Chapter 123 Izanagi launches, a contest between the two Shadow Emperors!!

Looking at Naruto’s back, Uchiha was so angry that he almost fainted on the Madara.

Naruto Uzumaki,

He even ran away without looking back! Don’t be such a!

We are teammates!

Even if you feel in danger, you don’t want to shoot.

But at least hesitate for a moment!

So I can still have some psychological comfort! This bastard!

Originally, Uchiha thought that

The moment he saw Naruto Uzumaki,

This time it should be possible to successfully get out of danger.

With the strength of the other party,

As long as you can resist the ninja of Konoha for a moment,

He was able to unleash his divine power smoothly and escape into the alien space.


What Uchiha didn’t expect was that Naruto Uzumaki didn’t even turn his head back and run away! And

Before running, I hadn’t forgotten to eat the three-colored pills in my hand.

This is special,

Directly to Uchiha with soil to break the defense.


I was desperately trying to find out the intelligence in Konoha, but you were eating delicious food in Konoha and hooking up with beautiful women! Pit Daddy!

Uchiha Obito now has the heart to kill Kakuto.

He just wanted to ask Kakuto,

Where did you find this strange thing!

Just as Uchiha was complaining inwardly, the people of Konohaalso launched an attack again.

This time

Uchiha, who had lost his fighting spirit, did not choose to continue to resist.

The last bit of chakra,

He was going to keep launching Izanagi.

“Today’s vendetta, I remember.”

Before dying, Uchiha did not forget to put down a harsh word.

And then

It was pierced through the heart by Kiki Kakashi with a Rachel.


Just when everyone wanted to take off the mask from Uchiha’s corpse, Uchiha’s corpse disappeared.

“I really didn’t expect this guy to be so difficult.”

“So many of us shot and let him run away.”

“No, punish yourself today for running a hundred laps around the leaves, and if you can’t finish it, walk around the leaves upside down for ten laps!”

After Matekai finished speaking, he began his own cultivation path.

Through this battle, Matkai feels that his current strength is still too weak to better protect the village in front of such a dangerous guy as the masked man.

You have to make yourself stronger! And the rest of the people,

And they all scattered,

They also have to report today’s events to the program.

Only Kiki Kakashi looked thoughtfully at the place where Uchiha had disappeared.


He was pretty sure that his Rachel had penetrated the masked man’s heart.

The masked man has indeed lost all his life features.

However, in this case,

The masked man still disappeared silently.

This scenario,

It made Kiki Kakashi think of a forbidden art that he had inadvertently known before.

Ninjutsu that can reverse reality and dreams,


“Who the hell are you?”

“Is it really Uchiha Madara?”

“But according to the records, Uchiha Madara probably doesn’t have such an ability.”

Kiki Kakashi thought about it for half a day, and did not think of the identity of the other party.


It can only be sad to leave…….

In a dense forest a hundred miles away from Konoha Village, the whirlpool Naruto started a fire.


In front of Naruto the whirlpool, space distorted for a while.

Followed by

Uchiha’s figure appeared in front of Naruto Uzumaki.

“You’d better give me an explanation.”

Under the extreme anger, Uchiha had no heart to continue pretending.

This time

Not only did he fail to pretend to be successful in front of Kimu Kakashi and others.


He also launched Izanagi at the cost of losing a writing wheel eye.

This made Uchiha feel very distressed.

You know,

Since the Uchiha clan was exterminated, the writing wheel eye has been one less.

Even if it’s him,

There are not many surviving anymore.

“Uh… Ah Fei, it’s great that you’re still alive! ”

“Seeing that you are besieged by so many ninjas of Konoha you don’t know how worried I am for you!”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Uchiha twitched with the corners of his mouth hidden under the mask.

Worried about me? And then what?

See me under siege and the head does not return to escape?

Leisurely roasting suckling pig here in the case of my life and death unknown? Say something like this,

Doesn’t your conscience hurt? And also

I beg you,

Acting like a little bit well!

From your expression, where is the look of worry for me?

Uchiha swore that he had really never seen a guy with such a thick skin.

“Why did you leave me and run away?”

“Also, what did you do after you separated from me?”

Uchiha asked coldly.

After being resurrected through Izanagi, the more he thought about it, the more wrong he became. The behavior of the Konoha ninjas who besieged him today was all too weird.

Put it before,

Even if the number of people who besieged him was doubled, it would have no effect on him.


Today he was actually killed alive in battle.

Without the ninjutsu of Izanagi

He was already a corpse.

Thinking that before Naruto entered Konoha and analyzed almost all of his abilities.

Uchiha took the earth to Naruto and had already begun to suspect Naruto.

Uchiha took the earth and decided in his heart,

If Naruto Uzumaki can’t give him a reasonable explanation, then he may have to do something with Naruto Uzumaki.

“Hey, so many ninjas, you want me to die?”

“Besides, with your ability, there should be no problem in trying to escape, right?”

“Also, after I separated from you, I will inquire about information in Konoha, and you won’t suspect me, will you?”

“You forgot my power?”

Hearing Uchiha’s words with the soil, Naruto Uzumaki showed a look of anger and then,

He viciously ripped off the leg of a roasted suckling pig and took a big bite.

Uzumaki Naruto’s words, Uchiha was stunned.

That’s right

Naruto had no reason to betray himself.

Although the specific identity of Naruto Uzumaki is not known.

But there is no doubt about it.

He is a ninja on the other side of Unyin Village!

Even if he had sent a message to Konoha, Konoha would not have believed him in such a short period of time.

He also developed such tactics against himself.


After Naruto Uzumaki performed the Thunder Chakra Mode in the Land of Rain, everyone subconsciously identified,

Naruto Uzumaki must be a ninja from Ungakura Village.


A combination of knife skills and ninjutsu used by Naruto Uzumaki.

It is also in line with the situation that the ninjas of Yunyin Village are accustomed to practicing ninjutsu.


Look at Naruto’s expression,

This emotion after being suspected should not be able to pretend.


Today’s events are really just a coincidence.

After some inquiry,

Uchiha Obito has completely dispelled his suspicions about Naruto Uzumaki.

After all

The spy of the wooden leaf,

It is absolutely impossible to steal the Thunder Chakra Mode of Yunyin Village!

“Ahh… I’m sorry, I blame you. ”

“Wow, it’s so fragrant, your craftsmanship is really good, give me a little to eat.”

After feeling that Naruto Uzumaki was right, Uchiha returned to his comical form.

“Go away, don’t give you food.”

Naruto Uzumaki opened Uchiha’s hand with disgust.

“How is intelligence gathering this time?”

“Is the task accomplished?”

Hearing Naruto Uzumaki’s words, Uchiha nodded carelessly.

“Done, done.”

“Give me some to eat first.”

After saying that, he reached out and grabbed the food with Naruto Uzumbo.

“Hey, you guy, eat less, I’m not enough.”

“Don’t say that, I’m a senior.”

“What happened to the seniors? Didn’t you still doubt me just now? ”

“That’s just a casual question, don’t be so stingy, and this time the task is because I can do it so perfectly.”

“Hey, you guy takes off his mask while he eats.”

“That’s not okay, my handsome face is going to cause a sensation when someone sees it.”

“Less smelly and beautiful, I see you look ugly and wear a mask all day, right?” You are like this, there are definitely no girls like it. ”

“You, there was a girl who liked what I liked.”

In this way, under the performance of the two major movie emperors,

Although Naruto Uzumaki and Uchiha Obito Earth each have their own minds.


On the surface, it is completely happy.

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