The old man was very angry.

"Master, are you really okay? The blood in your eyes keeps flowing. Let me stop the bleeding first..."

Senren Fukasaku said as he used hemostatic drugs and bandages to seal the eyes of the Great Toad Sage without saying anything...

After the situation was completely stabilized, Senren Fukasaku waved away all the toads, and then asked the Great Toad Sage seriously:

"Master, what happened? Why are your eyes injured? What are the Samsara Eye and the Nine-Gaoyu Sharingan? Who is he? Did you have a prophetic dream again?"

Senren Fukasaku asked all the questions in one breath.

"Well, it was indeed a prophetic dream. I dreamed of a...god!"

At this moment, the Great Toad Immortal seemed to have lost his former dementia, and even his tone of voice became less casual.

"God!!! What kind of god???" The face of the Immortal Fukasaku changed drastically and he asked urgently.

An existence that could be called a 'god' by a thousand-year-old monster like the Great Toad Immortal... Fukasaku could not even imagine what a 'god' would look like.

"That is an existence that cannot be understood or defined. He is like a destroyer and a savior. He personally ended the ninja era and seemed to have created another new era..."

"My dream this time was very fragmented, but because of the fragmentation, it also allowed me to see further..."

"But there seems to be a mysterious force interfering with my foresight, which makes me unable to see the true face of God..."

Hearing these words from the Great Toad Sage, the Deep Saku Sage felt his scalp tingling instantly, but he also had a very confusing question:

"Master, didn't you just have a dream about Jiraiya's foresight? Are you sure he is the master of the future savior? We haven't heard you mention any gods before..."

The Deep Saku Sage has reason to suspect that the Great Toad Sage has Alzheimer's disease again, or is he sleeping in a daze again... Although the bloody tears are very strange.

"Your confusion is also my confusion... I don't know why I have another precognitive dream."

"I have clearly seen the general direction of the ninja world in the next few decades..."

The Great Toad Sage smiled bitterly.

Logically speaking, there will be no problem with its precognitive dream. It does not understand what caused this change. It only knows that the existence of god and devil is the source of all changes!

"What should we do now? Which of your dreams is true? Who is the savior? Is there any connection between that 'god' and Jiraiya? Should I summon Jiraiya?"

Sage Fukasaku asked a series of questions again.

"I don't know which dream is true, and I can't figure out who is the savior. I can't even be sure of the relationship between the other party and Jiraiya..."

"I saw the two saviors go to the opposite side. They don't seem to belong to the same camp..."

The Great Toad Sage patiently explained to Sage Fukasaku the dream he had seen before.

"I also saw the fate of Myoboku Mountain..."


Upon hearing this news, Fukasaku Sage could no longer sit still.

The Great Toad Sage spoke of two different results in the dream.

"Submission and destruction, that person is too domineering..."

Fakasaku Sage was trembling all over, with the factor of being scared and the reason of being angry.

"Since you said that dreams represent the future, can I understand that both dreams may happen?"

"Since the existence in the second dream covets our Myoboku Mountain, why don't we vigorously promote the development of the first dream and strive to make that blond and blue-eyed boy become the savior of the ninja world..."

Fakasaku Sage proposed such an idea.

The Great Toad Sage was silent after hearing this, and it was thinking about the feasibility of this idea.

Finally, it shook its head heavily and said something terrifying that made the Immortal Fukasaku shudder:

"The reason why God is God is that it means that he is irresistible and invincible. If Myoboku Mountain can interfere with him, then he is not worthy of being the final 'God'..."

"It is possible that it is because of your current decision that the first result of the second dream is finally caused..."

The result that the Great Toad Immortal said at this moment is the doomsday result of the Myoboku Mountain Toad Clan.

"Ah! I... I am not... will I really become like that? Then what should we do!!!


Shenren Fukasaku was so frightened that he was incoherent.

One of his ideas or decisions might affect the survival of the Toad Clan of Myoboku Mountain. Now he dared not express his own opinion!

The huge psychological pressure caused him to sweat profusely. With his temperament, experience and ability, he was not enough to face that kind of situation. At this time, the only one he could rely on was the old Toad ancestor in front of him!

The Great Toad Sage has lived for more than a thousand years and has seen life and death and hardships. He must be able to lead the Toad Clan out of trouble and point out the future for the Toad Clan.

Shenren Fukasaku thought about this in his heart, but the next sentence of the Great Toad Sage directly shook his faith, making his anxiety and fear reach a peak again:

"The future can no longer be predicted..."

The Great Toad Sage smiled bitterly, but said two meanings in one sentence .

The first meaning is that the future is too uncertain, and the two dreams cannot be determined, so it dare not make a decision easily.

The second meaning is its state. Its eyes fell into absolute darkness. It even had a faint feeling that its ability to predict seemed to be "wiped out" by that person with its vision!

The two toads, one big and one small, sat in the hall in silence for a long time.

The big toad immortal reached out and touched the residual blood that had flowed out of his eyes before.

"Master, what do you want to do..." Seeing the strange behavior of the big toad immortal, Shen Zuoxian couldn't help asking.

The big toad immortal did not answer its question, but collected the residual dirty blood by himself, and then carefully painted on his belly.

Soon, as it continued to "paint", an extremely weird scarlet monster eye was successfully painted by it.

"What is this? Is it an eye??? "Shenren Fukasaku asked in surprise.

There is a strange eye in a vortex shape painted on the belly of the Great Toad Sage. Shenren Fukasaku's first impression of this eye is... weird!

The shape of the Mangekyō Sharingan is different from the eye drawn by the old toad. The pattern is for reference only!

It thinks this may be some kind of monster or some kind of evil eye.

"It is an eye... But to be precise, it should be a... Mangekyō Sharingan!"

With its powerful mental induction, it can still accurately draw the Mangekyō Sharingan in its memory even if it is blind at this moment.

"He is the original eye of 'God'. What kind of thoughts and feelings do you have in your heart when you see this eye now?" The Great Toad Sage asked softly.

"Feelings? I can only say that I feel uncomfortable... Excuse me, this Mangekyō Sharingan looks very evil at first glance. Is the owner of this eye... really a god? Are you sure it's not a demon? "

This eye, drawn with blood, is ominous at first glance. It is hard to imagine that this is the eye of the 'savior'...

Also, what does the 'Original Eye' mentioned by the Great Toad Immortal mean? Could the savior's eye have other forms?

"Your feelings are consistent with my feelings in my dream. This deep and strange eye, like a whirlpool, feels like even the spirit will be swallowed by it when looking into it..."

"He will bring terrible disasters and killings to the ninja world. As you expected, this is a purely ominous eye."

"In the future, when you see the owner of this eye, you must unconditionally support and make friends with him, and never make an enemy of him!"

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