“Shadow Multi-Snake Hand!”

Without any nonsense, the Great Serpent Maru attacked Naruto directly at the Vortex Naruto.

Only to see that the right hand of the Great Snake Maru instantly transformed into dozens of poisonous snakes, and quickly attacked towards Naruto in the vortex.

“Spiral Pill!”

Looking at the oncoming poisonous snake, Naruto Whirlpool snorted coldly.

Both hands condensed into two spiral pills, and they also did not dodge the attack.


In the face of the Spiral Pill, the venomous snake summoned by the Great Snake Pill had no room for resistance at all.

As soon as it touched, it was directly blasted away.

Seeing this scene, the Great Snake Pill frowned slightly.

Spiral pills.

Wave Feng Shui Gate’s signature ninjutsu.

Didn’t expect that

The Nine-Tailed Pillar Force was used so skillfully.


Is it really a ten-year-old?

Looking at Naruto in the vortex of the snake array, the Great Snake Maru completely put away his contempt.

The guy in front of him was enough to be his opponent.

“The Array of Ten Thousand Serpents!”

Now that he knew the strength of Naruto in the Vortex, the Great Snake Maru would no longer have any light enemy behavior.

With his hands sealed, countless poisonous snakes were continuously channeled out by the Great Snake Pill and swept towards the whirlpool Naruto.

“It’s annoying enough.”

Looking at the poisonous snake that could not be killed endlessly, Naruto Whirlpool snorted coldly.

“Big Jade Spiral Pill!”

Naruto Vortex let out a low sigh, and a huge spiral pill took shape in Naruto’s hand.

The next second, Naruto Vortex launched an attack on the psychic array summoned by the Great Snake Maru.


With a huge roar,

The Ten Thousand Serpents Luo Array was defeated by a single blow

And the countless poisonous snakes around Naruto in the vortex were also annihilated by this blow.

“This chakra, this attacking power…”

“Is this the power of the human pillar force?”

Seeing Naruto Vortex easily crack his moves, the pupils of the Great Serpent Maru shrunk.

At that age, he was far from this kind of power.

“Come on, let me see how strong you are!”

With one blow to clean up the disgusting poisonous snakes, Naruto Vortex rushed towards the Great Snake Maru and began a hand-to-hand fight.

His body was a perfect immortal body, plus a powerful spiral pill with powerful attack.

Close combat is his forte.




Both Vortex Naruto and Great Snake Maru’s speed was extremely fast, and soon the two were entangled together.

However, as soon as they fought, the Great Snake Pill felt a pang of difficulty.

This little devil,

Such a powerful force!

Every attack of the vortex Naruto was very powerful

Kakashi had been miserable about this.

This is especially true of the Great Snake Maru.

Especially now that his body has just been replaced for a long time, his physique is very poor.

If not the software retrofit has been completed.

Now the Great Snake Pill is probably defeated.


Not long after, with a loud noise, the Great Snake Maru was thrown out with a punch from Naruto Vortex.


The Great Snake Maru struggled to get up from the ground.

He never imagined that one day he would be hung up and beaten by a ten-year-old ghost.

If it weren’t for the Great Serpent Flow Stand-in Technique, he would have died just that moment.

The current Great Snake Pill did not yet have those perverted escape methods in the later stages.

“Great Snake Maru, can you listen to me now?”

Looking at the Great Snake Maru, Naruto Vortex did not take advantage of the chase.

“Well, little devil, you did surprise me.”

“However, if you want me to obey, your strength is still a little worse.”

The Great Snake Maru snorted coldly.

Although Naruto’s performance surprised him, the strength he had shown so far was only barely reaching the shadow level.

This strength wants to make him obedient.

Dream and go!

If he wasn’t weak, he wouldn’t have been defeated at the hands of such a little devil today.

Hearing the words of the Great Snake Maru, Naruto Vortex couldn’t help but shake his head.

It turned out that he was disgusted that his strength was not strong enough.

That being the case

Then just show your true strength.

Thinking of this, Naruto Vortex spoke.

“Great Snake Maru.”


“You’ll have a good idea of this trick later.”

“… What’s wrong? ”

“Because of this trick… Will be very handsome! ”

After Naruto finished speaking, he mobilized the power of the nine tails in his body, and his whole body was instantly enveloped by a powerful flame-like golden chakra.

The eyes also became the vertical pupils of the nine-tailed demon.

The powerful momentum is unreservedly vented, full of dangerous atmosphere.

Nine Lamas Mode!


Really handsome.

This was the first thought in the heart of the Great Snake Maru.


Strong terrible.

This was another thought in the heart of the Great Snake Pill after feeling the power of the Nine Lama Pattern.

He could feel it clearly

Even when he was at his peak

To the little ghost on the other side,

There is absolutely no chance of winning.

As soon as he thought about it, the Great Snake Maru’s mentality was a little unbalanced.

What a ghost!

Once upon a time, he was also a well-known genius in the ninja world

It has also experienced countless life and death battles and broken out of the name of the three ninjas of the wooden leaf.

But now,

A little ghost who had just graduated from a ninja school had the power to make him feel desperate.

Does this make sense?!

Is there still a royal law?!

“Little devil, what exactly do you want to do?”

Spitting and being stared at by Naruto in the vortex, the Great Snake Maru did not dare to act rashly at all.

The intuition he had developed over the years told him,

One carelessly

Will really die here today!

“Very well, it seems that you made a wise choice.”

Knowing that the Great Snake Maru was already willing to communicate with him well, Naruto Vortex retreated from the Nine Lamas Mode.

It’s not too far from the wooden leaves, and if you make too much movement, it is easy to be discovered.

Seeing that Naruto had returned to his normal state, the Great Snake Maru breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

The vortex Naruto in that state just now was really terrifying.

“Naruto-kun, tell me about your purpose.”

The Great Snake Maru took the lead in opening his mouth.

This time, he became much more polite.

“You’ve been planning to attack Konoha lately, haven’t you?”

Naruto the Whirlpool leaned against a tree and didn’t say his purpose directly.


“Naruto Jun said with a smile, I am a traitor, how dare I attack Konoha.”

Hearing Naruto Whirlpool’s words, the Great Snake Maru was shocked.

This matter, except for him, no second person knew.

How did Naruto know that?

“Don’t pretend, I know a lot of things, and your plan can’t hide from me.”

Seeing that the Great Snake Maru did not admit it, Naruto of the Vortex continued.

“… Naruto, you’re still the first guy to make me scared. ”

Looking at the whirlpool Naruto in front of him, a trace of fear suddenly arose in the heart of the Great Snake Maru.

Whether it’s the power of Naruto in the Vortex, or the ability of the other party to collect intelligence

It all made him feel like he was being looked at.

This feeling made the Great Snake Maru shudder.

He couldn’t figure out why a guy who had just graduated from a ninja school could have so much energy.

But there is a little big snake pill can be determined,

That is, Naruto Vortex did not have any hostility towards him.

Otherwise, with the power that Naruto Vortex shows

There’s no need to talk to him so much nonsense.

Thinking of this, the Great Snake Pill had a hint of interest in his heart.

He also really wanted to know what was going on in Naruto’s head.

As if seeing through the idea of the Great Snake Maru, Naruto Vortex spoke softly.

“Don’t guess.”

“My idea is simple.”

“We have joined forces to get rid of the cancerous tumors of the wood leaves of the ape flying sun, Shimura Tunzang, Mito menitis and Koharu.”


PS: new book, ask for flowers, evaluation votes, the better the data updates, the more the younger brother kneels here to thank the big guys!

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