Chapter 121 Grasp the crotch and seize the future!!

Feeling Uchiha’s killing intent flash through the earth, Naruto Uzumaki sneered in his heart.

Can’t hold your breath?

Uchiha Obito, who sees everyone as a pawn, is that it?

Of course

Naruto remained silent on the surface.

He also needs to complete the plan for the collection of tailed beasts through the AkatsukiOrganization.

Except for the tasks of the system.

Collecting tailed beasts through the AkatsukiOrganization will neither become an enemy of the entire ninja world.


It can also weaken the strength of each ninja village in the process of collecting tailed beasts. Solve all the strong people of the old school and support their own supporters to come to power.

In this case,

Coupled with his strength after becoming a ten-tailed human pillar force.

Control the entire ninja world in his hands,

Nor is it impossible.

Complete the great unification of the ninja world,

That is Naruto’s current ultimate goal.

“Face numbness, so what should we do next?”

Uchiha stabilized his emotions with the soil, and his tone returned to his usual comic look.

“Hmm… You are responsible for infiltrating Konoha to find out the information, and I will pick you up. ”

Naruto thought for a moment and said to Uchiha with the soil.

“You don’t want to give me the task to complete and then take the opportunity to enjoy it yourself in Konoha, do you?”

Uchiha asked rhetorically.

After so many days of getting along, Uchiha had already had a certain understanding of Naruto’s personality.

This guy,

Definitely wanted to leave the task to him alone.

What is responsible for the reception,

Does he need it?

“Your ability is very suitable for spying on intelligence.”

“After the blur, you should be able to enter a lot of heavily defended places, right?”

“Moreover, my personality allows me to break it off, and it is not suitable for me to inquire into such things.”


This guy just wants to be lazy!

The skin is so thick, how long is it? Uchiha Obito soil has been determined.

Naruto Uzumaki is a complete master who can’t do anything.

Right now

Uchiha took the soil a little regretful.

Why did he choose to team up with Naruto Uzumaki in the first place? This is good to fall down,

Not only do you have to do everything yourself.


His abilities were also exposed.

When I think about it,

Uchiha felt a little like crying without tears.

“Okay, don’t come to me.”

Naruto finished speaking and walked towards Konoha.

Uchiha Obito soil,

It was the power of the gods and silently disappeared in the same place.

“Alas… Finally finished. ”

“Naruto, that bastard, I shouldn’t have promised him to be this Naruto in the first place.”

After finishing the documents on the table, Tsunade stretched out a lazy waist

The buttons on the chest were instantly broken open.

“Every time it breaks down, it gets boring.”

Tsunade said a depressed word.

She hadn’t been to the casino for a long time since she became Naruto.

Every day I wake up and start to deal with various things in the village.

I’m going to be bored.

She couldn’t understand how to do it, just like this work,

Why did Ape Hinata and Shimura Tunzang have to be Naruto when they first snatched their heads.

“Blame Naruto for that guy, when he comes back, I’ll make sure to clean him up!”

Tsunade clenched his fists and attributed the cause of all this to Naruto Uzumaki’s head.

“Is it?”

“I’d like to see how you’re going to clean me up.”


There was the laughter of Naruto Uzumaki. Tsunade was shocked.

Looking back,

Just saw Naruto’s face with a bad smile.

“You… When did you get back? ”

Seeing Naruto in the whirlpool, Tsunade instantly became insufficient. Don’t look at her in the eyes of others, she is a violent woman.


In the face of Naruto Uzumaki,

Tsunade is like a little sheep. That’s the nature of women.

No matter what kind of personality,

Once conquered, they become docile lambs in front of men.

“From the time your buttons are broken.”

Following Naruto’s squinting eyes, Tsunade realized what was strange in his body.

Quickly stretched out his hands and hugged them in front of him.

Then, he was taken into Naruto by the vortex.

“Don’t… This is the Naruto Office. ”

“Don’t think about anything else, you just have to grasp the crotch and grasp the future.”

After Naruto finished speaking, he casually arranged a boundary.


Anything that happens inside the Junction will not be known…….

“You mean that this time it was a guy named Ah Fei who sneaked into Konoha with you?”

“That’s right, this is his intelligence, and you will tell the others.”

After doing his business, Naruto Uzumaki told Tsunade all the information about Uchiha’s Obito.

Only by knowing oneself and knowing the other can we win every battle.

After knowing Uchiha’s ability to bring soil,

Uchiha’s Obito soil is actually not so difficult to deal with.

“I’ll send someone to fix him.”

Hearing Tsunade’s words, Naruto Uzumaki nodded.

Although Uchiha Obito soil is not so easy to solve.


It’s okay to let him suffer a little.

“Then I’m gone.”

Naruto Uzumaki finished speaking, and then he launched the Flying Thunder God and left.

He couldn’t be here for long.

In case it is detected by Uchiha with the soil, it will be trouble…….

“Turns out, has the ferret been undercover all along?”

In a remote alley in Konoha, Uchiha raised his hand to kill the ninja in front of him who was still immersed in magic.

Through the investigation just now, he has figured out the reason for Uchiha’s mutiny.

Uchiha Mustela never betrayed Konoha he,

It has always been a pawn planted by Konoha into the AkatsukiOrganization.

This thing,

At the time of the Naka ninja exam, it was already public.


Almost all of Konoba’s ninjas know why.


Uchiha easily investigated the truth of the matter.

“In this way, the dried persimmon ghost fish should have hit another god.”

For the dried persimmon ghost fish, Uchiha is still very trusting.

Being able to make such a ninja betray himself,

I’m afraid that Uchiha Mustelas used Uchiha’s pupil technique of stopping water, and other gods modified the will of the ghost fish.

Uchiha takes the soil to know that Uchiha and Uchiha Shizumi are best friends.

And Uchiha’s body has never been found.


It’s easy to guess,

Uchiha’s water-stopping eyes, in the hands of Uchiha Ferret.

After thinking about it,

Uchiha took the soil and prepared to leave.

At this moment,

Kimu Kakashi appeared in front of him with Matkay and the others.


Looking at Kiki Kakashi, Uchiha brought the five tastes of the earth in his heart.

If there is anyone in this ninja world who can make his dead heart fluctuate again,

It could only be Kiki Kakashi.

Looking at Matkashi beside Kiki Kakashi, Uchiha was suddenly a little uncomfortable in his heart.

If Lynn hadn’t died,

Standing next to Kakashi now, it should be him, right?

“Who are you?”

“What is the purpose of infiltrating the wooden leaves?”

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Kiki Kakashi asked in a deep voice.

“Dead people, you don’t have to know so much.”

Uchiha snorted coldly.

I don’t know why,

An inexplicable anger rose in his heart now.

Can’t wait to teach these guys a good lesson!

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