Inside the Hyuga clan, in a luxurious courtyard.

Two little girls, one big and one small, are exchanging physical skills with each other.

Probably due to the age gap, older girls clearly have the upper hand in the competition.


The young girl had been struggling to persevere, with no intention of giving up.

Over time, the younger girl was a little physically weak, and the defense was flawed.

“Good opportunity.”

Seeing the flaw, the older girl had a happy face and immediately slapped it.


Just when she was about to succeed, her body suddenly stopped again.

This momentary hesitation allowed the younger girl to seize the opportunity to fight back.

Then slap the opponent to the ground.

These two girls are the biological daughters of the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hinata.

Hyuga hata and Hyuga Hanabi.

“Hinata, you’ve lost again.”

“I’m not allowed to eat tonight, so you leave me in my room and reflect on it.”

Looking at the Hyuga hata who fell to the ground, Hyuga Hinata frowned tightly.

According to the rules of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hinata will inherit the position of patriarch of the Hyuga clan in the future.


For now,

Hyuga is not a qualified ninja at all.

Her heart was too weak.

Such people

It is impossible to lead the Hyuga clan.

“Yes, Father.”

Hearing Hyuga’s reprimand, Hinata knelt on the ground with his head hanging low.

“Alas… Hanabi, let’s go. ”

Seeing the look of Hyuga hata and looking at the Hyuga Hanabi next to him, he looked at the Hyuga fireworks

Hinata sighed.

In every way, Hanabi is much better than Hatta.


I should consider the issue of letting Hanabi inherit the clan family.


After Hyuga Hinata walked away with the Hyuga fireworks, Hyuga slowly stood up.

Can’t even remember the first time she had been reprimanded by her father.

As the eldest lady of the Hyuga clan, she is naturally aware of her responsibilities.

She had also tried to make herself work hard and did not hesitate to strike in battle.


Every time it failed.

His father’s disappointment was well known to Hinata Hinata.

And that’s why

She lives every day in entanglement and guilt.

“If it were Naruto, he would have been able to solve everything perfectly, right?”

The image of Naruto Vortex suddenly appeared in his mind.

Two red halos appeared on Hyugata’s face.

Naruto-kun… It seems to be getting more and more handsome.

The ghost sent the gods, and for the first time, Hyuga disobeyed his father’s orders and sneaked out of the Hyuga clan.


“Boss, bring a big bowl of ramen.”

At the Ichiraku ramen shop, Naruto Whirlpool sat at the table by the window and shouted.

“Okay, right away.”

The hand in charge of Ichiraku Ramen answered the call and began to get busy.

Naruto the Whirlpool was a little bored looking out the window.

The technology of this world is far less developed than in previous lives, and there is not even a mobile phone, so the waiting time is always a bit long.


“Isn’t this a hatchlet?”

Just when Naruto was bored, the figure of Hyuga Hinata suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

“Hey, Hinata!”

Seeing Hyugata, Naruto the Vortex shouted.

Speaking of which

I hadn’t seen Hinata in a long time

That’s not okay

His wife must often contact feelings.

“Ahh… It’s Naruto! ”

Hearing someone shouting at him, Hinata looked up.

The next second, her heart beat violently.

He actually met Naruto.

“Hinata, come in and sit for a while.”

Under the cry of Naruto in the whirlpool, Hyuga gathered enough courage to be by Naruto’s side.

“Singing… Naruto-kun… Hello! ”

“Hinata, how can a person come out so late, there will be danger.”

Hearing Naruto’s words, Hinata couldn’t help but blush in her eyes.


How gentle.

“It’s okay, I just suddenly want to come out and walk around.”

Hearing Naruto Whirlpool’s words, Hinata whispered an answer.

She didn’t want to upset Naruto because of her own affairs.


Just then, a series of sounds sounded in Hyuga’s stomach.

“Ahh… I… I’m sorry, Naruto, I’m being rude. ”

The sudden sound of his stomach made a sound, which made Hyuga very embarrassed, and he was eager to find a seam to drill into.

“Haha, uncle, five more big portions of ramen.”

Naruto smiled, the hatchlings of a child were so cute.

And when I grew up, it was simply two painting styles.


A total of six large bowls of ramen were placed in front of the two men.

“Hinata, not enough to order, I’ll have a treat tonight.”

Naruto knew that Hyuga had a huge amount of food, so he ordered a lot.

“Too much Naruto… I can’t eat that much. ”

Looking at the five pieces of ramen noodles in front of him, Hinata waved his hand continuously.

Although she will eat one and a half full, but for ordinary people, it is still a little too much.

She was afraid of scaring Naruto.

“Alas, you are now the time to grow your body, how can you eat more?”

“Eat a lot to develop well.”

“Well, obediently, eat fast.”

Naruto Vortex let out a strange laugh and his eyes unconsciously skimmed somewhere on Hyuga’s body.

“Naruto… You… You’re so nice. ”

Naturally, Hinata didn’t hear Naruto Whirlpool’s voice, she only felt that Naruto really cared about her and would do it.

From birth to now, it was the first time that someone had been so good to her.

Soon, five bowls of ramen were eaten clean by Hyuga.

Rao had been prepared, and Naruto the Vortex still felt a little incredible.

With such a thin body, how did Hatta fit in so many things?

“Naruto, am I eating too much?”

Being watched by Naruto the Vortex, Hinata was a little embarrassed.

“Didn’t… It is a blessing to be able to eat. ”

“In the future, I must eat enough, I like girls who can eat.”

Hearing Naruto Vortex’s words, Hyuga laughed out loud.

After a period of contact, she was no longer as shy as she had just been.

“Hinata, it’s late, I’ll send you home.”

Seeing that it was not too early, Naruto Vortex prepared to send Hatta home.

Now that Hinata was still too young, he naturally wouldn’t have any crooked thoughts.

“Thank you, Naruto.”

Walking on the road, Hyuga suddenly felt a little unreal.

Today, I actually had dinner with Naruto Jun, who was thinking about the twilight.


Naruto Jun also thoughtfully sent himself home.

This made Hinata feel like she was dreaming.

Suddenly, Hinata felt his hand being held.

In an instant, Hinata seemed to be electrocuted, her legs were weak, and she almost fell to the ground.

Naruto-kun… Naruto Jun he… He actually took his hand!

After thinking about it, Hinata felt as if his body was on fire.

What should I do if I am suddenly held by the male god?

Online, etc., very urgent.


PS: new book, ask for flowers, evaluation votes, the better the data updates, the more the younger brother kneels here to thank the big guys!

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