go before, let Aoki and the others go, but you insisted on going there to join in the fun..."

Uchiha Fugaku complained helplessly, and then gave the eye drops in his hand to Uchiha Kazuhiko.

"Take it and drop it in

Drop your eyes..."

"Thank you, Brother Fugaku! Wuwuwu..." Uchiha Kazuhiko was moved to tears.

"I also want to help Brother Fugaku..."

"Before, they abandoned me. That beast not only tortured me, but also said a lot of bad things about you, calling you a grandson and a coward without any guts..."

"He said you didn't dare to face him, and you only knew to use the name of the Great Elder to pretend to be powerful, a pure coward..."

Uchiha Kazuhiko started his mouth-to-mouth mode, mainly fanning the flames and making up stories. Uchiha Fugaku's veins popped up when he heard it, and his hatred value was directly maxed out.

"I was so angry at the time that I started to curse him even though he slapped me several times. Guess what happened..."

"That...that beast actually said I was hard-mouthed and stuffed yellow mud into my mouth, wuwuwu... ...Brother Fugaku, look..."

Uchiha Kazuhiko said as he opened his stinky mouth. Uchiha Fugaku could clearly see the dirt left in his teeth.

Combined with the clear slap marks on Uchiha Kazuhiko's face, Uchiha Fugaku believed what he said for a while.

He didn't expect that this most useless little brother would dare to be so "tough" for him!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel moved, and then he took the initiative to stretch out his arms and hugged Uchiha Kazuhiko's neck.

"Good brother, I promise you that I will avenge you soon. If that bastard knocks out a few of your teeth, I will knock out a mouthful of his teeth. If that bastard feeds you yellow mud, I will feed him shit later..."

Uchiha Fugaku's face was full of seriousness and solemnity.

"Wuwuwu...Thank you, brother Fugaku, you are my dear brother! ”

Uchiha Kazuhiko wiped his tears and looked touched.

“Brother, when the time comes, I will provide the shit for that bastard… That guy doesn’t deserve to eat dry food, and I just happened to have diarrhea recently…”

When Uchiha Kazuhiko said this, he had a perverted smirk on his face.

“Ahem… You can do whatever you want when the time comes…”

Uchiha Fugaku pretended to be serious and coughed twice.

Although he thought this little brother was disgusting, his words and deeds were vulgar, and he was not presentable… But he was ‘loyal’ to him, and he had a powerful father, so Uchiha Fugaku had to hold his nose and tolerate it…

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