When Lee Locke came, the crowd was almost ready to eat.


Everyone came out together.

Although he didn’t know Lee Locke,


Since dare to challenge Naruto the Vortex,

That should have a certain strength.


Everyone wants to see it, too

Originally, Naruto was a swirling Naruto who was generally present at the end of a crane at the ninja school

How powerful it is now

He was able to defeat Momochi no longer chopping such an elite Shangnin!

“Thank you very much, please be careful next.”

Arriving at a clearing, Lee Locke posed as an attacker against Naruto the Vortex.

Naruto the Whirlpool, on the other hand, stood where he was, quietly waiting for Li Luo’s attack.

If he had attacked first, then Lee Locke might not have had a chance to strike.

“It’s going to be on!”

Li Luo let out a low sigh, and then quickly rushed towards Naruto in the vortex.

Halfway through, Lee Locke’s figure suddenly disappeared into the same place.

The next second,

He appeared in front of Naruto the Vortex

One foot,

Kick at Naruto’s chin from the bottom up.

“So fast!”

“This… Didn’t see at all, how did he approach Naruto? ”

“Why hasn’t Naruto moved until now, didn’t he react?”

“It’s over, it’s going to be kicked!”

Akatsuki Li’s speed was beyond everyone’s expectations

Looking at the motionless whirlpool Naruto, everyone couldn’t help but sweat in their hearts.

“Got it!”

Looking at Naruto who had not yet moved, Akatsuki Li felt a pang in his heart.


Is it going to win?


The next second,

Naruto Vortex moved.


With a crisp sound,

Naruto’s hand had already grabbed Akatsuki Li’s ankle.

Then with a gentle flick, he threw Akatsuki Li out of the way.

“This… What just happened? ”

“I don’t know, I didn’t see Naruto’s movements at all.”

“It’s so fast, it looks like Naruto has really gotten really strong.”

No one could clearly see Naruto’s movements.

The crowd only felt that as soon as their eyes were flowered, Li Luo had already been thrown out.

“He is worthy of being hailed as a genius teenager, and he is really powerful.”

“Next, though, I won’t concede defeat so easily.”

The attack was easily blocked, and Lee Locke became more excited.

“Hey… I said, you guy is so arrogant. ”

Li Luo, who had originally planned to continue his attack, after hearing Naruto Vortex’s words

Unconsciously, he stopped.


“I didn’t…”

“If not, why not bring out your real strength?”

Naruto Vortex interrupted Lee Locke’s words.

Since it was going to be the target that Lee Locke had to catch up with all his life,

Then you can’t just simply beat him

It has to leave an indelible impression on him.

What did Naruto’s words mean? Is the other side hiding its strength? ”

“No, that guy is already very fast, didn’t he say he was just a subordinate?”

“However, through the moment of the handover, do you find that the other party is hiding strength?” Naruto’s perception is so sharp. ”

After hearing Naruto’s words, everyone whispered.

Recently became a ninja

They are performing D-level tasks every day

For ninja battles for this kind of thing,

But I’m interested.

“But, Teacher Kai said…”

“Do you think that you, who are very poorly gifted, and who do not show your full strength, are qualified to challenge me?”

Naruto the Vortex interrupted Lee Locke’s words again.

“He said he wanted to see the gap between himself and the genius, but he didn’t even dare to show his true strength.”

“A guy like you, I can’t get any interest.”

Naruto Vortex finished speaking and turned to leave.

“Please wait!”

“You’re right, this challenge today would be meaningless without putting all your strength into it.”

“I believe that Teacher Kai knows and will forgive me.”

“Because… This is youth! ”

Li Luo finished speaking, and then removed the weight tied to his legs.

With a casual throw, the weight fell on the open space next to it.


A loud bang,

Those two weights,

Two large pits were smashed on the hard ground.

“I’m going, this guy, just fighting with this kind of thing?”

“Who the hell is this?” Too perverted, right? ”

“Naruto… How handsome…”

Seeing this scene, everyone opened their mouths in shock.

However, Naruto Vortex did not move at all.

“Not enough, far from enough.”

“Such a you, still have no interest in letting me shoot.”

“You should be able to be stronger, right?”

Naruto looked at Lee Locke and said.

He knows

The other party should have been able to open the fifth door of the Eight Doors by now.

“That’s right, I’ll show all my strength and fight with you in real terms!”

Hearing Naruto Whirlpool’s words, Lee Locke clenched his fists in both hands.

The momentum of the whole person began to increase.

Immediately after,

A mighty chakra erupted from his body.

“Eight doors, the first door, open the door!”

“Eight Gates, Second Gate, Hugh Gate!”

“Eight Gates, Third Gate, Shengmen!”

After opening three doors in a row, Lee Locke paused slightly.

“Eight Doors, Fourth Gate, Wounded Gate!”

“Eight Gates, Fifth Gate, Dumen!”


After opening the fifth door, Li Luo’s momentum reached its peak.

Powerful chakra airflow,

He even blew his hair upside down.

From a distance,

Now Lee Locke,

It’s like a beast that has just woken up.

And this momentum also completely made the onlookers fall into shock.

“This… This momentum is so terrifying! ”

“Such a powerful force, so far away is still frightening.”

“What kind of freak is this guy?”

Feeling Li Luo’s powerful aura, Naruto Vortex nodded darkly in his heart.

Now Lee Locke,

Among his peers, there should be no one who is his opponent.

“I can’t control this power very well yet, please be careful!”

“Saying that, it seems that you really don’t understand the gap between us.”

Naruto’s tone was full of confidence.

Eight Gate Hidden Armor Although perverted,


How much power can be exerted in the end

It still depends on personal strength.

Seeing the appearance of Naruto in the vortex, Li Luo did not say much more, and his figure flashed and disappeared from the same place.




But in an instant, Lee Locke and Naruto of the Vortex were entangled.

“It’s so fast, I can’t catch that guy at all.”

“Such a fast speed, if it were me, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to catch even one move, right?”

“If you look closely, Naruto has stayed where he is from the beginning to the present, without even moving!”

“Is this really a showdown between Shimoto?” Why do I suddenly feel like a waste? ”

Li Luo’s speed was already amazing enough, but Naruto’s performance was even more surprising.

This guy,

Under such a crazy attack,

It still doesn’t change color


It’s also much worse than the impression of Naruto, right?

They thought Naruto would be strong

But he never expected that Naruto would be so strong!


PS: The data has not moved for a long time, the little author is a little flustered, the big guys give some flowers, evaluation votes, the little brother kneels to thank you.

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