Chapter 119 AkatsukiOrganizes a New Squad, A Fei Mian Ma Squad!!


Dead silence!

Everyone present held their breath unconsciously.

Looking at the regenerative nuclei on the ground,

Everyone’s eyes widened, and their minds went blank.

Just… What happened?

When was the guy’s knife pulled out, and when was it sheathed?

Didn’t see it at all.

This terrifying speed,

Coupled with the destructive power of this horror, in the end… What’s going on?

What about that regeneration nucleus on the ground? Don’t

This is the body of the Red Sand Scorpion? he

Actually transformed himself into a puppet?

“This… How do I feel that the art of this trick is more wonderful than my bomb? ”

Deidala touched the clay in the ninja bag, and for the first time felt a little unconfident in his heart.

“Such a terrible power, such a guy, if he can believe in the evil god lord, he will be able to catch a lot of sacrifices.”

Looking at the knife in Naruto’s hand, Fei Duan’s heart was cold.

Even if he is immortal,

In the face of such a perversion, I am afraid that I can only be unloaded eight pieces, right?

“Hmm… Storm Sword Hao, why has never collected intelligence on this guy? ”

Staring desperately at Naruto’s face.

Such a strong man,

Why had I never heard of it before in the ninja world? It’s like coming out of nowhere.

“What… I thought one trick could solve it. ”

Naruto ignored the shocked eyes of the crowd and took a few steps forward.

Reached out and picked up the regeneration core on the ground.

“However, as long as this is destroyed, this battle should be considered to be my victory, and Naruto Uzumaki said, and then drew his knife and pretended to want to regenerate the Red Sand Scorpion.”

The nuclear is destroyed.

“Wait a minute!”

“Face hemp!”

Seeing this, Payne opened his mouth to stop it.

This is also his first time,

There was something different in the voice.


“Give him a chance, we need people now.”

Payne pondered and spoke.

The goal of the Akatsukiorganization is to collect tailed beasts, and if there are too few people, it will affect the plan.


Hearing Payne’s words, Naruto Vortex casually threw the scorpion’s regeneration core to the ground and then,

The regeneration core rolled itself into the golem, which had been split in two.

Although the puppet has almost been destroyed,

However, as long as there is a regenerative nucleus,

It can still be barely controlled.

“Now, do you have anything else to say?”

Ignoring the Red Sand Scorpion on the ground, Naruto Uzumaki set his sights on the others present.

Arrogant! Extreme arrogance! But

But no one was dissatisfied.


Naruto Uzumaki’s blow had proven that he,

With such arrogance.

Even Ah Fei, who had been very jumpy, became silent at this time.

The power that Naruto Uzumaki displayed was truly terrifying.

The Red Sand Scorpion, as a true shadow-level strongman, was unexpectedly……… Just killed by the second?

“Face hemp, after you and Ah Fei are in a group.”

Konan walked over to Naruto Uzumaki and handed him a bottle of nail polish and a ring.

“Your code name for the organization in the future is Suzaku.”

“This ring is for organizations to communicate with each other.”

“This is the clothes of the AkatsukiOrganization.”

Taking the clothes from Konan’s hand, Naruto Uzumaki put on the robe of the AkatsukiOrganization.

In his previous life, Naruto had fantasized countless times about joining the AkatsukiOrganization and wearing the AkatsukiOrganization’s robe.


Today it really happened.


“I just didn’t show real strength, you compete with me again!”

Through the time just now, the Red Sand Scorpion had simply repaired its puppet.

Although not yet able to fight.


Basic walking and talking is no longer a problem.

He’s very reluctant now,


He was actually defeated by one move.

He also exposed his biggest secret.


Intelligence is always the most important thing.

Once the ninja’s hole cards are all exposed, it means that he is not far from death.

Therefore, this made the scorpion’s heart very depressed.


Just now I am not so arrogant,

Instead, summon three generations of wind shadow puppets and attack with all their might, then it will not be him who fails this time!

“I’ll give you a hard time.”

Naruto snorted coldly with a disdainful look on his face.

This made the scorpion even more angry.

He swore that

In the future, we must defeat this arrogant guy in front of us! At this moment,

Ah Fei walked up.

“Hmm… I am Ah Fei, and we will be teammates in the future. ”

“I joined the AkatsukiOrganization earlier than you, so you will call me Ah Fei’s predecessor in the future.”

“Roar… I didn’t expect to be able to become a senior, hahahahaha. ”

Being able to be a companion with a strong person like Naruto Uzumaki, Ah Fei said that he felt very secure.

“By the way, we will be teammates in the future, what interests and hobbies do you usually have to tell me?”

Ah Fei said to Naruto in a tone that looked like an ancestor.


How to see,

They are all quirky guys who like to be funny.

Looking at Ah Fei, who was performing hard, Naruto Uzumaki had a smile on his face.


“Drink, sleep, help grandma cross the street.”

“As long as it’s helpful, I like it.”


Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Ah Fei was half stunned.

This hobby…

How does it sound so familiar? Wait a minute

Isn’t that his former hobby?! But

Before he could think about it, Payne spoke.

“Ah Fei, Mian Ma, this time your mission is to go to Konoha to collect intelligence.”

“Find out why the dried persimmon and Uchiha mutilated at the same time.”

“In addition, Ah Fei, you are responsible for telling Mian Ma about some of the basic information of the organization.”

When Payne finished speaking, he turned and left.

The rest of the people,

They all scattered.


There are also their own tasks to do.

“Face numbness, so what should we do next?”

After everyone had dispersed, Ah Fei looked at Naruto Uzumaki and asked.

“I don’t know.”

“Just find a place to go to a bar.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking and walked away on his own.

He joined the Akatsukiorganization,

One is for system tasks.

The second is to sabotage the plans of the Akatsukiorganization. It’s okay to let him mix.

Exert oneself? Dream and go!

Naruto Uzumaki was gone. Leaving Ah Fei stunned in place.


How could this man be more unreliable than he was?

The leader had just said that he would let their squad inquire about the intelligence of Uchiha and the dried persimmon ghost fish.

As a result, this face was so good that he went straight to drink.

When he thought of this, Ah Fei had some headaches.

So who in their squad is going to do the task? Can’t let him go, right?

That’s not in line with his design!… Again.

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